Getting down to the wire...

Feb 04, 2009

I'm in my last month, my paper work is going to be submitted on March 2nd. I'm so nervous, I'm just sure I'm going to forget to do something and my paper work isn't going to be submitted on time. I don't know why March 2nd is such a deadline in my head, I mean I know it's the first date they can submit but I almost feel like I have myself convinced it's the ONLY day they can submit, lol. I need to chill out... the only things I have left are my shrink eval and my cardiac consult, they are both scheduled, just playing the waiting game.

Turkey Day

Nov 29, 2008

Well, I think I'm really determined that this is offically my last "real" Thanksgiving feast! I went to one of my girlfriend's houses for dinner (wasn't that nice of her to feed my family??? We eat a lot, lol). Then, on Friday I made my own dinner, the whole thing, turkey, potatoes, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, etc. I said it was for my husband because he likes left overs, but really I think it was for me.

About Me
Nov 06, 2008
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Turkey Day
