Well, let's see.  I've been fat my whole life!  I remember being in grade school and standing in line to be weighed and boy was I worried someone might see!  The older I got, the bigger I got.  It was never an overnight thing where I just realized it.  It just slowly crept up.  Really for being as big as I was, I really wasn't made fun of though.  Well, more from my siblings than anyone at school.  I'm sure if I was as thin as I possibly could be, I'd still be slightly shy, but I do think my weight has held me back from doing many things.  I'm always afraid people are looking at me in disgust.  Around 2004, I went to a fat doctor and they put me on some pills.  Boy those were awesome!  I did lose weight, even without exercising like they told me too.  I stopped going to the dr, but ordered some pills online.  I did pretty good once I got the eating with the exercising all down.  I lost about 120 lbs.  Yay ME!  And of course I said I would NEVER go back!  I loved the pills, but I was having some problems medically with them, so I stopped taking them.  Fast forward a bit, I started a new job and got married.  And I gained it all back and I'm assuming a little bit more by how I feel now.  I'm quite ashamed of what I look like now.  It was SOO nice to get those compliments of how great I looked.  I'm sure they are all looking at me like how did I let myself get back to this place.. Well, I don't know!  I just know I don't want to be dead by the time I'm 30 and I don't want to ride that rollercoaster of weight loss/gain anymore. 

About Me
Miami, OK
Nov 06, 2007
Member Since

Friends 2
