Reading Posts, Blogs and Profiles

Apr 05, 2008

April 5, 2008 I have read so much info this time around and way back when I got my VBG. There is alot more people now to hear or read about. I wish I hadn't stopped using OH the first time around, I am finding I need the support. The website is so much better now, I am really enjoying this so much now. Now if I could enjoy my tool as everyone says, maybe if I could get the RNY I will have a better tool. Another thing I noticed there are people with recipes now and I don't remember that before and there are alot of message boards, so many to post and read, with issues that everyone wants or needs to know.

2ND CT Scan

Mar 21, 2008

March 21, 2008 Just had a second CT scan, think they are looking at my kidneys and possibly my liver. Hope my doctor will call me today to tell me what is going on.
March 25th Found out I have a tumor in my kidneys and not sure if benign, going to see my doctor on April 2nd to discuss what to do next.
April 2nd Haven't had any problems show up in my lab work, so watching for any symptoms, I guess it is basically like an abnormality right now, so nothing to worry about.


Mar 17, 2008

March 17, 2008 Went in this morning to get this done and it was not very comfortable, pushing into my abdomen, I guess I am still very tender in this area. Also told there maybe something wrong with my kidneys. Have to get Triple phase CT scan on friday.

Plantar Fasciitis

Mar 10, 2008

March 10, 2008 I have dealt with this for a very long time, before my VBG surgery. I also have a very large heel spur. It is very hard to walk on and is very painful. I only get occasional relief. (March 28, 2008) I am getting surgery to hopefully fix this.
March 29th Went into surgery yesterday about 9:30am and came home about 12:30. Felt pretty good, they took really good care of me at the KMC hospital. Came home with a walker and big shoe and foot wrapped up. Not too much pain except to get up and go potty. Keeping it up to get good recovery. Go see my doc on MON the 31st.
March 31st Went to see Dr. and he peeled off my bandages and put on new ones and said there isn't any infection and to keep it dry and keep it up. Went to work to tell them have to be off for 2 weeks and they of course don't understand what I am going through. They want me to work.
April 2nd Work called and they want a note faxed over right away from my Dr. They will get it tommorow. I just don't understand what their problem is with this. I go see Dr. Averett on April 11th.
April 11th 2nd Followup and I got my stitches out and bought new shoes and orthotics, foot feels pretty good, just alittle achy.
April 14th Back to work, not easy with new shoes, did ok.
May 2nd Went for 3rd followup and foot feels alot better, still achy after work, on my feet too much. Been walking in the park, getting used to new shoes. I have an itchy spot around incision area. Have to put a cream on it.


Mar 04, 2008

March 4, 2008 Well all I got was a consult.  He asked me alot of questions and was very surprised I have never had a EGD or liver and pancreatic tests. So I did get bloodwork done for those tests. And also never given any meds for acid reflux. Told him I never had acid reflux before WLS. He has prescribed Protonix for me. I told him that I thought maybe I have either a blockage of stricture, because I can't keep anything down and I have tried and it won't go through. He said it could possibly be an ulcer, so we shall see. The EGD is scheduled for next Tuesday March 11, 2008. So another week of liquid and some soft food. 
Apparently my insurance will not pay for protonix, so waiting to see what else will be prescribed.
March 7,  2008 I am prescribed Prilosec. 
March 11,2008 Had my EGD this morning and had Gastric Bezoar in Gastric Pouch above Gastric Banding, which he removed. Now I am to take my Prilosec and Reglan, have a low fiber diet, avoid fibrous foods. And I have to get an ultrasound and then followup with Gastro Doc on 4-8-08.

Losing Weight

Mar 01, 2008

 Feb. 16th to Feb. 29th. 2008 I am down 10 pounds in 2 weeks, but would really like to eat and not be stuck on an all liquid diet.  262-252pounds
Feb.29th to Mar.10th no weight loss, still no solid food. I believe I am one of those women who do not lose weight the week before my period.
March 11th down to 248. That is 14 pounds lost.
March 17th back to 252 pounds.
March 24th 251 pounds.
March 28th 251 pounds.


Feb 28, 2008

I don't really know a whole lot about it, but I think it is something I have developed after my VBG weight loss surgery 4 years 5 months ago. Don't recall having it before the surgery. Now I have constant burping, burning in my  throat, stomach feels like acid is just bubbling up constantly. And the vomiting is terrible and it just doesn't  come out once, but I can vomit over and over with no end in sight and it is not by choice.  
March 8,  2008 Taking my first dose of 2 capsules of 20 mg Prilosec and hoping this will help with all this terrible acid reflux.
March 29th It has been 3 weeks since starting the prilsosec and reglan and they are great and I feel so much better, no burning and churning, and it probably helps that I don't have that bezoar in my tummy any more.


Feb 24, 2008

I have family members with it and I have taken meds for this as well for a long time. I just had my meds increased recently because I was starting to have quite abit of stress at work and not being able to eat and regaining all this weight makes me feel very unhappy.

Psoriatic Arthritis

Feb 24, 2008

This is something I have had a long time. I don't know how many times I have been x-rayed for the arthritis, but it seems to be diffficult for doctors to understand being obese isn't the only reason to have pain in my knees, and the psoriasis just adds to the immune problems. Just recently I got a really good doctor to put me on Enbrel. Working good for me so far.


Feb 24, 2008

I have had hypothyroidism since I was 8 years old, my thyroid stopped working and I stopped growing until my parents took me to an endocrinologist who got me on medication, I believe he said to my parents I didn't have very long to live at that point,  so I will have to take meds for the rest of my life. I have a very slow metablism and I have a very low immune system and it is very hard for me to lose weight.

About Me
Coeur D Alene, ID
Feb 24, 2008
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