Hi Everyone! I apologize for not getting back to you all before now. For all that is following my story. I have had a lot going on with me lately. First, I have reached my 1 year anniversary!!!!!! YEAH! I am so happy.  On October 11, 2006, but unfortuntaley I was laid up trying to recoop on my anniversary instead of celebrating.

Let me up date you all. On Sunday October 8th I was laying in the bed trying to enjoy my Sunday football, and my stomach started cramping. Now about 10:30 in the am i got up and cooked me and JayJay something to eat. I made some scrambled eggsw/cheese and sasuage. I ate a little of it and laid down. I guess it was all of 1:30-2:00pm and I got this sharp cramp in my stomach and it went away and then it started again, but this time it started feeling like a contraction, but it lasted for about an hour!!! Ohhhhh shhhhheeeeeettt!!! :0(  So I reached over for the phone. I had to decide if i was going to call 911 or if I was going to call my dr. Because no one in the house could hear me yelling for them-- they were all on the bottom floor.

So I called my dr and Dr. Rasheed just happened to be the dr on call. She had just seen me on the Thursday before, she told me at that appointment that they may have to go in and do an exploratory surgery because nothing was showing up in the test and exams that I was taking. She told me on that Thursday that her office would contact me to let me know when.........................uhhhhh.Well, you know that I was scared as hell at this point, and I was going to push the surgery date as far back as possible. So when I called on Sunday she told me to come to the ER right away and that I may have to stay in the hospital for a few days, and worst case senario, they may have to go back in and see whats going on. OHHHHHHHHHHH SNAAPPPP! ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I was terrified! So I stayed in the bed and I got up and said, well maybe I just need to use the restroom, and when I got to the restroom I could only ball up I was hurting so bad, I was shaking! And crying cause I thought that I was going to die! So I finally decided that I could not take this crap anymore. I was hurting, and I had dierreah for about a month straight (or longer)! OH HELL NAWLLL! Something had to give! So I asked my brother girlfriend Rose to drop me off at the hospital and when I got there, they said that I had to stay. When I got to the ER they took my vitals and put me in a temp room and then I started making my phone calls, my mom and dad came in to see me, while Rose and the kids waited in the waiting room.  The tech that came in to put the IV in he started looking at my hand for a good vein.........OHHHH NOOOO! The only thing I could think about was how the lady from the first time got me and jacked me up, so I asked him not to put the needle in my hand. He started looking for another place to put the needle and while trying to put it in my arm, he was kind of hesitant, he stuck the needle in me and had to take it out because he said that it was not in my vein. So he stuck me again. OUCH! So I did not make any more complaints--because I did not want to get stuck again.  Finally, they hooked me up to the IV and did a CT scan and everything was showing to be "okay---or normal".  Once they admitted me into the hospital, they had to "reinsert another IV in me"! This lil lady walked in my room. I could tell that she was so damn nervous, she grabbed one of my towels and put it under my hand, she inserted the needle--pulled it out and pushed it back in AND THEN gonna have the NERVE to tell me to "CALM DOWN".....IF I wasnt brought up right I would have cursed her out and stuck her butt with that damn needle!!! SHE was killing me!!!! The bad part----She did it twice!!!!! Two different needles, two different places, and two different holes in my arm. WTF????? AFTER THAT she finally decides to call for help, and this big guy comes in the room and decided to relieve her from drawing blood--i had blood all down my arm all on the towel...........And she telling me to calm down!!!! What is she FOR REAL? So once the guy came in my room, he with his big handed self he did it on the first try but it hurt like hell! I did not get any food, any water, OR ANY SLEEP= So yes I was a lil bitchy! ohhhh well sht happens.

So by Monday morning  Dr. Rasheed comes in my room about 11am and told me and my mama that she is going to do an exploratory surgery and that transportation will be back to get me at 1:30. What da HELL!!!

I was soooooo afraid, because here I am hoping that whatever they are going to do, they do it later on in the month--to at least give me time to prepare for it......but NNNNOOOOO they wanted to cut Ms.Lady up right now!!!

I cried!! Oh I cried!!! So I called my friends and told them the news, and the ones that I didnt think could handle it, I texted them, because they started scaring, so I did the text thing.

When transportation came in to get me, by that time my auntie and my mama was in the room. I started clowning! Because I was afraid of what could happen and i had to laugh to keep from crying. Once I got down to the room where I have to be interrogated about who i am what's my purpose and do i have my panties on, then I had to speak to the antheseiologist. So before I had to take my panties off, I asked the antheseiolist if she can make sure that I wake up because I have a 8 year old son that needs me, and she was nice enough to tell me that, that was her job to make sure that I make it through the surgery. :-) I like that response. So after debating with the nurse about what was going to happen to my panties while i am in surgery, we decided to send them back upstairs to the room. One of the nurses suggested that she send the panties to Dr. Duncan's office to let him know "look at me now" I suggested throwing them away, but however they ended up putting them in a zip lock bag and sending them up to the room.

When I came out, the dr said that I had a few holes in my stomach and something hanging that should not have been, and the lining of my stomach was like paper thin. ????????????????????? I have a lot of unanswered questions so I will have them together by the time I go to my 2 week check up on Tuesday.

So since my surgery I have been in the bed watching more episodes of "Flavor Flav"  than anyone can imagine. Bouncing back from my grandmothers house and my parents house. It feels sooooo weird being in the house like this. THIS is sooo not me! BUT i do need to rest my body.

So this is it for now, I am going back to the house to get back in the bed, so if you are reading this, keep me in your prayers and drop me an email or something. I am bored and kind of lonely. Any kind of words will make me smile. Have a wonderful day-----until next time.

Love ya 


About Me
Ellenwood, GA
Surgery Date
Nov 17, 2004
Member Since

Friends 1
