
May 21, 2007

Hi' ya all,
I am 180 today and stuck, I am hoping this stall ends here in a few weeks. I have these last 20 #'s to go and it doesnt want to shake off. I am still faithfully exercising. I have been sick a few days, my allergies are getting the best of my stamina now. I am still in a 16 hoping for a 14 really soon. I bought one pair of size 14. I have a size 15 that fits but is snug. I dont want to go to far below the 150's due to the fact i dont want to start to look unhealthy. I am very pleased with the work that I have done and the weight that has come off. I have lost the equivalence to a small child. A whole individual. Just imagine that. My 6 year old doesnt weigh 62 pounds. I did find out that I have shrunk from my car accident. I am 5'3 now where i used to be 5'5 1/2. and that puts my bmi higher which sucks. But hey i can deal with that. One day at a time. I will reach my goal. I have faith and trust in the Lord that he did not bring me this far to let me down now. Persurverance and hard work that 's what i have to maintain. Well all hope that your life is doing as well and to all the wonderful OH people. WE can do this. God Bless and Continued Blessings. Just

Weight Chart


Apr 16, 2007

Hi All,  just wanted to check into update some. I am officially wearing a size 16 and XL shirts and some 1x's because i like my shirts a little loose and not so tight, comes from years of not wanting to show the handles in the back. I am weighing in at 185 and my goal now is 160 by 27 of Aug. that will be 10 months post op.  and when i see my surgeon again. I am eating well and doing and feeling great. No problems with anything. I am actively exercising and loosing inches like crazy. I am loving life and me about now. I will try and get some newer photos in later this week. Hope all is doing good. Love and Peace....Kimmee


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Mar 19, 2007

Hey everybody just wanted to check into update some. I was so very suprised that I can actually fit into an XL- 1X shirt and i am wearing 16/18 in jeans. My goal is 160 for now and if i go lower than that then God Bless. I am doing very well with my exercising and i do enjoy it on the days i am not so tired. I am currently @ 190 today.  I do work a full time all day on your feet job so along with the excercise it helps to keep moving.  Well that is all for now. Continued Blessings and Success. Love Kim.......................



Mar 02, 2007

I am officially 4 months post-op. I am down now to 198. I did make my goal. All my labs looked good per my surgeon. I am doing well, no health problems, have no problems with food or eating. I am continuing to exercise regularly and have an abundance of energy most days. I just wanted to check in. Here's some new photos. Continued blessings & much Success. Kim
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Feb 15, 2007

Wanted to say Happy Valentines's Day. i am actually a day late but i still made it. This is what i got from my husband on Valentine's Day, and yep the hershey's it is real. I will take it to my job and give my kids half. But my husband thought it was so diffrent. i have never seen a piece of chocolate so big. Hope all is doing well. I am still hovering  200 -202. Made my goal but seem to gain up and down but i do exercise alot. Take Care and Love..Kimmee

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Jan 28, 2007

Hey everybody just wanted to check into update some. I was so very suprised that I can actually fit into an XL. It is tight but i can get into it i was so amazed that it came over my hips. This time last year i wouldnt even been able to get one leg in an XL. I bought me 2 new outfits, which were size 18, just so i would have something to wear nice out and i bought 2 new windsuits, which is what i usually wear on the weekends just to go shopping etc. in. I am down to 204 now lost 2 pounds but have been gaining them back and forth. I am struggling with this but it a long haul and i am in for the ride at times.  i borrowed  a size 16 beautiful black dress( from my sis) for a black tie ball that i have to attend with my husband in April. Keep your fingers crossed that i can get into or it's not too big. My health is good no complaints at this post and i am eating and getting in my vits etc. with no problems. Hope all is continuing to do well and with that sweet note i will end with God Bless and Love. Kim



Jan 23, 2007

Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, It has been awhile since ive posted. I have been having problems with my nuvaring. Looks like I will be going  back to the pill. I just got off the treadmill and I am really worked out. I am working out about 5-6 days a week now and I am down to 206. I still am aiming for my goal of 200 or below by my visit to my surgeon. Hope all is doing well and no problems. Take Care Peace, & Love.....Kimmee


Jan 05, 2007

We have officially made it to a new year. Out with the old and in with the new. The scale has started to move. I am now....213 last weigh in 217. I will continue to work out and see if I reach my goal of 200 by my next vist to see my surgeon which is in Feb. I may even make it early, that would be a blessing. Keep the Faith and Listen to your heart, Love Always, Kim


Dec 31, 2006

I have been having a down and out past month with my loss. I have everything to be thankful for yet i feel as though 25lbs. should be going to be some higher numbers. I have gotten tired worrying and wondering so I will continue to work out and i am concentrating on toning up my arms. I am blessed to have come this far with no complications or illness. God will do the rest. I know Patience ( as i have said before not a virtue of mine) So with that said, Have a blessed and safe New Year 2007. For now...Kimmee


Dec 29, 2006

Week 4 soon to be week 5 of no weight loss. I am very frustrated but I try and not post too much concerning this issue because i do not want to put my burden of stress off on anyone else. 217 is where i am to be, can't seem to move. I do what i am to be doing. Not overeating. I do eat. I don't want to survive off of liquids, so i do eat. I eat high protein food do my vits and 2-3 protein drinks a day. I even get my exercise on 4-5 times week. I did all of this rearranging of my system for what? I am angry. I did this to myself. I struggle with not being able to eat. I eat so little and running off of limited energy. What can i do? Just wait I guess. Patience is not a virtue and at this time i don't know if its worth it. I can't change my anotomy back so what? Sorry to be negative but this is not the way it is or was suppossed to be. Continued Blessings and Success to those that the tool is working for. I am the % that the tool did not work for. Love....Kimmee

About Me
Phoenix, AZ
Surgery Date
Sep 15, 2006
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