
May 27, 2010

May 2010
Well the wind has been knocked out of my sails.  After having my stress test....I had pain in the left leg.  Silly thing is....they didn't turn off the treadmill for me to get off....they slow it down and your suppose to get off and lie on the stretcher so they can do the echo.  My legs were like jelly as I tried to negotiate getting off and some where between the treadmill and stretcher....I tore my meniscus.  So after contacting my PCP and having an ultrasound of my left knee....it was deturmined that I had a Baker's cyst which usually occurs from the tear.  Consult with an orthopedic doc.....Two days later....an MRI confirmed the dx. of a torn meniscus.
I had to have the Baker's Cyst drained under Ultrasound in the hospital by the radiologist. and ortho doc wants me to go through with GB and get some weight off.  Hopefully I won't need knee surgery for a while!

On a positive note.....I had my appointment with Dr.V and he was made aware of how and why I have a torn meniscus and the recomendation of the orthopedic doc and I'm a go!  Just have to wait for a date for surgery after Blue Cross approval....YEAH!


April 13, 2010 Nutritional Consult

Apr 13, 2010

April 13, 2010  Nutritional Consult
     I met with Melissa today for my nutrition consult.  She walked me through each phase of what I should expect pre-op and post-op.  She gave me some wonderful insight and information.  I was introduced to two fabulous websites....Bariatric Advantage and Batriac Eating.com.  Both these websites have provided me with some excellent information on protein as well as dietary vitamins and suppliments. Melissa also gave me local places to check out....CVS ...to Whole Foods......to GNC.......etc.

I have one more hoop to jump through and then I'll be finished.....the dreaded Psych Consult.....my very first...LOL.
Then all my testing will be done. 

I will then meet with Dr. V on May 13th and hopefully I'll be able to get approval....I have double BlueCross and have done all the things that they have requested.  Then....looking forward to a surgery date.  Keeping my fingers crossed.



April 7, 2010 Stress Test with Echocardiogram

Apr 07, 2010

Today I went for the Stress Test.  I thought I would have done better at it since I'm pretty active for an overweight gal.  Let me just say....I lasted only six minutes.  The first three minutes I had no problems....walking on the treadmill at a nice pace with a very little incline.  Then...a much faster pace and what seemed like a mountain incline....over exageration...but that's what it felt like.  I could feel my heart racing and was I was so short of breath.  I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest.  I was into that for anout two and a half minutes....felt like an eternity and finally said....I'm really tired.  The tech asked me to hang on and continue for 30 more seconds....I did, but thought I would just about have a heart attack as I was so short of breath and my heart was beating so fast.  Phew....let me say...glad that test was over. 
With each test I have been doing...I really realize how much I have made the correct decision to go forward and have this surgery.  I NEED IT!



Apr 05, 2010

Apri 5, 2010
  Today, it was off to Miriam Hospital to have my UGI series.  I am one of those people that have a hard time with drinking terrible tasting things....and the taste of the contrast dye....well you get the picture....lol.  I was able to keep it down and a short time later the procedure was finished.  The radiologist did say I have a perfect functioning anatomy....LOL

So, another test out of the way.  Next is will be my stress test which will be at Miriam on Wednesday. 

Sleep apnea test....part 2

Apr 03, 2010

April 1. 2010
Tonight,  I had the 2nd part of the sleep apnea test.  So....yes indeed I do have sleep apnea and tonight I have to sleep with the bi-pap machine.  Never mind the many wires and leads attached every where.  1st the tech had me try on the mask that covers both my nose and mouth.....only thing I can say........CLAUSTRAPHOBIC!!!!!  Anyways...I told her that there was no way that I could possibly sleep with that on.  I'm not a claustraphobic kind of gal to begin with....but that mask made me feel like I was suffocating.  So we went to plan B which was the smaller mask that just covers your nose.....that, I could deal with.
The night seemed long as they wanted me to go to sleep at 10pm....I am a night owl and this was difficult.  I did finally fall asleep, only to wake up several times during the night.  However, the tech said I seemed to sleep well.  So, I'm not really sure how I did and will be waiting for my PCP to go over the data with me once she receives all the offical report.

So....sleep apnea test is done.....YAY!!!  And on Monday, April 5th...I have my UGI series and on the 7th...my Stress test.  Things are moving along and day by day I get closer to my goal of having the surgery booked

Sleep Apnea Test

Mar 26, 2010

March 26, 2010

    Very TIRED today.  I had my sleep apnea test last night.  I arrived at the facility at 8pm....pj's and pillow in tow.  The people there were wonderful.  Isabelle, was my tech and she was asesome.  I fell asleep about 10:30pm, but woke up several times.....hot flash...covers on and off....and so many wires....LOL.  Anyway, my hubby picked me up at  5:30am and then we rushed home so I could take a shower and wash all that paste out of my hair, before I headed off to work.
   And it was a busy day.  But finally, I was able to leave by 4:30pm . Am I wiped out.  Time for a little nap as I got little sleep during that apnea study.

It will be interesting to see if I get called back there next week. for followup for OSA.


Embarking on the Journey

Mar 23, 2010

     Today, I attended a support group meeting for people in all phases of their WLS journey.  For me, it was wonderful.  It gave me a glimpse into the results I so want to see.  My sister, who is one of my most avid supporters went with me.  
    After  the meeting, one woman named Donna approached me and told me that I should try to keep a very positive outlook.  I had voiced the concern over having a naso-gastric tube in post op.  Now let me tell you...being a PACU nurse....this was one thing that have never ever wanted to experiance.  Yet, here it was....the need to keep an NGT in for one to two days post op.  Some times knowing too much is not a good thing.....LOL.  Anyways....Donna told me to try and focus on all the positive things that would happen to me  after surgery.  So, I need to focus on others things....just not that darn NGT. 

Well, I go for my sleep apnea test on Thursday and am anxious to see what the results of that are.  Do I snore?  I'll never tell....LOL

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 24, 2009
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