Update 7+ years later

Sep 06, 2010

I converted my profile to the new look and my journal is gone. Not to worry. I have it saved. I can't lose that story. It marks so much of who and what I am. It has been 7 and 8 months since I had my WLS and I am still in a size 4 pants. I have had some challenges and changed, but that is life.

I am happily remarried and expecting my first grandchild any day! I will write more and tell you about my journey, especially in how it pertains to my WLS. I would STILL do it again in a heartbeat. Although I have developed fibromyalgia and had to have some things fixed along the way, I cannot ever imagine having fibromyalgia and a BMI of 44! Thank GOD I don't have to carry that weight on top of my daily chronic pain.

For those just stopping by for the first time:

I had my RNY January 13, 2003. It is my third birthday.
First birthday was the day I was born;
second birthday was the day I allowed Christ to be my Lord,
my third birthday was the day I died to obesity and was born into a healthier life.

Weight before RNY peaked at 275 (had surgery at 262)
Initial weight loss took me to 122 (too thin)
Maintained 130-132 for 6 years
Gained and hit 152 (after taking Lyrica)
Losing again! Have lost 12 pounds since July 13
Current weight: 140
Current Goal: 130

Tomorrow I will tell you about the emergency surgery that I had a month ago.

My Journal beginning 2002

Sep 06, 2010

This is copy and pasted from my old OH Blog and it is LONG. If you want to know my story, this is it.

11/22/01 -

My weight is out of control but my Primary wants me to "try" a weight loss program first before he will even let me consider surgery. I don't see that happening. I have gained 40 pounds since my mother died in Feb of 2001. I have gained 30 of that in three months. Oh I would say I've finally gotten tired of the "diet" game. I go back to my primary in Jan and will insist on a referral to Dr.Verdeja. I'm ready emotionally.


I have been to my Primary every four weeks for the past 8 months and he keeps beating around the bush. He will not give me a referral to see Dr. Verdeja. After my last visit I called my insurance company and switched doctors. My appointment is on Thursday April 25. I have gained 70 pounds since my mother died last year. I am at my all time high of 252 pounds. I am disgusted with myself. I can't breathe, bend down, or keep up with my children and my housework.


I finally received the authorization from my insurance company to go and have a consultation with the surgeon. Wahoo! I was so excited when I got the referral! I couldn't make my appointment because it was already after 5pm on Friday, but you can bet first thing Monday morning I will call to schedule an appointment for my initial consultation. I guess I can't procrastinate any longer. I better get my physical, bloodwork, psych eval and all the other necessities in order!

Just got off the phone with Dr. Verdeja's office. My initial consultation is scheduled for June 17 at 8:30 am!!! WAHOOO....this may be a very good summer!

I just celebreated my 38th birthday. I couldn't help thinking it would be my last birthday as an obese woman.

I have had some trouble sleeping (insomnia) so I have done alot of extra research and work online. I finished a packet for my initial consultation and made carbon copies for my PCP, Psychologist, Insurance Company and previous PCP. I wrote out my History of Diet and Excercise, my Family History Log, My Insurance Letter, a list of all the meds I have used in the past year and their cost, and a **NIFTY** little chart that I made which shows my weight going up and down for the past 25 years. It was an eye opener. It shows that indeed I can loose weight but each time I lose I gain more than when I started. I thought thechart was cool!

Anyways I have my little folder going with everything I think that would help the process along. I am hoping when I get to the surgeon on June 17th that I will have almost all my homework done and all we have to do is get the insurance approval. IDEALLY, I would like to get the surgery before school starts again in August. It would be easier if the kids were home and I didn't have to depend on others to transport my kids to school.

I have an appointment with my GYN (yuck, yuck and more yuck) on Tuesday, the 4th. I am waiting for the referral numbers for the Sleep Test and the Psychologist. Would it be great (and God driven) if I could have all this done before the 17th!!?? Oh Yeah...I do believe in God and as smooth as everything has been I know He is in control.

