Looking for Support

Aug 27, 2013

Good evening....

I sat today & realized that I am just 4 days from my 4 year sugriversary.  I have had a very rough year & I resorted back to my old behaviors of stress eating.  I relocated to Arizona in January of 2012 as a single mother of 2 teenage daughters.  The stress of doing this all alone while adjusting to a new way of life has proved to be too much.  I am looking for support groups that can help me refocus so I can get off the weight I have gained back.  I started my journey @ 380lbs in March of 2009....my low was 196lbs but I am back up to 241lbs.....VERY DISAPPOINTING....I CAN'T GO BACK.  If anyone knows of any support groups & workout programs in my area of WLS patients please let me know.  Thank you 



Mar 14, 2010

Well, yesterday was officially 1 year since I began this journey.  I first saw my surgeon on 3/13/09 to begin this journey and 1 year later, I am down from 380 lbs to 245 lbs (-135 lbs).  It is almost inconceivable for me to believe that I carried what amounted to an entire person around with me just one year ago.  How do we do that?????  I was required by my insurance company to complete a 6 month supervised weight loss program with my doctor before they would approve me.  My surgeon wanted me to lose 20 lbs before surgery but on the morning of my surgery (8/31/09), I had lost 53 lbs.  So that means since my surgery 6.5 months ago, I have lost another 82 lbs.  I am still uncertain of exactly where I want to be by my anniversary date.  I am having some major issues with body image which was one of my biggest fears before the surgery.  I HATE, HATE, HATE my body, but I know that I have no one to blame it on but myself.  I don't know if I will ever be comfortable in this body.  I know I am not the only one who feels this way but it is so hard to deal with sometimes.  Well, enough rambling I guess.  Had not posted in a while so just thought I would since this was a period of reflection for me.  I hope you all are doing well in your journeys and if anyone is feeling like I am and would like to chat please send me an email.  Or if you have been there and have words of encouragement please send those as well. 

Another Goal Accomplished

Jan 17, 2010

Well, I have once again amazed myself through this process.  I weighed 264 lbs the morning of my first prenatal visit with my first daughter on 3/7/95 and this morning I weighed 263 lbs.....THIS IS THE SMALLEST I HAVE BEEN IN ALMOST 15 YEARS!!!!  I just came to the realization that my kids have never seen me this size.  Very eye opening and just makes me wanna push myself even harder!!!!!

Major WOW moment

Jan 04, 2010

Major NSV today guys.  I have been pretty hard on myself because I have only lost 57 lbs and I am 4 months post op.  I apparently fail to remember that I lost 53 lbs during my insurance required pre op and that's weight that probably would have just fallen off after surgery so I have really worked for my 57 lbs.  Anyway, I was excited when I got down to 26 jeans and was concerned that I had no 24s in my closet for when that time came.  Well, I have been working out so much I guess that I have mostly been wearing sweats and when I do go out, I just wear my 26 which are too big.  My best friend passed down a ton of clothes to me when she lost her weight so I had quit a few pairs of 22s in the closet and this morning something just told me to try them on.  I knew I was only setting myself up for disappointment but I did it anyway and OMG.....THEY FIT!!!!!!  So, since that pair fit, I pulled out 3 more pair of 22s and all fit except a pair of Baby Phat (they must run small).  So then I realize that I completely skipped 24s....God sure does work in mysterious ways!!!!  I was on cloud 9.....then I thought I would pull out my biggest jeans (30s....OMG) and I was so amazed at the difference.  You could not have smacked the smile off my face if you tried.  I showed my kids the 30s and they just smiled really big and told me how proud of me they were.  What a truly amazing day.  I am posting pics of me in the 22s!!!!!!!

OMG....Finally under 300

Oct 21, 2009

I finally did it.  After being stuck at 300 for at least 10 days, I was pleasantly suprised to wake up this morning and see 298.8 on the scales.  What a wonderful feeling to have met a 2nd goal I set for myself.  Now I am only 19.2 lbs from losing 100 and can't wait to reach that milestone.  Thanks so much for everyone's support and encouragement that has gotten me this far.  I hope everyone is well and look forward to hearing the success stories of each of you!!! We can do this!!!!!

