10-17-06 - 11 months of change

Oct 17, 2006

As my 11th month of post-surgery comes to a close, I have a few things to think about, and a lot to be thankful for.

The biggest change since my surgery is my stamina.  For instance, today I spent all day running errands, and then came home and cleaned my house.  Previously, just running errands would have made me want to die when I got home.  But today I carried everything inside and wasn't tired at all.

When I go shopping I'm not a huge sweaty tired mess.  I actually go out of my way to look at things, and even if it's the end of my shopping trip I'll go all the way across the store if I forgot something.

Sometimes I come home from working out, shower, and then run errands.  I feel normal.  Is this how easy it is for most people?  You don't realize it as you gain over the years, but man, your ways of living change drastically from the rest of the population as you get larger and larger.

I think nothing of laying on the floor at night to watch TV or play with my cats.  Pre-surgery this would have involved the use of a fork lift (I kid, but there's some truth to it) to get myself up off the floor.  Now I flop down, play with my cats and watch TV.  The floor doesn't hurt my back, butt or knees.

My social anxiety has decreased considerably.

I notice that people already treat me differently (and I still have a lot of weight to lose).  I notice people's eyes aren't immediately drawn to my body.  Children don't stare at me or make comments.

I sit differently.  I stand differently.  I move my body differently.  I'm a lot more bendy.  I wear more cute shoes because my feet don't hurt so much from holding up my body weight.

My husband thinks the sex has gotten way better, although I don't notice a major difference, other than the fact that his already generous size can sometimes feel too big in certain positions.  He had to adjust things that he did, because there was a while there where it seemed like every sexual encounter involved the words "OUCH!". 
I am NOT complaining, though.   :-P

Fast food is no longer a part of my lifestyle.  Occasionally we pick up mexican food, once in a while Taco Bell, but it's rare.

Alcohol is awesome.  I try not to have it very often, because 1/2 a drink makes me the happiest camper on the block.... in a way that makes alcohol way too appealing.

I feel a lot more like an actual person.  It's hard to describe.  But trust me, it's good.


Oct 14, 2006

I've been losing weight this week.  Oddly, I was sick and hadn't been to Curves in almost 2 weeks, and I just started losing.

I've been using FitDay.com, which seems to help.  I find that my body refuses to lose weight if I eat anything other than incredibly small amounts of carbs and/or fats.  Even if I'm eating 1000 calories a day, if much of those calories come from carbs I won't lose.... frustrating.

I've gone back to basics -- a lot of pure protein sources, substituting shakes for meals, and basically, not eating a lot.  I am getting in my protein, though.

I've started back at Curves now that I'm feeling better.  We'll see if I continue losing weight.  It's so odd and frustrating that my weight loss stalled and slowed during the time I began seriously working out.

11 Months Post Op

Oct 14, 2006

As of today, my BMI is 49.7!!
Holy crap!

I still consider myself a BMI Over 50 person, though. 

But I'm going to celebrate this milestone.

10 Months Post Op

Sep 11, 2006

Well, my  9 month post-op appointment went well.  I was at approximately minus 141 lbs from surgery date.  I was still stalled out at that point, and was frustrated.

Since then I've dropped about 11-12 lbs.  Oddly, I've only been working out at Curves about 3x per week, versus 5 times a week back then.  I have been doing other exercise as well, but I'm planning to head back to Curves 5x a week now that I can't swim anymore.  My husband and I took some updated photos last night.  I can see that I've lost weight, but I have a real hard time looking at the pics because I see how far I still have to go.  My current photos look like many peoples' "before" pics.  It's difficult not to compare.

I find that my best weight loss comes from eating about 900 calories a day.  My mom told me that we're what she calls 'easy keepers'.  We don't require as many calories as most people do in order to maintain our weight.  Some people have told me that if I'm exercising I should eat more than 1,000 calories a day, but I disagree.  900 calories seems to keep me losing.  Anything else and I stall.  I'm thinking of making an appointment with the nutritionist at my WLS office.  It wouldn't hurt to go over my eating habits.  I am making sure to get my protein in.