June 8,
2002 -
I survived my GYN appointment. Not that bad. He was so encouraging when I told him I was going to have WLS. He said many of his patients have had success and are doing so well. He said he couldn't wait to see me next year :)

I don't know what else to do until my initial consult...only 9 days away!!! I am so preoccupied with that meeting. I can hardly sleep! I think I have done as much leg work as possible. I still have not received the referrals for the psychologist and pulmonoligist. I called yesterday and she said she was putting them in the mail. I will see on Monday. I wanted to have all that done before 6/17. At least I can have the appointments made. What else do I need?Gosh, seems like so much to remember!!!

Thank goodness I have Jesus in my life. He is my steering and guide.

June 16,
2002 -
Happy Father's Day to my husband. He is the best husband and father! I am blessed to have him in my life.

TOMORROW I go for my initial consultation at 8:30 am. WAHOO!! I can't wait! My friend, Erin, is going with me for support. She is a great friend! I will write tomorrow to post the results.

June 17,
2002 -
Well, what an interesting day at the doctor's office. I *thought* I was going to have a consultation with the surgeon. Surprise!Surprise! There were 7 others there at the same time. The doctor had us seated in one room with a white board and markers. He introduced himself and began to thoroughly go over the pre-op, operative and post-op procedures. He took an hour and a half to explain everything and then answered a few questions. They then had us each make a follow up appointment. So I will not have a one-on-one with Dr. Verdeja until next week. It could be a positive thing. I have my sleep study coming up and my psychological before my 1-on-1. I also have a chance to gather a few more letters for the insurance. It would be great if I had everything I need for the insurance by the time I have my appointment. So, the next appointment with the surgeon is June 27th at 3:30 pm.

June 21,
2002 -
Well, another day of gathering information for my initial with Dr. Verdeja. Only 5 days and wake up until my consultation. That same night I have my sleep study at 7:30. I also have my psychological this upcoming week. So I will get all the last minute details together in one week. I guess it will be kind of busy. I like busy! I am staying 'pumped' up. :)

I have been through such a struggle to get my referrals for the psychologist and the sleep study. But I jumped through some hoops today. The sleep study referral was ready on JUNE 11 but the lady at the PCP's office kept telling me "We'll send it
tomorrow." Today I called and told her I had been waiting
since May 24th and that I needed it faxed
**TODAY** to the sleep center. I made sure she was aware of my displeasure with her lack of response and reminded her that I knew the office manager very well. In fact the office manager is 2 months post-op and has become one of my biggest supports. I had the fax within an hour and an appointment at the sleep center for the 27th. Had it not been like that I would've had to wait until August for my sleep study.

So next
week it is psychological on Tuesday; Surgeon on Thursday 3:30pm; Sleep Study Thursday 7:30 pm. Hopefully I can get the reports from the psychological and the sleep study without undo delay. Once I have those documents, everything else is ready for the insurance. It would just be a matter of filing and waiting for approval and a surgery date. I want SO bad to have surgery before school starts in September! God knows that. Please pray with me so that it will happen.

JUNE 28,
Bummer day! I am disappointed beyond description. I thought this was going to be my productive week and instead it has been steps backwards. I started out on Tuesday with a psych eval that bombed. The 80+ year old woman didn't even understand gastric bypass and turned out to be a LMHC not a Psychologist. I had to find someone else and reschedule. I have another appointment next Tuesday.

I went to my surgeon consult yesterday. That went
! He is so sweet and smart and competent. I feel safe in his arms.

Then last night was my sleep study. I BOMBED out! :( I skipped my coffee, my usual naps, ate light and when they turned the light off and said "SLEEP" I couldn't! I just couldn't sleep on cue. Any other time give me a quiet place and I zonk out. I got a whole 3 hours of sleep. I have to hope that they are able to get enough data from those 3 hours so that I don't have to return.

The results from the sleep test will take 2 weeks. Plus the psych eval...probably 2 weeks. We are looking at the middle of July. Then send all paper work to the insurance = another two weeks. I am looking at having the doctor schedule 4-6 weeks after insurance approval. So looks like September, maybe October. I AM CRUSHED. He did say he had a cancellation list.

I have worked so hard day and night so that I can have surgery while the kids are out of school for the summer. They could help me during my recovery and I wouldn't have to do any driving to and from the schools. Thanks for letting me vent! I am having such a hard time today.....