Moving Right Along

Sep 10, 2009

Good morning friends.  Just wanted to update everyone on how my surgery went and where I am at.  I had my surgery on Monday 8/31 and experienced a minor complication, an Ileus, that kept me in the hospital until Friday.  I must say that I had some awesome nurses and 1 tech that was a god send, but the rest of the techs really need to spend a week in the hospital with someone like themselves caring for them and see if they don't change their ways.  Anyway,  me personally, I have experienced more pain and discomfort than I anticipated and even remember when I woke up in recovery with my chest hurting terribly that something must have went wrong even though the nurse assured me it hadn't and I was fine.  I remember thinking, "What the hell have I done?"  I then made the mistake of asking to be weighed on Thursday thinking I had been in there for 4 days with only clear liquids, surely I had lost some weight already...............WRONG..........in fact, I had gained 11 lbs and nearly had a hear attack.  My nurse assured me it was from all the IV fluids and gases they pump in you for the surgery and that it would literally just fall off.  I am happy to report it has plus another 9 lbs.  So as of my follow up appointment yesterday, I have lost a total of 62 lbs!!!!!!  It is really surreal and I don't know why.  I mean I know that is why we do this, but I have never lost 62 lbs before and I just came to the realization that this is going to happen.  I am taking back control of my life and never looking back.  I am so thankful for all the wonderful friends that I have who sent up prayers and well wishes for me while I was in the hospital.  I hope each of you are finding success in your journeys and look forward to hearing from you soon.  Take care and be blessed.


Aug 28, 2009

So, I did all my pre-op stuff on Thursday and wanted to share that according to Dr Lowe, I am a record breaker for him.  He said he has never had anyone to lose as much as I have before surgery (48 lbs by their scales Thursday but by my scales this morning, I am at 52 lbs down).  What a great feeling to have your doctor be so proud of you, but more importantly to be so proud of myself!!!  Just wanted to share.  Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.  My surgery is Monday morning at 10:30am. Take care!!!


The Last Supper

Aug 16, 2009

Good evening friends.....what a whirlwind experience the last 10 days have been for me.  I found out on the 6th, that I was being laid off on the 7th and that I would only have my insurance through the end of the month.  Talk about panic when my doctor was not returning from vacation until the 10th and still had to review my file before it could be sent to my insurance company for approval.  So, all paperwork got submitted on Monday the 10th and then I got a call from my doctors office on the 13th saying that the insurance company was requesting a letter from my PCP.  I quickly told her that I did that already and she is the one that faxed me a copy of the letter my PCP had sent them in April.  Luckily, she located it, faxed it and called me back within a few hours to say I was approved.  So there it is, I will be joining you guys on the losers bench on 8-31.  Obviously, I am going to have to take advantage of Cobra because I will probably not be released at least until 9-1.  My concern is that something happens and they try to say my coverage was not continuous.  IDK....has anyone else had to deal with anything like this and can lend some advice.  I would greatly appreciate it.  I hope each of you are finding success on your journeys and look forward to hearing from you soon.  I start my liquid diet tomorrow (had my "Last Supper" tonight....LOL.....I was a bad girl!!!!).  Anyway, wish me luck with the liquids and take care.


Waiting Time

Jul 29, 2009

Good morning all!  I am happy to report that I had my final appointment yesterday and have officially lost 43 lbs.  Now it is be patient and wait time.....not, there is no patience at this point!!!!  Please share how you guys got through this point. 

In the home stretch!!!

Jul 21, 2009

Well, I am pleased to say that I reached my goal of losing 40lbs on my own before surgery and I am so proud of myself.  As of tomorrow, I am officially 1 week away from the last of my 6 months supervised weight loss appointments.  I am told they will go ahead and submit everything to my insurance company at that point so please keep me in your prayers.  I made sure early on that they have everything they need, but think I may follow up with my bariatric coordinator tomorrow just to be 100% sure (things do get misplaced).  You guys have any advice at this point?  I am really excited and can't wait!!!!  I hope each of you are finding success in your journey and look forward to hearing from you soon.  Take care and much love.


About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 06, 2009
Member Since

Friends 78

Latest Blog 22