9 Months Post Op

Aug 13, 2006

I don't have a lot of time for an update right now, but I will try and update again soon.  As of right now, I've lost just about 150 lbs.  I'm doing very well, I think.  I've recently joined Curves, and it's working well for me.  I haven't had a lot of WOW moments, but seeing as how I started at a higher weight than many others, I still have a long way to go to get to goal.  

Right now I'm fighting my mind, mostly.  I'm scared of failure.  I'm scared that the scale won't move any lower.  This is probably because I just got out of a month-long period where I not only didn't lose any weight, but actually ended up about 5 pounds higher than my previous low.  I attribute this to muscle mass gain, and who knows what else.  It certainly isn't because I'm overeating.

I'm doing a lot better with my water and protein intake than I was earlier on.   I eat about the same amount of calories that I have been (1000 a day), but the foods I eat have changed slightly.

I sometimes eat a small amount of bread.  I don't eat pasta.  I eat more fruits and veggies than I used to.  And I seem to tolerate most meats.  I consider myself a late bloomer in the eating department.  I was so much more sensitive than most people were.

I haven't tried to eat "naughty" things like sugar.  It was hard, especially on my birthday.  I craved cake for almost a month after that.  But then I tell myself -- it's just food.

I'm still seeing my therapist weekly.  I think this has helped.  As I lose more weight, I think I will have more and more issues come up.  

I go in for a 9 month post op. appointment in 4 days.  I will update after that.

Water and Exercise

May 09, 2006

It's been a while since I've updated.  Didn't mean to go so long, just a lot of family things going on and have been very busy.  I was down 70 lbs as of my 3 month post op. appointment.  I have not weighed myself since then, and my next appointment is in mid-May.  

It's so weird the way I lose weight.  I'll go thru periods where I see small body changes on a daily basis, and then for a few weeks, nothing.  When I see my progress pics, it's hard for me to really see a difference.  I know I'm losing though, so I try not to focus on the things that will get me down.

My biggest battles are with water and exercise.  And I'm always struggling to get more water into me.  Trying to really get my butt in gear and get on a daily routine for working out.  Overall, I'm a lot more active.  My stamina has increased and my joints don't ache in the morning.  When I stand up from a chair I don't feel like I'm fighting gravity- I feel so light.  It's nice.

It's always the little things that are the best.   One of my favorite activities is getting down on the floor to play with my cats.  I never did this before.  Now it's second nature.

My husband and I went bowling yesterday and bowled almost 7 complete games.  I wore him out.  Usually we only bowl 1-2 games.  We were tired, but I had a great time.  I can't believe my stamina.  I still need more long distance walking stamina, but if my exercise was more focused, that wouldn't be a problem.  

Right now I'm trying to be patient about losing weight.  All of a sudden there's a huge world out there and I want to go do everything NOW NOW NOW.  I've missed out for so long, and spent too many years sitting on the sidelines.

I noticed this past week that I can eat just about anything, as long as it's a very small amount.  Nothing feels icky in my stomach anymore.  Before, most of the "normal" foods would feel like gravel in my stomach.  Lately, I can eat almost anything (that I should be eating) and it feels normal.  This both pleases and frightens me.  I'm happy that I can eat a few bites of salad or chicken, and it goes down just fine.  But I'm scared of making bad choices.  However, there's leftover macaroni and cheese in the kitchen (from my husband's dinner) and I haven't thought of touching it.  I think I've made some real progress in regards to my food issues.  I think the hardest part will be the next year - knowing that I can eat things, but making healthy choices, and not snacking out of boredom.  I'm working hard to not re-start any of my old bad habits.   

I have yet to try anything fatty or sugary, and I have yet to dump.  I'm proud of myself about that.  Actually, my diet is quite bland compared to many other people's.

Some of my current meals:
- nonfat, low sugar yogurt
- nonfat cottage cheese, with low sugar fruit stirred in
- string cheese
- soy protein chips (sometimes I dip them in salsa- yum!)
- Raisin Bran (I pick out about 1/2 the raisins) or Honey Bunches of Oats w/ skim milk (lots of milk, not much cereal)
- chicken or beef soup w/ veggies
- tuna fish
- 2-3 whole wheat, lowfat crackers, with peanut butter

Almost 3 months post-op

Jan 31, 2006

A belated Happy New Year to everyone.  My weight loss journey is going well for me.  Each week I find a new body part that is getting smaller.  I guess I'm losing all over instead of one area at a time.  In 2 weeks I have my 3 month post op appointment.  I'm anxious to find out how much I've lost.  I think I had a plateau for a while.  Now that I'm drinking more water, and am getting one good Isopure shake a day, my weight loss seems to have picked up again.  

