My story, huh...?
Well, where do I begin?  I have always been over weight, even as a kid. I think I may have been a normal weight for a few minutes around 5-6 years old haha....but my mom would beg to differ as the older I get the more I see that love can blind us some times.  My mom is the best, and my number 1 support in whatever I am doing!  We ate a lot growing up and have continued to do events are filled with yummy food, and now at this point in my life, maybe some beers too (no extra calories there, right?? not!!)  I love hanging with the family (cousins, aunts & uncles too) and we all make our specialties and eat and be, my size didnt really bother me before as we are a generally big family ( birds of a feather lol) and we are all generally happy as well.  I had tried diets in the past and been slighly successful, kept some off but put some back on...and it didnt really hit me until I got married...  It was 3 months after my fiance/husband to be at the time was in a serious accident...he was hit by a train- on foot- taking a short cut that we had taken so many times before in our years in the neightborhood...he broke his left leg, shattered pelvis, broke his right hip, and his right arm was paralyzed.  While in a coma for a week his fingers started to turn black in his right hand as he was allergirc to the universal blood thinner Heparin.  He awoke a week after teh accident with no recollection of what happened, and was a rock when told he would not ever feel his right arm again.  He even WALKED down the aisle as sheduled on August 1, 2009....  He is amazing.  And, I realized that I was too.  Everyday after that accident felt like the day of all over again for a while...So much to deal wasnt the constand rides into Boston, or staying at the hospital all ady and night...I wouldnt have had it any other way...but more so being concerned for Rob's well being and how he would handle his limitations over the next week, month, or even years...  I need to step up and be a healthier and better woman for myself and my new family.  In June/July of this year my best friend started the process of the RNY and had the surgery on Nov. 22, 2010.  She suggested I check out an info long story short, I did.  I went in Sept 2010 to a doctor that was much closer by and my PCP held in high respect... Dr. Sandor seems like a very kind and patient man, willing to help.  I have gone to a support meeting every month since (and my best friend has accompanied me as well, she is such a trooper!) and hope to have the surgery January 25, 2011....I look forward to the new lease on life.  Better health, less stress due to weight...and fully capable to help with some of the stuff my husband may  not be able to do as easily if at all now.
Onward, and upward!

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 05, 2010
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