slow going

Oct 10, 2009

I knew going into this that the Kaiser process is usually slow.   I hasn't been that bad though.  I started going to the support group meetings in September.  Was invited to and attended the group orientation class on 10-5-09.  My dad went with  me at the last minute... to be my support person.  My husband didn't want to go and my son was too tired to wake up.  I'm in the middle of my mandatory 5 week weight management class. 

At the orientation they explained that a normal stomach is about the size of a football.  After RNY the stomach is about the size of a ping pong ball.  PING PONG BALL.  That's tiny. 

The weight management classes are good.  I've gone before and dropped out early.  This time, I'm actually doing it and I have to admit, with some very small changes I was able to loose 6 pounds this week.  Go me! :)

Following the Kaiser time line of 6 to 18 months from orientation until surgery, maybe I'll get lucky and have surgery in April 2010.

Getting Started

After years of trying I finally got my referral to the Kaiser Bariatric Program.  I'm so excited.  For those that don't know... this is how it works.  At Kaiser NW you have to have a bmi of 40 and at least two severe co-morbities or a bmi of more than 50.  Then your PCP has to refer you to the program (this was a hurdle for me... it took a long time to get my PCP to agree to refer me).  Once you get referred the bariatric group triages your file to ensure you are a candidate for the surgery.  If you meet the criteria they send you a packet to fill out. When you return the packet, you are acknowledging that you are interested in participating in the program. (Returned mine last night) When your packet is received Kaiser schedules your orientation (I'm waiting for this). 

I've heard a lot of complaints about the length of time it takes to get from referral to surgery, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes.  Bring it on!!


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Oregon City, OR
Jul 24, 2004
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