2002 -
I had a MARVELOUS day! I went to see Dr. Alfred
Piniella,psychiatrist. It was a wonderful thing! He works closely with Dr. Verdeja and knows what the insurance companies want in a letter. He took some information, asked me some questions and then told me the eval will be ready tomorrow. YAY!! After I get the evaluation I am ready to take all my paperwork to the surgeon's office and it is off to the insurance company! I can hardly believe it! Perhaps this could still be within the summer schedule. OH, Lord, you know the desire of my heart.

2002 -
Good morning my friends! Happy 4th of July to all of you in the US! I love visiting the message board but find it hard to keep up if I don't check a couple of times a day. So...I check a couple of times a day :)...I'm addicted to AMOS! I finally had my re-psych eval on Tuesday. It was extremely productive and they sent me my evaluation via mail yesterday. It was ready in 24 hours. I should have my copy by Saturday. Sooooo on Monday I plan to march myself right up to the Surgeon's office and turn in all my papers. It seems I've been documenting and writing forever (4 months) and I finally have everything I need. Once I take theinformation to the surgeon's office, they submit to the insurance company and I wait. So far everything has been blessed by God (yes I love Jesus) and it has been smooth sailing and perfectly timed. I believe that if God has his hand upon my paperwork and this process that I till have an answer soon and He will grant me the desire of my heart. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have an answer in 2 weeks and a date shortly after that?? I have said all along that I would like to have my surgery before the kids return to school in the fall. It is still a possibility. Praying it is so! On another note...my husband took a drastic cut in pay so I am job hunting. I got a temp job offer at the local First Choice Women's Center. I am also applying for a job that will be opening at my church the beginning of September. Now I can just see it!! God in control...sugery in August...new job in September. If it goes like that it has to be God, cuz me...I'm just Lily. .

July 11,

width="100" height="150"> Waiting...waiting...waiting... I have been waiting for 8 days! I went to the psychologist on Tuesday, July 2. The evaluation/report was ready for pick up on Wednesday, but since it is an hour's drive away, I asked that they please send me the report via US Mail. I called again on Monday, the 8th and reminded them and made sure they knew I had yet to recieve the report. I was told that they would resend the report. Now it has been yet another 4 days since that call. It doesn't take 8 days for something to arrive via mail in the same town. This is the only item holding me up! I need to submit the report to the surgeon's office so I can get my approval. The waiting is killing me...not getting anywhere and having to be so pacifist is killing me. Thanks for letting me vent!

I *finally* got a copy of the psychological evaluation...via fax. I still haven't received the copy they sent in the mail two weeks ago. Yeah right! I am going to the surgeon's office first thing tomorrow morning to deliver all my paper work. I'll update when I hear something.

I am so bummed out and I know it is part of my MO disease because when things get this bad I withdraw, so here I am going to try and vent a little and if you want you can read right past it.

I had a major fight with my husband on Tuesday and we are in the process of getting a separation. Needless to say it has been a very stressful week. On top of that we are hurting really bad financially. If a mortgage payment isn't made by the 31st we will go into foreclosure and go over 90 days. Then...on Wednesday, I excitedly drove up to Dr. Verdeja's office (I live in Homestead so it is a bit of a drive). I handed Moraima (sp) all my paper work. Now mind you, I have been gathering a TON of documentation since May. She asked me if I had the NHP questionaire. Of course, I never saw that and she said someone should've given it to me two months ago. Of course. So I have to get this questionaire filled out by my PCP and she said once she had that she would immediately submit my paperwork for approval.

Now sofar I have had a major blow out with my husband, the bill collectors are down my throat, the paperwork STILL isn't complete...it get's crazier. On Thursday I called to make an appointment to see my PCP to complete this questionaire and he is no longer there. Coral Reel Medical Associates closed all their offices, fired all their MD's and staff with no notice and no warning. So I traced my Doctor down and got a voice mail on his cell phone that says "I'm in the process of relocating. If this is an emergency go to your nearest hospital. Please call
back around July 22nd and we should be in an office by then." Great! I have no idea where my records are, where my lab reports are or my sleep test results. So now what? I guess after that bit of news I kind of gave into the idea that probably won't have this surgery before summer is out after all. I am so crushed to say the least. I need to get a job to help pay for bills but I know that I have to have this surgery, too.

