My journey...

8/8/06 I am finally approved and I have a date 8/17/06!!! YEAH! Now I am on a liquid NO NO NO FOOD!!!! STARVE ME diet!!!!!

8/10/06 I AM SO HUNGRY this "no eating rule" is killing me!!!!!

So, inches are as follows : 



8/14/06 Well weekend is now over, yah I cheated! just a little bit though...but none the less cheating is cheating! I am nervous, two more days, not even, but I am truckin' it and I will be fine! I have now lost 6 lbs.

8/15/06 One more day, and YAH I AM DYING! I feel miserable! It is raining out, my arthritis is killing me, I'M HUNGRY, I just want to sit here and cry w/ a Big Mac and Super Size Fries...oh and Coke too!! My angel is helping me get through this, but whoa it is tough!! Not too keen on these protein shakes, but I did notice that I didn't have one for a few days and I felt dizzy and weak...I just "chugged" one and now I feel much better! Got some really good advice from Cheryl! Thanks boo!

8/31/06 Well I am 2 weeks Post - Op!!YEAH!! That was definitly a hard road to take LET ME JUST TELL YA! But it's getting easier! Honestly I am not sure I would have done it if I knew how hard it really was. I had COMPLICATIONS of course - in the middle of the procedure my MD decided to take a liver biopsy. Come to find out it is really nothing, he called it "a non-alcholic liver disease." Still scary as he** though...So now I have to f/u with a liver specialist and blah blah blah! While healing I had gotten a kidney infection. My hospital stay was to say the least LIKE LIVING IN HELL FOR 3 DAYS!!!! B/C of my complications I had a hard time breathing and was in a bit more pain from the biopsy so I stayed an extra night. It was horrible, by Friday AM I was definitly ready to GET OUTTA HERE! But all in all, I knew this wasn't going to be easy, I need to just remember that! This is a process...I have lost a couple inches and a 11 lbs. I did loose 16 but gained 5 back. : ( I go for my first fill in 4 weeks. The best thing is when someone notices. My co-worker/angel saw me yesterday for the first time in about a week or so and said she notices a definite change ALREADY!! Yah I was geeked! Ok, so I am just going to continue on this journey and pray that one day soon I can 
sleep on my right side again...

1/17/06 So, things are am very stubborn and I am not sure I made the right decision.  Time will tell.  I am down 17lbs, and inches are slowly falling off.  I am pleased just feel down in the dumps these days.  I recently read on this website about a new site (new to me)  I love it!  Been on every day this weekand I am feeling a little bit more motivated, not much but a little.  I cut all my hair off, it was down to the middle of my back, now above my I think.  Well, I had a fill on thursday (almost a week ago) and I am TOO FULL can't eat anything, barely not even water, as the days go on, it's getting easier, but it is hard.  ( I am a complainer, DUH like you can't tell) so, let me stop complaining, I am alive and my girls are WONDERFUL!!! I have a GPA of 3.45 (Nursing School) so there is a lot to be proud of...he he he I'm just being a brat!  So, holla at me if you want to chit chat....MUAH

Inches are as follows :
Breast (over bra)...50.5"
Breast (under bra)...46"



I am down more weight, 283 now, slow but sure...I am still struggling with what to eat and not to eat, I hate this still, but I am down from size 28 to 24 and I love it!! My girl is now (yes right at this minute) in an OPEN GASTRIC BIPASS surgery and I am so scared...I can't hardly wait for her to come out and go into recovery, just so I know she's ok.  I am so excited too b/c now I will have someone really close to me experiencing the same thing, I think this road will be easier for me...I am struggling still so bad...THICK HEADED!!

About Me
Manchester, CT
Surgery Date
Aug 10, 2006
Member Since

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My journey...
