At the time I was 32 when I decided to have surgery.  I feel like I'm always tired and run down, carrying the extra weight is challenging. I've been large probably for the last nine years after my divorce. I gradually put on the weight and can't seem to stop. I've tried to diet, diet pills and exercise programs. With the weight going up my legs tend to give. When I started to research WLS a year ago, I thought it was the final thing that could help me to loose weight and get back down to a healthy weight, so that I could be around a little longer. With the co-morbidies that I have, I hope this procedure helps me and I will see my one and only child grow to an adult.

I attend a seminar of Dr. Hornsbostel and then schedule a consultation with him.

I had my first consultation with Dr. Hornbostel on 12/30/02, all went really well. We talked a little more about the surgery. Now here comes the first round and the waiting game. We are now sending the letter to the insurance company. I hope to hear something back in about three weeks or so. Since the consultation, and the three week wait, I have been approved for the surgery. Now I wait to hear from the hospital.

Well the wait was long and seven months has passed. No word from the hospital or doctor's office. I've changed doctors.


(8/14/03) Well, it's been a while since I've posted. But I've been active. I have been going to support group meetings. And I have switched doctors, hopefully this hospital is all straightened out. Everything is underway.

(8/21) Spoke with the doctor's office. I am now in the waiting stage again. You'll hear from me in about three weeks. Keep your fingers crossed.

Whew, that was fast! Well I received confirmation in the mail(8/30) from the insurance company (9/3). I got approved. I will meet Dr. De La Torre October 9th.

(9/30) I've been waiting patiently. Nine more days until I get a surgery date.I Will post when I find out something.


The big day is NOVEMBER 3, 2003.

Met with Dr. De La Torre, he was absolutely great. No fears now, no questions (no more at this time) I am ready to cross over to the losing side.

(10/27) Six days and counting. Not too nervous, too busy clearing my desk to be nervous. Still counting. Will post after surgery.

(11/12)Hello everyone. I had surgery on November 3, everything went well. I was out of there in three days. Since talking to CarolynD before going in, I was very at ease of what to expect.

The day of surgery went well, I actually got there an hour early, still that didn't speed anything up, I got in at 2:30, once preped, I went in that little room, then down to the surgery. I don't remember anything after they told me to move over to that skinny operating table. I saw Dr. De La Torre, in the hall in passing. Haven't seen him since. Dr. Bartharlomew is the doctor that had follow up and released me.

My mom was with me all the time and the first week at home. Thank God for Moms! I told her I had to walk and move my legs at all cost, believe me she made sure I did that (during the hospital and at home).

Since I've been at home this past three days, my daughter has been a big help. But today (Wednesday, 11/13) I actually got dressed by myself. I feel like I just climbed Mt. Everest, that I was able to do that.

The only thing that I can complain about is the soreness with the tube. And of course, the diet we have to do (jello, popsicle, broth) I'm already tired of that, but I'm doing well. I still can only do popsicle in the morning and jello in the evening. It just goes down better at that time of the day when I chose to have them. I would like to say in one week, from weighing in to the first Saturday, I lost 26 lbs. (291 to 265).

No one really talked about the head hunger after this surgery, it was so hard and still is to smell food and not want to take a bite. Even with the sore ness, since I was doing the broth thing and I had relatives coming and going, everyone seemed that pizza wouldn't bother me or hamburger and fries whatever they were eating was cool. Yeah, but I was being tortured and no one really knew how I felt. I went to the grocery store and it felt weird, since I am in stage two, there wasn't anything that I walked by inticed me. I bought a few things for my daughter and walked out. I most read labels and thought of things I would try when I was able to eat my semi-softs. (Thanksgiving week). It was kind of fun to see that my grocery bill was only $23.34. Enough to last a couple of weeks.

I haven't taken the pain medicine in two days. I am more mobile and I'm trying to walk more, I believe once the tube and staples comes out tomorrow I will feel even better, they are begining to scab up.

Again, thanks to each and everyone for their prayers and thoughts, recovery is going well.

(12/12)The week of Thanksgiving was okay. I was able to eat a little of everything (dressing, devil egg, a bite of ham, macc & chz) at dinner, I ate off a saucer and still had some of that left. I am still unable to eat any kind of meat. I can do chicken, fish, and deli meat. I can't eat an egg, it's really hard to eat slowly, I eat a lot of soup, cottage cheese and fruit cocktail. I miss eating! I love to cook, I don't cook, cause I'm not hungry. My daughter is getting tired of eating TV dinners. I cook and can't eat. Or try to eat and get sick, have to vomit.

Five weeks post-op down 36lbs.

(3/18/04) Well, it's been awhile since I've update. I am now 4 months post-op. I eat just about anything I want (except steak & pork). I still do a lot of cottage cheese and fruit, chicken and fish. All vegetables and that's about it. I do the protein shakes and viatmins regularly.

Now that it is warming up, I get to move a little more. I've hit a plateau for about two weeks now, I've lot a total of 71 lbs. I feel absolutely great.

