I have been overweight almost my entire life. I started gaining weight when I began kindergarten- I was always a stress/emotional eater. I weighed 180lbs my sophomore year of high school and then gained more and more every year. I was diagnosed with Type-2 Diabetes at age 28 and on an insulin pump by 30. I tried to lose weight with several different diets: weight watchers, OA, low carb, restriction... you name it I probably tried it. My weight went up and down a lot, but nothing ever stuck. When I was 33 I realized I weighed more than my father who was always a very large man. I considered a gastric bypass at that time but didn't follow through; just continued to try to lose on my own. Finally, in August 2017, I reached my highest weight at 310 and something clicked. At first, I was considering the lap-band, but after learning about all of the health benefits, I went with the DS.

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 05, 2018
Member Since
