Celebrating My 2 Year Post-Op Anniversary!

Jul 18, 2009

It's hard to believe that it has already been 2 years since my surgery.  In some ways, it feels like it was just yesterday that I was getting ready to go into the OR, feeling that simultaneous fear and excitement.  In other ways, it seems like forever since I was obese.  My life (and most importantly my health) has changed so much since then.  My sleep apnea has completely dissapeared.  I have melted from a size 22 to a size 10 (and even some 8's!)   I've made countless trips to Goodwill carrying huge bags of clothes that had become too big.  It's a wonderful feeling to clean out one's closet, knowing that one doesn't need to save the "fat pants" anymore because they will never be needed again!    I look and feel younger at age 40 than I did at age 30...maybe even age 20.  I am so much more active and healthy. I exercise most mornings on my Wii Fit (love it!).  I take the stairs.  I walk, bike, jog, play with my daughter, and ride rollercoasters (without worrying about fitting in the seat!)  I'm always up to going out and about.  If someone asks me to join them for an activity, I don't think first about how tired I am or if my feet and knees hurt anymore.  I'm up for it.  I realize how much fun life can be now that I'm not sitting on the sidelines anymore.  To say that RNY has been life changing for me is such an understatement.  It has literally put the spring in my step again and given me a new outlook on life. 

The support and encouragement that I received from all of my OH friends was such a huge part of my success, especially in those pre and early post-op days.  This is such a wonderful, caring bunch of people!


About Me
Pikesville, MD
Surgery Date
Nov 29, 2006
Member Since

Friends 9

Latest Blog 3
4 days and counting...
On my way...