Clothes don't fit and I really don't want to buy right now, I have a goal of 100 by May, then I'll buy.

Every now and then still have bouts with throwing up, when I eat too fast or too much. Other than that I'm doing fine.

(5/4/04)Well, it's been awhile since I've update. Sounds familiar? It's been six months, I've lost a total of 82 lbs. Doing really well. The weight loss has slowed tremendously. I have to start exercising more in order to keep losing.

I have to buy all new clothes, that going to be fun.

I am still having trouble with eating, how to slow down. And really tell when I am full. It's getting harder to judge that since I can hold a little more. Go to the doctor for the six month follow up and labs. Hope all is well, it has been so far.
Will update again soon.

(6/3/04) Well, I've lost 88 lbos. now and feeling great. Had a small bout of indigestion, felt like I was gonna die. All labs are back and I'm doing well. Still have to push myself to get that exercise in. I'm now in a size 16 from a size 26. Whew hew! Still have about 53 lbs to go.

(7/13/04) Well, I'm doing well- I've lost so far 91 lbs. still about 50-73 pounds to go, my personal goal. I attended the Regional Meeting this past weekend and it was great. A lot of helpful information, free samples and great speakers (Bo McCoy). Can't wait until the next one. Trying to get more protein in and less food. Having an uphill battle with constipation, but it's getting better. Loving life and I am so glad I am on the losing side. Hope to update soon.

291/200/192 (11/5/04)

(11/05/04) It's been one year, all is well. I'm feeling really good, I've lost 102 lbs. More weight is gone and I feel great. I can really tell a difference now. Still haven't bought that new warbrobe yet, but I'm getting down to where I want to be.
Good news earlier last month--for the first time in 17 years, my cholesterol is normal "205" for me that is normal, compared to 479 & 525, I feel like a new person. I didn't know how to act after finding out the good news. I was featured in the local newspaper, October 24, 2004,

I was really proud of the that and the picture. Hope to have more pictures up soon.

(1/21/05)Hello all. Moving right along. Now I am maintaining. Only lost a couple of more pounds. I really have to watch what I eat. I find myself still nibbling, can hold a little more than 4 oz now. I feel great and still trying to work that exercise in there more. Will update later.

Here is an article that featured me & weight-lost surgery

Losing Big
Weight-loss surgery can give patients a second chance at a healthy life

October 24, 2004

(11/3/05) Well, it is my two year anniversary!!!! It brings tears to my eyes as to think of how big I was two years ago. I find myself still struggling with portion size, knowing I can eat a little more.

Found out in July before relocating the Charlotte, NC. I was pregnant. It was scary at first, thinking will I be able to eat enough for a healthy baby. So far everything is going well. I really eat six small meals a day and very healthy snacks.

(11/26/05) Baby and I are doing fine so far.

(12/16/05) Baby and I are doing fine so far, he's still in there kicking away.

(3/12/07) Wow! it's been 3 years and 4 months. My life has changed so much has happened. My baby was born on 12/22/05, two months premature, but he is healthy. Unlike mom, I had to have emergency surgery two days later, for GASTRIC BYPASS AGAIN. The doctors tell me it wasn't caused by the baby, but the sutcher had come aloose. Everything that I was eating was emptying in my body cavity. Surgery was performed and I was near death, I've been told. A week later and a new scar I'm having to start all over again. Eating was not one of my strong suites, I had to go back to stage one and work my way back up. It was hard to say the least, being a new mom and practically a new patient all over again. I lost another 45 pounds while in the hospital. My weight at this time is 135 lbs. Where I would like to stay.

My son is now 14 months old and we are doing well. He's a bouncing, healthy baby. I'm doing okay, but haven't lost anymore weight, I've actually gained some weight, my biggest problem is grazing. Hope to update a little sooner than a year.

(11/14/08) Wow, how time flies. It's been five years and 11 days since I've had surgery. Well, looking from my last update, I just had my son....he is now about to turn three. All is well with him, running, jumping and getting into everything.

As far as my weightloss, I have gained some, but would like to get back to basis and loose this weight again, it hasn't gotten back up to where it was, but it's higher than what I would like for it to be. The hardest thing to do is stop grazing and the sweets, not that I can eat a little more.

(8/25/2009) Whew! I know it's been  while almost a year at best that's I've been on the site. Big up date...... since the birth of my son in 2005 (weighing in at 135) I gained weight and I'm back up to 235, two months ago, I decided I did not want to be heavy again. I joined a gym, and began a new reginment of weight loss managament series and began loosing the weight again. I still eat healthy....with appetite suppressant and hcG shots, I'm losing the weight, cutting he carbs and I feel great. I'm now at 217, my goal is that 135 again or near 150. Still do proteins and vitamins. Life is good.


This is me in 1996 just putting on the weight.


About Me
Charlotte, NC
Surgery Date
Nov 13, 2002
Member Since

Friends 1