Life pretty much stinks right now. I know when I get to the other side
of this and I'm feeling better that alot of things won't seems as difficult to handle. I already take anti depressants... thank God. And I have great support from you all. Thanks for letting me

9, 2002

What a
wild few weeks. Let me update breifly. I couldn't track down Dr.Wong to get my NHP questionaire filled out so I put my pride down and made an appointment to see Dr. Loman. Ok...so I missed him. He really is a GREAT doctor. He asked me why I had returned and I told him the that the other doctor was gone, but that truthfully, I wouldn't want anyone else by my side during my recovery. I
trust Dr. Loman with my life (isn't that the way it should be?). So...

  • Thursday,
    August 1 - Saw Dr. Loman; got my NHP Questionaire, had an
    EKG, and referrals for a gall bladder ultrasound and

  • Friday,
    August 2 - I went away for 2 days to the Women of Faith

  • Monday,
    August 5 - Went to children's camp for 4 days. It was the
    first time in three years that I just couldn't make
    myself go in the pool with the kids. I hid in the game
    room and other places with air conditioning. Made my need
    for WLS very obvious.

  • Friday,
    August 9 - Had my gall bladder ultrasound and sent the
    surgeon the last of my paperwork. They told me it would
    be about 2 weeks.

13, 2002

I AM APPROVED!!! That's right APPROVED! What a roller coaster ride the past few weeks have been. Just two working days (barely) and I am approved! Moraima called to tell me that the insurance approved my surgery. The lady who handles the dates will call me within a week to set a date. So hopefully by the end of the week.


Less than an hour after I got a call from the surgeon's office I got a call from Dr. Loman (PCP). He said that the gall bladder ultrasound shows a very abnormal gallbladder. I have ... Cholecystitis. Any normal human would be devastated! But I love it. That means that the gall bladder has to come out very soon. The surgeon is just going to have to move my surgery date up! Is that too cool or what? They will have to prioritize my surgery. Wouldn't that just be like God to schedule this surgery so that I do have it before the kids return to school. HE has known that to be the desire of my heart from the beginning of this journey.

I plan to keep myself busy with cleaning the house and preparing my "recovery corner". YES! YES! YES!

The next update will hopefully be to include a surgery date.

I GOT A DATE!!! October 15 at South Miami Hospital. Won't be long now! YAY!

September 10, 2002

I have been very ill. I went to the ER on Thursday, August 29th with intense pain in my abdomen. I was treated for gallbladder and sent home on a "bland diet". I slept all day Friday and Saturday and woke up again in such pain! I thought I was going to split in half. I called my doctor and he ordered me to go straight to the hospital. By the time I arrived my admit had been processed and I was quickly on my way to a room. I had no idea I would spend the next 5 days in a hospital bed! While I was fearing that this would put my surgery off, I realized that I needed to find the source of my pain. By Wednesday we had an answer...I have a hiatal hernia. The esophogus was so infected and swolen that I was on the verge of strangulation. So the doctors treated me with antibiotics and sent me home on tons of medication. I was told to stay away from alcohol, caffeine and fried foods. When I have my WLS in October I will have my gall bladder removed, my hiatal hernia repaired and my gastric bypass all at once. Three for the price of one! :) I just hope that the next few weeks are not too eventful. The countdown has begun!

