Pegtrala 18 years, 4 months ago

Hi. It's about 6:30 p.m. West coast time. I just got off the phone with Kathy. She is doing well. She said her throat is still really sore. They gave her 2 units of blood today because she had a slow leak. She is feeling much better...less woozy when she gets up. The doctor will check her in the morning and remove the central line. If all goes well, they will release her Thursday afternoon. She has about a 60-70 mile trip to get home. I told Kathy that I would call her on Friday to see how she's doing. She says to say hi and to thank everyone for remembering her in your prayers. Peg

Pegtrala 18 years, 4 months ago

Hi everyone. I'm late in posting, but I just got off the phone with Kathy's husband. He said Kathy is doing well. Her throat is really sore because they had trouble getting the endoscopy scope past the tube they were using for her airway. It added about an hour to the surgery. However, she is in good spirits and not much pain. Her DH said she is walking every two hours. He hopes they will not release her tomorrow because she has lost some blood and is a little woozy. They will test her blood in about 2 hours to see if they need to give her a transfusion. I told her husband that I would call again tomorrow to check up on Kathy. Kathy, her husband, and the rest of her family are so grateful to this board. He said it really calmed her fears before surgery being able to "talk" with others here and to know that we are praying for her. She will post when she is back home. In the meantime, they send their prayers and blessings to all of you. Love, Peg

brooke_k 18 years, 5 months ago

I hope you have a speedy recovery!!!!!

Pegtrala 18 years, 5 months ago

Hi everyone. I just spoke with Kathy B's daughter. Kathy has been moved to a regular room and seems to be doing pretty well. Her throat is quite sore from difficulties getting in an airway at the beginning of her surgery. Her daughter was in the car heading to the hospital when I called. I will call the hospital tomorrow to check on Kathy. Thanks for continuing to keep her and her husband and family in your prayers. Love, Peg

becky 18 years, 5 months ago

I Said a Prayer of Healing for you -- body, mind and soul -- That God would bring you comfort to restore and make you whole. I prayed you'd be surrounded by His awesome love and healing, Dispelling all anxiety or pain you might be feeling. Finally, I prayed you'd be uplifted by His grace, and feel yourself enfolded in the peace of His embrace. Wishing you all the best on your journey for a healthy happy new you. Skinny Wishes ~

becky 18 years, 5 months ago

I Said a Prayer of Healing for you -- body, mind and soul -- That God would bring you comfort to restore and make you whole. I prayed you'd be surrounded by His awesome love and healing, Dispelling all anxiety or pain you might be feeling. Finally, I prayed you'd be uplifted by His grace, and feel yourself enfolded in the peace of His embrace. Wishing you all the best on your journey for a healthy happy new you. Skinny Wishes ~

Pegtrala 18 years, 5 months ago

Hi. I just spoke with Kathy B's daughter, and Kathy just now got out of surgery. It took an hour longer than planned because they had problems at the beginning of surgery getting an airway in. She is now in recovery and should remain there for an hour or two before being moved to her regular room. The family was just heading out of the hospital to get some rest. I will call them later and will post again.

Annette L. 18 years, 5 months ago

Hi Kathy, Congratulations on making it to the losers side. May you have a speedy painless recovery. It is my prayer that you will use this for the glory of God. God bless you~

Let N 18 years, 5 months ago

Kathy I'm praying for God to work through your surgeons hands. That was my prayer for myself when I had WLS and I have faith that's what it was because I had no complications. I also pray for you to have a speedy recovery. We look forward to seeing you on the loosers side! (((((HUGZ)))))

nab48515 18 years, 5 months ago

Best wishes on your upcoming surgery. I hope the surgery and recovery are smooth and uneventful for you. I will be praying for you and your surgeon. See you on the losing side.
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Surgery Date
Nov 26, 2005
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