8 week update

Mar 25, 2009

Well, things are going pretty well.  I had my 4th fill an hour ago and hopefully there will be a difference when I get to eat real food.  I am still loosing weight.  I weighed in at 201.1 on Sunday.  I am so close to 'onederland' that I can almost see it.  I still haven't taken any pictures...i know, bad, bad, bad Mel!  I did have a chance to take my measurements yesterday.  They were a little better.

Chest 42"
Waist 43"
Thigh 25.5"
Arm 15.5"

So that's 41 lbs and 12 inches lost since in 82 days.  I have more energy.  I am, in general, a happier person.  My co-workers actually teased me on Monday about being so 'overly chipper'.  I can't say that 'overly chipper' is a bad thing.  I'd rather be happy than miserable and depressed, which is what I was headed for pre-surgery.  Anyway, just wanted to check in and let everyone know that I am moving along!  Keep your fingers crossed that before the next blog, I'll have some restriction with my band.

2 1/2 weeks post-op and feeling GREAT!

Feb 09, 2009

I've been meaning to update but time gets away from me!  I am a little over 2 weeks out from surgery and feeling great!  It was probably 10 days or so before I felt really good.  Now I am able to pick up my son and twirl him around again.  I missed that so much.

I took my measurements on the 3rd and thought I'd share!  I only wish I had taken them prior to my pre-op diet!  Here goes:  (my weight this day was 220.5 lbs)

Chest  45"
Waist  44"
Arms  17"
Hips  54"  (ouch!)
Thighs  27"

There it is in black and white!  WOW!  I am huge...LOL  So glad I am on the loser's bench now and that those numbers are going DOWN!  I weighed in today at 218.5 lbs.  I am under the 220 mark!  YEA! 

I had a pretty good surgery experience!  I was in quick and out even quicker!  I had surgery at about 9:30 on Jan 23rd and was home before 12:30 that afternoon.  Pain was never too bad, however, I did take my pain meds and sleep as much as my child would allow for about 3 days!  (I just like to sleep)  I was back to work on Tue (27th) and worked a half day!  After that I was back full time and have done fine since! 

I had my 2 wk post-op appt with Dr. Nick on Tuesday last week and he said I was doing great!  He gave me a script for diet pills to help out until my first fill.  So far, I haven't used them, but they are there if I need them.  I am trying to do this solo...so don't plan on using them.  But, I won't kill myself if I need one.

On an even better note...my work shirts are too big now.  23 lbs has really made a difference.  Like always, I am loosing my boobs first...sorry if that's TMI.  But whatever has to happen to get the weight off.  I can always finance boobs later, right! 

Well, I am going to go back to work now....hope all is well with all my friends!  Drop me a line!

Nervous and SOOOO excited!

Jan 22, 2009

Well, tomorrow is the big day!  I am so excited and a little nervous!  My neice is driving me to the surgery center and staying with me til Sat.  My stomach is in knots!  I am ready for this part to just be over!  I want to begin my new life, banded.  I know that many of you are praying for me and I appreciate that even more than you could know!  You can never have too many prayers.  Thanks to all of you and I'll see you on the loser's bench!

 (doin' my happy dance...all day long)

Can't wait to be healthier!

Jan 05, 2009

Hi.  I am Mel and I have been overweight my entire life.  I can think back to all the terrible nick names that the cruel kids gave me!  I was terrorized throughout my childhood.  I probably needed therapy as a teenager .  I've tried all kinds of things but I LOVE to eat!  Always have and always will!  Diet pills worked the best at getting the weight off.  They got me to my lowest weight of 163lbs.  But within a year of stopping the pills, I was back up.  I slowly gained the rest of the weight back after becoming pregnant my beautiful son.  

A great friend of mine had the Realize Band put in almost a year ago.  It has been so great to see her shed the pounds and really start to be happy with herself.  She has always been a confident person, but she truely glows now that she feels more comfortable in her own skin.  First let me say, this friend has always been like family to me.  She has been an Angel in my life.  If it weren't for her, I would be lost right now.  Anyway, she came to me in mid December and gave me an early Christmas present....Surgery!  I do not have insurance, as it is not offed thru my work.  I applied for individual coverage, but they said I was too risky of a case, because of my weight.  So my wonderful, loving, generous, thoughtful friend, my angel, offered to pay for me to have the Realize band put in.  I told you...SHE IS AN ANGEL!  My surgery is scheduled for the 22nd!  I can't wait to be on the way to a healthier me!  

If you had asked me 3 years ago, I could have cared less about living or dying.  I didn't need to be around.  I was fat, few friends, and just out of a relationship that went terribly bad.  I didn't care if I lived past 35 yrs old.  Now that I have my son, things are drastically different.  I NEED to be around.  I want to see him grow up and get married.  I want to know my grandchildren.  More than that, I don't want to be the FAT mom that emarasses my child by taking up the whole bench at soccor games.  I want to be able to run around play catch without running out of energy or having to stop to catch my breath.  I want to be the mom that looks normal and can participate in normal activites without having to worry about who's looking at my gigatntic butt.  I want to find a man that can see me and doesn't have to look past the 100 pounds of excess weight I carry with me everyday!  I want to be NORMAL! 

I am going to be HEALTHY!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 02, 2009
Member Since

Friends 35

Latest Blog 4