16, 2002

My "baby" is 9 years old today! I can't believe it! As I watch her growing I realize I have some great opportunities ahead, too. I have decided to go back to school in January. I will lose weight and renew my studies. I can just taste my new improved self!
Today I went to see Dr. Mario Mangas, a pulmonologist. He said he would give me surgical clearance after I go for a lung function test. He was very supportive.
I also stopped by Dr. Verdeja's office. I was so infuriated with Carmen! On August 18th I began my quest to contact her. She has me scheduled for surgery on Oct 15th but the letter I got from my insurance company says Oct 23rd. I have left her numerous voice mails and even sent her a fax and a letter. So today I "popped" into the office. She still would not see me! I was told that they had already updated the information with the insurance company and not to worry. So I went to my car and called the insurance company and sure enough...NO adjustments have been made. Soooo I went right back in and asked again that it be corrected. I was told that the person to contact then is Moraima. That is fine as she has always been helpful. So I will try that tomorrow. I have an appointment with Dr.Loman and then I will stop and visit Moraima. ANother day of doctor appointments. I don't mind all the appointments because I feel like I am getting somewhere and that it makes the countdown seem to go faster.
28 days and a wake up.....

1, 2002
OH MY!! It is October and that means only 2 weeks left until I am on the "other side". I can hardly believe it! It has been such a long year. The next two weeks will be filled with lots of details. I have a follow up CPAP trial and Lung Function Test on Wednesday, Oct 2nd. A Chest X-ray on Thursday, October 3rd and a last appointment for clearance with my PCP on Friday, October 4th. Then...next week I have my bloodwork on Monday, October 7th. In between those times I am cleaning my house like crazy. I am also busy shopping and packing. I am trying to put together the foods I will need the first two weeks. I am also making extra meals for my family. I have ordered a few caftans from ebay to use during my recovery period at home. It is alot of work just to get all my home in order! It is a good thing, though, because I am too busy to think too much about the surgery.
Last night I did shed a tear, that actually surprised me. I suddenly realized that there is always that chance of a catastrophe. But it was temporary. I am trusting the God who has brought me this far and who is forever showing me miracles. I have to trust in Him!

5, 2002
Can you believe it? Only one more Saturday and it will be here...surgery! 8 days and a wake up! I am busy getting things straightened, meals cooked and house cleaned. I'm getting

7, 2002
Oh my goodness! Only 6 days and a wake up! I am getting so pumped! My mind won't stop racing with all sorts of thoughts: thoughts of the unexpected, thoughts of what to pack, thoughts of what to do around the house so it will run smooth without me for a few days, thoughts of knowing my eating habits will change forever...I can't sleep very much. I find myself up every night wandering the house, restless... Just a few more days and then I can relax and enjoy the process of melting :)

10, 2002
I got my pre-op labs back today and then I got that dreaded call from my PCP. I was told my hemoglobin is "low", but it is a 13. So they called Dr.Verdeja and he said he was "not comfortable" with those numbers. Dr. Muina (covering for Dr.Loman, my PCP) put a call into Dr.Verdeja (surgeon) and Dr. Llanesa (gatroentorologist). Between all of them they are going to determine my fate tomorrow. This just can't be happening! I am 5 days pre-op! Today I spent the entire afternoon at the hosptial doing the pre-admit. I met with a doctor, nurse, social worker, nutritionist and anesthesiologist. I have busted my buns since June going to all my tests and doing my homework for this to happen now. Oh...please, please pray. Thanks!

25, 2002
I have a new date!!! December 10 at 2 pm.

5, 2002
This is just unbelievable...today is December 5th and my surgery has once again been CANCELLED! My iron dropped again and here I am once again 5 days until surgery and cancelled. I don't know if I have the strength or will to keep trying. It may be sometime before I muster up the courage to keep going...

5, 2003
I have been at this for 14 months! What an endless journey it seems to be! Alot has happened in the past month. First I went to a hemotologist. He drew lots of blood and ran lots of tests. As of January 2, I have no adverse problems with my blood or iron and he has cleared me for surgery. His name is Antonio Muina and was just magnificent. He was a great listener and very supportive.

Second, I changed surgeons. I am now having surgery with Dr. Nestor De La Cruz. He will be doing the surgery at Mercy Hospital (not South Miami) and it will be LAP RNY, not OPEN. Boy! Did plans change or what?

Finally, I changed PCP's. If you have read my profile this far then you know what I have gone through with Dr. Loman. He is a great person. I love him dearly but he has been far from supportive of my desire for WLS. I have a new PCP named Dr. Janice Milligan. I will meet with her on the 13th. I already told her it was for Gastric Bypass clearance and the office staff said she is very supportive.

