
Apr 25, 2008

In 2 days it'll be 2 months since I had my Gastric Bypass surgery. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and as of 4/24/08 I have lost a total of 62 pounds. Thats like a pound a day. 31 pounds a month. I still can't believe I had it. Just wow.


Mar 13, 2008

So I had my 2 weeks out doctor's appointment and I lost 25 pounds. I'm excited, but I still miss food. :( I guess I can't have my cake and eat it too, in this case anyway.


Mar 01, 2008

I'm alive and I'm home. I was discharged yesterday at about 4:30 PM. It was a rather unexpected few days. I figured I would write about it now before its all smiles and good things to be told. I went into the hospital on Wednesday morning at about 8:00. From patient registration, they had me go to the surgery waiting room, I was called down into the room to be set up. After all that my parents where supposed to be called in and the bitch never called them. I was hauled off to the OR and I never got to see my parents. They sedated me so I don't remember much after that but I do remember the first thing I said and did when I woke up. I said "I want my mommy". One of the nurses couldn't believe I said it and she asked me what I said again. The second thing I said was "Ow." The pain I had was unimaginable. I think they stabbed me in the leg with something for pain, but I may have been dreaming and that hurt like a bitch too. The only other thing that was stupid was the oxygen mask. It made me all sweaty and the woman ripped it off my face. :( The beds in the hospital were uncomfortable, so wasn't the walking but it had to be done. The pain gradually gets better, but in my experience, it IS VERY PAINFUL for the first few days. I'm still slowly moving around. I have more to post about my experience later but for now, I'll leave you with this. When I got out of surgery I thought doing it was a mistake, but if you ask me a week from now, I'll most likely tell you differently.

Tomorrow is the day...

Feb 26, 2008

So its the night before my surgery, and I've heard good luck from like a million people. Its nice to hear though. 

I'm not too nervous, but nervous enough. I can't wait to get through it, wake up and see everyone I care about. I got a lot to do before I go to bed, not that I'll get much sleep. 

Wish me luck.

A new LIFE...

Jan 19, 2008

My new life starts:
February 27, 2008

About Me
Springfield, MA
Mar 27, 2006
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Tomorrow is the day...
A new LIFE...
