Oh Yeah - It's My Birthday!!

Nov 13, 2008

Wow - it's been so long since I posted.  I can't believe it's been 13 months and 11 days since surgery.

When I started this journey I weighed - wait for it - 369lbs.  I don't even like to think about it, let alone actually put it in black and white.  I am now just over 1 year out from surgery and I weight 205lbs.  Yes - I have lost 164lbs.  I can't even believe it.  I have gone from a size 32 (stretched) and a 16 (comfortable).

What an amazing time in my life.  A dear friend of mine who had the lapband 1 week after I had my gastric bypass is getting married and has asked me to be a bridesmaid, that never would've happened 164lbs ago (who wants a super fat girl in their wedding party).  We went dress shopping a couple weeks ago and I had the time of my life.  There were so many dresses to choose from (most of them too big).  Yesterday I needed to get my driver's liscense renewed and I have to admit it's the best liscense picture I've ever had.  I mean ever.

Sorry this is such a short post after so long, but I promise to write more soon. As well as update my profile picture and other pictures.

Keep on losing everyone. It's an amazing feeling.

5 Months Post-Op

Mar 01, 2008

Yippee!!!  Today I am 5 months post-op and feeling GREAT!!!

I have lost 116lbs and still going strong.  I can't believe the difference from just 5 months ago.  I haven't posted any new pictures of myself, but I will soon.  I have dropped 6 sizes in my clothes and 2 cup sizes in my bra (my husband isn't happy about that lose).

I feel amazing.  I'm still having trouble eating enough protein and getting all of my water, but I'm not doing too bad.

I'll post new pictures soon and I'll write when I have more progress.

I Hit My First Goal!!!

Jan 18, 2008

I can't believe I finally did it.  On January 18, 2008, 3 months 16 days after surgery, I hit 100 lbs lost!!!  Can you even believe it.  I can't.

For the first couple months I felt like I wasn't losing anything. I mean I saw the numbers dropping on the scale, but not in my clothes.  I finally gave in a went to buy some new pants with my husband.  I was going to reach for a 26 and he convinced me to try a 22.  To my shocking surprise, the 22's fit.  I was a 30/32 before surgery in bottoms and tops.  I am now a 22 all the way around.  I am so excited.

I still have a long way to go, but boy am I excited.

I'll write again soon.

2 Months Post-Op

Dec 03, 2007

Hello Everyone!!!

Sorry it's been so long since I've written.  I told you I wasn't good at posting.

Well it's officially 2 months since I had surgery. I have lost 43 lbs since surgery which is just over 5 lbs per week!!!!  Total I have lost 81 lbs.

I'm doing great, I feel great, but I don't think I look much different.  I'm still wearing the same size clothes as before surgery, they're just a little looser now.  I have gone down a size in my underwear and bra.

I was released to stage 5 food just before Thanksgiving and what a wonderful thing that was. I enjoyed the turkey and potatoes (just not as much as usual) :)

I'm not eating as much as I should be because I'm just so full when I eat and I'm not getting nearly as much liquid as I should. I went from drinking 100 ounces or more of water per day to now barely getting 20 ounces no matter how hard I try.

But like I said, I feel great.  I will post new pictures soon, although I more than likely won't write again until after the Holidays.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!!!

Surgery is finally over!!!

Oct 04, 2007

Well I had surgery on October 2nd.  What an emotional couple of days it was.  Monday 10/1 was "prep" day.  That was physically draining.  10/2 my husband and I arrived at the hospital at 5:45am.  Things moved pretty fast once we got there.

The surgery lasted for 3 hours with everything going very successful.  I woke up in recovery fine and was released this afternoon 10/4.  I have minimal pain and am feeling remarkably well.  I just can't wait until I start losing the weight.

I was required to lose 24 lbs before surgery and as of the morning of surgery I was down 38 lbs.  I was so excited.  I have a long ways to go, but what a great start.  I'll write more as more things happen.

About Me
Farmington, NH
Surgery Date
Oct 06, 2006
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 5
Oh Yeah - It's My Birthday!!
5 Months Post-Op
I Hit My First Goal!!!
2 Months Post-Op
Surgery is finally over!!!