Overall, things are going well.  I seem to have problems eating chicken.  I've eaten steak with no problem, though.  (weird!)  My favorite food is the nonfat, no sugar added yogurt.

I was reading the forums last night and was amazed at the number of people that have this surgery and aren't truly prepared for it.  Also, how many people have poor surgeons.  I feel lucky - Dr. Korman and his staff have been excellent.  They prepare you for everything.   I do not regret having surgery one bit, and it was absolutely the right choice for me.

Well, just wanted to update.  Will update again after my 3 month post op appointment.

Home From the Hospital

Nov 16, 2005

Thanks to everyone that messaged or email me.  Was very touched by all the kind thoughts and words!

Surgery went well!  I had no problems whatsoever, except for an overly active bowel, which seemed to please everyone but me!  Came home from the hospital last night.  Was utterly exhausted and scared to be home and "on my own".  Cried my eyes out when I first got home, as I couldn't get comfortable.  I slept very little in the hospital.  Didn't need any pain meds, but took some syrup once or twice to help me sleep.  Took some syrup last night and slept 6 wonderful hours in my own bed.  I can't believe I slept so long. I woke up feeling refreshed.  Am trying hard to get enough water.  

I am dealing with head hunger.  I feel like an addict going thru withdrawls.  My new mantra: what doesn't kill me makes me stronger.  

Last night was such a struggle.  My husband had to work today so I'm all alone.  I'm doing well though.  Showered and changed my wound dressing.  Got myself some water and jello, and am getting ready to go for a walk around the neighborhood.  Not sure if I can fasten my shoes, though.  Will update more later.  Can't sit here for very long. 

The Day Before Surgery

Nov 12, 2005

I got all my tests and paperwork finished right at the deadline on Friday evening (at 5:15pm!), so my surgery is going ahead for tomorrow morning.  I'm nervous and a little scared, but surprisingly excited as well.

The Fleets wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  I wonder how I know that I'm all cleaned out.  It seemed to work its magic in about 3-4 hours total.  It tasted horrible, but the purge part wasn't as bad as I was expecting.

I had a slight epiphany this week. Because of all my medical tests and appointments and discussions, I've had to get somewhat comfortable, if that's at all possible, with telling certain people my weight. As many overweight people often do, I've managed to skate by with not weighing myself, feeling weird and uncomfortable, and getting out of it when I am asked to be weighed at the doctor's office. Well, 2 months ago, while at my Endo's office, she wanted to get my exact weight so she could give all the information to my insurance company for a referral. I have to admit some shock and disbelief hit me when I saw the number. Actually, if I remember correctly, as she called my insurance company to get an immediate referral for WLS, I fought back tears. I was able to hold them until I made it to the car and then spent most of the drive back to my office bawling with my sunglasses on so other drivers wouldn't notice. It wasn't until this week that I realized something. My weight is just a number. Bad as it may be, it doesn't mean that I am a bad person. Although I've always accepted my weight with a sense of humor, I think I've always associated being overweight with being a bad person. I realized this week that somehow, in all the mess of dealing with this surgery, I've come to accept that those 3 digits are not me - they are only symbolic of the flesh that I carry around. I refuse to punish myself, loathe myself, and be ashamed of myself.

Busy Busy Busy

Oct 06, 2005

I've completed my psych. evaluation.  I've done my endoscopy.  Working on getting my sleep study records to Dr. Korman.  This whole week is a mess of appointments and pre-op clearances.  I'm scheduled for surgery on November 14th - one week away.  However, if my paperwork doesn't all come through in time, it will be pushed back several weeks, which I don't want.  I'm hoping beyond hope that it works out for the 14th.

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 08, 2005
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 11
10-17-06 - 11 months of change
11 Months Post Op
10 Months Post Op
9 Months Post Op
Water and Exercise
Almost 3 months post-op
Home From the Hospital
The Day Before Surgery
Busy Busy Busy
