Loquacious Laura (Laura Crowe)

Loquacious Laura (Laura Crowe) wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
Dr you came to visit me after recovery -

Loquacious Laura (Laura Crowe) wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
My weight! - Before the presurgery liquid diet I was 353 I was 340.2 before going into the operating room. 348.6 when I got home tuesday evening. Now it's Thursday and I'm at 338.5  I ...

Loquacious Laura (Laura Crowe) wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
Surgery Weight Gain - This morning I checked my weright and I've gained 8.6 lbs from surgery. I guess it's all of the bags of fluids they gave me thru my IV.  The pain sucks but what can you do? 

Loquacious Laura (Laura Crowe) wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
My Hospital Excperience - I went in fell asleep on the table and when I woke up I was in recovery for 5 1/2 hours waiting for a room. I kinda slept the emtire time except for the frequent "did I get a room ...

Loquacious Laura (Laura Crowe) wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
My first pair of jeans (thinking back) - I was in the 7th grade.  I'll never forget the day I got into my first pair of jeans.  My mother was skinny when she was a kid, teenager, and young adult and had no clue how to...

Loquacious Laura (Laura Crowe) wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
Insurance Approval!!! - Everything was submitted to my insurance company on 3/30 and the approval came in on 3/31  AMAZING!!! I've read so many horror stories about getting approvals even more nightmar...

Loquacious Laura (Laura Crowe) wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
Susan G Komen Global Race For The Cure June 5th - I signed up for the 5K walk anyone with me?  Follow the link below to donate or walk with me and my team. I will be exactly 2 months out of surgery on June 5th and I'm very excit...

Loquacious Laura (Laura Crowe) wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
Liquid Diet Loooooser - Well I've lost 6.5 lbs since last thursday.

Loquacious Laura (Laura Crowe) wrote a blog post 14 years, 2 months ago
Margaritas and Massages Pure Romance Open House - I started my own business,  I'm a Pure Romance Sr. Consultant  We are an in home party plan and specialize in Romance Products massage oils, bath & beauty products, couples games,...

Loquacious Laura (Laura Crowe) wrote a blog post 14 years, 2 months ago
UGH!!!! - Well I got up made my 5 yr old breakfest, mixed up my protidiet drink and took 2 sips.  It's not that it taste bad...it's just knowing I cant have anything solid that makes it unbe...

Loquacious Laura (Laura Crowe) wrote a blog post 14 years, 2 months ago
Liquid Diet - So tomorrow I start my liquid diet and  It's funny Will keeps asking me where or what I want for my "last meal" and I cant really pinpoint anything that I really worry about missin...

Loquacious Laura (Laura Crowe) wrote a blog post 14 years, 2 months ago
Clothes - I posted a thing on craigslist requesting clothes donations.  I got a call back already.  Size 18 old navy pants and some very heavy sweaters.  Maybe I'll be a 18 for Winter 2010/1...

Loquacious Laura (Laura Crowe) wrote a blog post 14 years, 2 months ago
Excited to go to class tonight. - This is the first time I've actually been excited to go to class because I have a date!!!  I feel like telling the world!!!  I'm so damn excited!!! 18 more days to go!!!

Loquacious Laura (Laura Crowe) wrote a blog post 14 years, 2 months ago
My Unjury Protein - I've read lots of reviews about protein shakes and supliments and have had my own share of really yucky powders.  You know how you put peanut putter on the roof of a dogs mouth...

Loquacious Laura (Laura Crowe) wrote a blog post 14 years, 2 months ago
Preperation - Ok so I've been in classes since September durring this time I've had a sleep study done and have sleep apnea, an endoscopy back in Nov., Been seeing my regular psychytrist monthly...

Loquacious Laura (Laura Crowe) set a surgery date: Apr 05, 2010. 14 years, 2 months ago
Post Your Support or Click here to update your surgery status.

Loquacious Laura (Laura Crowe) wrote a blog post 14 years, 2 months ago
I GOT A DATE - April 5th 2010 Today I had my first appointment with Dr You at Franklin Square Hospital Center.  I thought he would say finish your classes (graduation 3/25) and then we will ...

Loquacious Laura (Laura Crowe) wrote a blog post 14 years, 2 months ago
Model for Franklin Square Hospitals Bariatric Broc - Yep today Is a wonderful day.  I thought I was going to be scolded for complaining about my former surgeon in my Bariatric Weight Management Class and instead the director pulled m...