2 Years out

Feb 01, 2015

My surgeons goal for me, especially with my MS and Lupus was 137 as of yesterday I weigh 113!!!!! My personal goal was 215. Even with all my medical problems I have ran 4 5K's and become so much more active and this has changed my life and helped manage my disease.

1 comment

Almost9 months out

Oct 23, 2013

I weighed in at 147 today. That is what I weighed when my husband met me in 1994. I am in shock. I am still obese, not considered overweight yet but my hard work is paying off.


@ 2 months post op

Mar 29, 2013

STILL at 180.1 EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!! This sucks. Maybe I wasted my time and money and put myself through this for no reason.



Mar 20, 2013

I have been at a stall for what felt like forever but what was really only about 3 weeks. I was moved off soft foods and can do my "diet for life" and my doc said to stop checking the scale constantly.... that is sort of impossible for me at this point. I am having no issues taking my vitamins, fluids or protein at all. I have had a strange pain the last few weeks I am still not sure what it is could be gas, lactose intolerance....maybe even actual hunger. i have found that if I eat or drink something it goes away. My skinny jeans can be pulled off and on and are getting baggy and I was able to wear a juniors 17 and misses XL so I am making progress. I get frustrated with how fast the weight seems o fall off other people and not me so I have to remind myself that  it took time to put it on and it will take time to take it off.I'm just not patient. Yesterday was the first time I had been able to do 3 miles on the treadmil since surgery. I think part of my problem is that I feel like I should be able to do more....I need to remember that my MS gives me limitations that other people don't have.


One month post op today

Feb 27, 2013

As of today I am one month post op. I have lost 23 lbs and I swear alot of that weight was in my face. My pain is gone. I have no problems with fluids but my protein hovers around 54 grams and I know I need to increase that. My pouch loves fish and some chicken but I still do alot of really soft stuff. I have started walking and exercising and it makes me feel better to get up and move around. I am hoping to be 150 by summer.


3 weeks out

Feb 21, 2013

Today is Day 21 post op. I have almost gotten back to my normal routine. I average about 55 grams of protein and at least 60 oz of fluids each day. My energy level is almost back and most of my pain is gone but my stomach is still a little bruised. Everything gets a little easier and a little better each day. I have started exercising again and it seriously seems to make me feel better. I weighed in today at 189.1 so I have lost 21 lbs since surgery. That's a pound a day! So now I am waiting for my first real stall that everyone says will be coming up. At least I am on my way to a healthier life.


Day 12

Feb 11, 2013

I am in much less pain. I have to start getting in more protein though. I managed to eat most of a scrambled egg this morning on top of my vitamins and meds. I saw my surgeon yesterday. I lost 14 pounds and he says I am right on track and doing well. I was moved to a soft foods diet and actually ate dinner with my family last night (of course, they all finished before I did and I had much less) but I didnt get sick and nothing got stuck. I am still very tired but between my MS and lack of protein that I to be expected. It gets a little better and a little easier each day.


Day 9

Feb 08, 2013

I am feeling very run down and tired. I got almost no protein yesterday and only about 20 oz of water in me. I keep getting that painful "full" feeling at the top of my ribs below my boobs. I have been told and read that the first 6-8 weeks are the hardest and if I can keep my wits about me this too shall pass and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I keep praying throughout the day. Mentally I feel much better now that my meds are straightning out. I still cry easy and keep having the "what have I done" sinking feeling. My biggest complaint is fatigue. I havent done hair or makeup since surgery because I cant. I dont have the energy to care. I am just trying to make it one day at a time and I hope all of this is worth it in the end.  


Day 8

Feb 08, 2013

I am taking in less and less fluids. I keep having that pain of fullness above my ribs. I started taking vitamins today in the hopes that I will have more energy. I hope I dont get any complications. I have had a LOT of surgeries. This has been the hardest on me so far so I hope I start having more energy next week. I miss participating in life or just sitting at the dinner table with my family.


Day 7

Feb 07, 2013

Well I made it through week one and I didn't die. I felt pretty bad for awhile there. I managed to drink all 3 shakes yesterday but it made me feel sick with the fullness above my ribs. Today I tried my first puréed egg. It took me two separate sittings but I did it. My pain is mostly under control. I just have zero energy and get dizzy easy. I have to remind myself to just keep going slow. My friends keep asking about me but I haven't wanted many visitors since the flu is going around. I just want some energy soon. I want the energy to do my hair and make up nd feel nice again. 


About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 21, 2013
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