So it looks like it is a go again for this surgery. This is the third time. I have a new hospital, new surgeon, new procedure, new PCP and clearance from every doctor necessary, including the hemotologist. There is really nothing in the way this time. I honestly am not going to count down or get excited until I am in the OR! But I looking forward to a change in my life. Next time I update will probably be just before my surgery.


I got a call from the surgeon's office this afternoon. They had a cancellation and so I will be having surgery this coming Monday! That is Monday, the 13th. This is 7 days earlier than I had planned so I am running around getting my home in order. I can't believe it! It is finally happening!!!! WAHOOOOOOOO!

January 11, 2003

I was the happiest woman in the world yesterday. I was so excited
to have my surgery date moved up. But my husband and probably my
best friend both snarled.

My husband said he can't get
time from work so he is going to take me and drop me off the
hospital. I won't see him again until probably Wed. Is it unfair
to want my husband in the waiting room until I am safely out of
surgery?? I have been crying because of his insensitivity. But
then again, it doesn't surprise me. When I was hospitalized in
August for my gallbladder, he never came to see me. The only time
he came was to pick me up and take me home. He is not my favorite
person these days. Can you tell? I have the stress of our
unstable marriage on my head. I want so much to be on the
"other side" so I can deal with my home and not worry
about so many surgery details.

My dearest friend has been
rooting for me for over a year. She has never felt good about the
surgery. She has some reservations. She says it scares her. That
is normal. But when I had the opportunity to go early she just
told me I was crazy. She kept making excuses like "What
about the house" "the kids", etc? Well I got all
the details taken care of in one day. I have people from the
church pitching in and helping. I also have a 17 year old who can
drive and help around here. I have planned all of this three
times now so it was really easy this go around. She also cannot
be there for me this week. She has other commitments (whereas she
had set aside next week to help). I think she may just be taken
by surprise. She is scared and she probably feels bad that she
can't help. But her words DID hurt and her lack of support is
depressing me.

My father, God bless him, is 80
years old. He has decided he is moving into the hospital on
Monday and won't leave until I do. He is a great man. At least I
can count on him. And what can I say about my sister, she is my
biggest fan. She is rooting me on. She is the one that told me
I'd be crazy not to take Monday's date. My husband's job is very
unstable and her words were, "What if he loses his job
during the week and you miss this opportunity?" She was
right! My husband said somethings last night about work that
confirmed how rocky his position is.

So yes, I will do something for
myself this time. My kids will be fine for 3 days. My housework
will still be here when I get back and so will my work. So what,
I didn't get around to taking my tree down. It will get done
before Easter, I promise! So what if I didn't get all the wash
done or all the cleaning done. There will always be work to be
done. As for my husband, he is just going to have to deal with
it. And my friend....she'll get over it, I'm sure. I hope I don't
sound heartless or callous. But for years I have given to
everyone and neglected myself emotionally and physically. I will
be 39 this year and I want it to be a healthy birthday. I want to
get to 40 and just be absolutely FABULOUS!

Thank you all for your continued
support. This is definitely the place where I get the support I
need and the courage to keep going.

In His Grip I always remain,


Two weeks Post-Op

January 27, 2003

These have certainly been two eventful weeks. I had my surgery FINALLY on January 13, 2003. It took me 14 months to get there and as they wheeled me into the OR all I could think was "SHOWTIME".

On the morning of the surgery I headed over to the hospital after making sure everything at home was in order. I had spent the weekend making arrangements for the family and so Monday morning went smooth. We picked up my dad on the way to the hospital and arrived right on time - 9:30 am. Since my surgery had been pushed up I had to do all my pre-op lab work that morning. The people in the surgical lobby were really great and it all seemed to go smoothly. That is where my positive experience at this hospital ended. (other than my relationship with my doctor).

