Happy birthday to me

Apr 20, 2010

Well yesterday was my birthday and I was super excited to get the best gift of all. ONEDERLAND!! Can't believe I've gotten back under 200 #. 

So that brings my total to 94# and only 29# to goal. It seems like not long ago I had just lost 50#. Now I've nearly doubled that. I would have been happy to be at that point by now. Things are great. No high blood pressure, high cholesterol, PCOS, sleep apnea, fatigue, or ankle swelling to think about. Also being able to shop in regular clothes and not plus size is a bonus. Better for the soul and the budget.

To be able to function normally and feel normal has been an eye-opening experience. It's amazing all the things a person can take for granted. I have an 8 inch scar to remind me daily not to treat things so casually.

I would like to take this time to thank all those who have been supportive of my journey, both online and offline. Everyone has been great. It helps motivate me. 

                                                                                              Until next time, Kerri

"Live well, Laugh often, Love much"

Stand still

Mar 18, 2010

Well it has been a few months since I last wrote.  I feel wonderful. Things have been going great. My labs were normal and I've finaly have gotten off any medication I didn't actually need. Yay!! My weight has stalled at 83# loss. But I'm not complaining. I knew this day was to come but still dreaded it. However instead of crying in misery I'm being proactive. I put on my walking shoes and have hit the treadmill hard. If anything it has given me incentive to get moving.

Hope all is well with everyone else. Take care and God bless!!
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New year, new me!!

Jan 24, 2010

Here it is almost 3 months out from my surgery and I'm feeling great. So far I've lost 67#. I've been doing things I haven't done in a while without exhaustion. I'm wearing clothes that haven't fit me in years. Plus I am finally able to put my wedding ring back on. I feel very accomplished. I think I will achieve my weight goal relatively quick if I keep up the way I have been doing. Even if it takes me a whole more year to lose the last of my weight, I will still keep on. I also am glad I made the decision to have surgery and would do it again in a heartbeat.

A Merry Christmas indeed!!

Dec 18, 2009

Here it is almost Christmas day and I cannot believe I've lost almost 50#. I'm ahead of schedule according to the weightloss place. They said normally it takes most people 3 months to lose 50. It's exciting. I've been able to go clothes and shoe shopping in my own closet.  I feel great. My energy is awesome and mentally I feel great. If I had to do this journey over again I would do it again without hesitation.

I have truely been blessed.



A month later

Dec 04, 2009

Well its been a little over a month since my surgery and I've lost a total of 40#. It's amazing what this has done for me. I'm only taking 25 mg of metroprolol for my BP. (Whereas before I was on 50 mg as well as taking a diuretic.) I feel really good. I can actually see my feet and my stomach doesn't stick out further than my boobs. (LOL)

Followed up with the NUT, and they said I was doing good with the protein and vitamins. Water is still an issue, but getting better. Ice and popsicles go a long way.

I am so thankful to GOD for this. I didn't want to end up having as many issues like my family. I just know its all uphill from here!

Just like the song says, " The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!"

Dr visit

Nov 19, 2009

So I went to my surgeon's office yesterday. Their scale is deffective. Said I weighed more than my scale. Oh well! At least it shows I'm lighter than 2 weeks ago.
I thought I was supposed to see the surgeon but it turned out I only saw the PA. Spent more time waiting than I did in the rooom. Kind of aggravated me a bit. At least everything looks good.
Still not eating much, but getting more fluids in. Ice chips and popsicles are wonderful things to have around. LOL! I feel great since this has come about. I'm more active since surgery. I can't wait for another 30 # to drop off.
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Back to myself

Nov 11, 2009

Well I can finally say I feel pretty good. I am back to myself mentally. All of the anesthesia drugs have worn off. Just will be glad to be my physical self again.
Had a little bit of a scare this past weekend. My thyroid levels were really high. Gave me heart palpataions, chest discomfort, shortness of breath and irratibility. Sent me rushing to the hospital. Guess it was a good thing I went. I would never have known to adjust my meds.. Since losing my weight I've had to back off a lot of my meds. They said this would happen. I just didn't think it woul be this quick. I like the fact I don't have to take as much.
The weightloss is going good. Pre-op I weighed 287#. Now I am down to 264#. Of course I am not getting enough fluids. I keep sipping, but not enough. I've tried puttting myself on a schedule but that didn't work at all. I seem to do better winging it. I am taking my vitamins which has been helpful.
I am starting to feel my pouch feel up real quick. I can only tolerate about 3/4 of an egg. Unfortunately I am missing food. I know living to eat is what got me to where I am.  But  I am adjusting. I know that eventually I will be able to eat more and this was for a good reason. Its starting to pay off. I can actually see my ankles in over  3 years.
I started walking a bit. This has been real helpful. Never thought I 'd say that, LOL! I even have been doing laundry and other light household chores. This has helped me get back to normal. Although I may have pushed a little too hard too fast. I am a bit sore around my incision compared to before. So I'll back off.
Overall this is one experience I don't regret. I know the future only holds good things.

Finally I too am posting

Nov 09, 2009

Well my surgery didnt go as planned. I eneded up having an open RNY, but my surgeon knew what she was doing. I was a little dissappointed about that but otherswise I'm doing good. The surgery only took an hour and I was at the hospital for 2 days. I was groggy while I was there but did really well with my walking. Had some pain issues which are resolved. I did have a scare later on. Guess my thyroid levels are acting up and gave me heart palpatations. and made it hard for me to rest. Doing much better. I've been having a hard time getting in my fluids. Its a work in progresss. Just hope to feel more like myself overall. I also have lost like 20 pounds since coming home. Wish me luck.

Can't wait!!

Nov 01, 2009

So tomorrow is my surgery and I'm super happy! I can hardly stand it. I'm a little nervous, but I know I'm in good hands. I've got God on my side and a great surgeon.

I'm gonna have a rough day today. Gotta do all clear liquids. Which pretty much means I'm consuming a whole lotta nothing! But I know its for a good reason. Guess I'll have to keep myself really distracted.

Good luck and God bless to everyone! See you on the loser's bench.


Almost there

Oct 30, 2009

Well I survived all my pre-surgery testing. Now just comes the waiting. I've been doing the low fat diet and so far its going okay. I've lost 7 pounds. Can't complain about that. Just really ready to get my sugery over with. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm nervous. At this point I'm more anxious to get it done. I think I will be nervous the day of surgery or the night before. It stills seems unreal I guess. My next hurdel before surgery is the day before. Gotta do clear liquids all day and not feel like I'm starving. Guess I better find something to keep me distracted. Wish me luckl!!
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About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 24, 2006
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