By noon I was in the pre-op holding area waiting for my turn. I had been told I would be in the OR around 12:30 and they were very punctual! I was indeed rolling in at 12:30. All I saw was people hustling everywhere and I kept thanking God that it was finally time. Next thing I remember I was in the recovery room. The only thing I could muster up was the word "PAIN!". I would open my eyes and say "pain,pain,pain" and within seconds the nurse was pumping something into me and I was out again. It seemed like I was just there for a short while, but it turned out I was in recovery for 4 hours. The hospital was waiting for a room to become available. The 4 hour wait in recovery was really hard on my husband and my dad. By the way, my husband stayed the entire day with me.My father stayed with me until the day I was discharged. I was never alone.

By the time I got in my room I don't think I remember too much. It was after 8 pm and I was tired! I do remember speaking to my children on the phone briefly. My son asked me days later if I remembered his call. I did...but I'm not quite sure what all I said. I just wanted to sleep.

Tuesday morning the problems with the hospital began. I had a hard time finding a nurse to help me. I didn't have anyone truly help me until the afternoon. I had hoped to have my foley out and be walking on Tuesday morning. I also needed to be washed up. I was a mess. But it didn't seem I was too important. I did go down for a leak test. The doctor said it was fine and ordered liquids. It took the hospital 5 hours to bring me anything. My father found some broth in the nurse's kitchen and brought me that. I laid in that bed until nearly 4pm that day. The nurse finally pulled out my foley and I had my ticket to go walking. Only by then I was in so much pain from being laid out all day. The gas had built up to enormous proportions. Tuesday and Wednesday were really hard days. I tried to walk and walk, but the pain was unbelievable. The doctor,God bless him, tried what he could. He even took me for a walk on Wednesday morning. He was very patient. I just cried.

I could've gone home on Wednesday, according to the doctor, but I opted to stay one more day. I was afraid to go home in so much pain and with so little support at home. It was good that I stayed. I was more prepared on Thursday.

I can't say these 2 weeks have been easy. I dread having to sneeze or cough! I have been walking 1/4 mile a day and I lost 14 pounds the first week. I got my drain out one week post-op and you can barely tell I've had surgery from the outside. But I know the inside still has alot of healing to go. I am taking it slow and steady.

This is , believe it or not, a condensed version of my experience. But I wanted to let you all know that I am home, recovering and getting along in my "new life".

March 10, 2003

Today is 8 weeks since my surgery. This morning I weighed in at 217 pounds! That's 45 pounds gone forever. I am feeling great. I no longer need my CPAP machine. Sleep apnea is gone. I can touch my toes and do my own pedicure! I walked into the OR in a size 24 and today I wear a size 18. Life is great. More than what I've lost, the big story is what I've gained. I've gained confidence and strength! My problems at home have not gone away. But I feel good and it is easier to handle problems when you aren't tired and sick all the time. God has truly healed me and He has given me a new life. I am reminded of Jeremiah 29:11 " For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD , "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

April 10, 2003
I am three days short of my 3 month anniversary. It is amazing what can happen in 3 months. I am down to 205 pounds and the size 18 is baggy on me! I feel wonderful! I have not had any problems with eating:no nausea, no intolerance,etc. I have had a hard time eating mostly because of stress and I have to remind myself to eat every couple of hours. I am walking almost everyday. I haven't been able to join a gym because of financial struggles, though. My husband lost his job last week and we are both unemployed. But as I said last month, it is so much easier to take care of things when I'm not tired and sick! I have been able to run errands and get business done without total exhaustion (except that which comes with age!). Dr. de la Cruz is an amaging doctor. When I told him that my husband had been fired and that I no longer had health insurance, he told me not to worry. He said I could barter with him and help do some things around his office to pay for my next follow up appointment. I was worried I wouldn't be able to get the care I needed. He is an amazingly caring person. He truly puts the patient first. I am so thankful that things worked out and that God placed me in the care of the one doctor who would be caring and sensitive in so many ways.

April 21, 2003

I weighed in at 199 today!!!! I can't believe the 200's are gone!!! I am just in pure heaven. I went to see the doctor on Wednesday for my 3 month check up and everything is right on track. I haven't been as faithful with my exercise and he believes that will once again accelerate my loss...so I am committing myself to more disciplined exercise. I am comfortably wearing a size 16 and am enjoying my new life more and more each day! I have not regretted having the surgery and would do it all over again. I'm so thankful that Dr.de la Cruz came into my life. I feel safe and secure with his knowledge and his constant sensitivity.

July 1, 2003

I weighed in at 173 today and a BMI of 28.8. I am comfortably wearing a size 12 and am enjoying my new life more and more each day! I have not regretted having the surgery and would do it all over again. I am in the midst of many changes in my life (again or still...not sure which one it is!). My father-in-law passed away last week and we had to rush to Louisiana to visit him. He was so sweet and pleased with my health progress. It was a good feeling to be healthy and be able to keep up with all that was related to family and services. Our house has sold and we close in 15 days so I am packing my house and looking for a place to live. I am unemployed during the summer months, but finally did get a great job with the school system. I am struggling with my marriage. But despite all the changes and challenges, I am physically feeling great! Some of the great things that I am enjoying include crossing my legs, doing my own pedicure, sitting in a movie theater seat, walking long distances without getting winded and seeing the look on people's faces when they haven't seen me in a long time. At 173 pounds I am only 11 pounds from the century club. THAT is almost surreal. It has not been 6 months yet and I have lost nearly 100 pounds. The best part is knowing my BMI is at 28.8. I am "overweight" and very close to "normal". NORMAL??? Did someone say "NORMAL"??? I haven't been "normal" since I was 15. I'm so thankful that Dr.de la Cruz came into my life. I feel safe and secure with his knowledge and his constant sensitivity.I am also thankful for my support groups. I couldn't have made it through all of this without them!

July 30, 2003

CENTURY CLUB! Today I weighed in at 162! In 6 adn 1/2 months I have lost 100 pounds and am still in awe! I can hardly believe it myself. A little over 6 months ago I was carrying two huge 50 pound sacks of potatoes everywhere (theoretically). No wonder I was tired and sick all the time! I walked into the hospital wearing a size 24 and today I am wearing a lose 12! I also can't believe what I've gained: confidence, health, courage and more! I have not regretted having the surgery and would do it all over again. I'm so thankful that Dr.de la Cruz came into my life. I am also thankful to all my friends and my support groups! Most of all, thanks to Jesus who has brought me here and sustains me in all areas of my life.

August 22, 2003
Today is such a great day for me! I knew the size 12's were getting annoyingly baggy so I went shopping for a few pair of slacks. I am wearing a size EIGHT!!! I just can't believe it. As of today I am 155# and in a size 8. I have only 20 pounds to goal. This time last year I was miserable and fighting for a date. Today I am active and happy and feeling great. Thank you God for a new lease in life!

November 30, 2003

GOAL!!! This morning I am at 135 pounds and have reached my goal!! My BMI is a 22.5!I am wearing a size 4 and still can't believe that it was ever possible. In fact, I've started to increase my calories some in an effort to not lose more. I don't want to go the other way and lose too much!! Who would've thought that would be a problem I am so very happy. I get stronger each day, emotionally and physically. I still praise God each morning for the new life He has given me. For those wondering if this will truly change your life, I will tell you emphatically that YES! YES it changes your life forever. I would do it all over again. I would go through the insurance woes, the battles with the first doctor, the cancellations...all of it. I would go through another 14 months of hard work to get what I needed. By far this is the best thing I ever did for myself and my family. Praise be God!

December 25, 2003 - Christmas Day
Every year I give to all around me and one of the
greatest joys is seeing the smiles on my friends and
families. But this year I received one of the greatest
gifts of all! I have a new body and a new found life!
I received the gift of weight loss surgery. It is so
much more about what I've gained than what I have lost
(132 pounds!). I have energy, confidence, emotional
and physical strength. I wanted to share the updated
before and after pictures with you. God has been so
good to me! I also had the blessing of having all
three of my children beside me today. Indeed I am
blessed. I pray you are, too! Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year!!

March 3,2004

I have had a trip of a lifetime in the past week! I ended up in the ER last Monday and by Tuesday, Dr. Nestor was removing my gallbladder! The surgery itself seems like a breeze recovery-wise after WLS. I came home the next day and have just been taking it easy. I return to work tomorrow (10 days after surgery). I am currently weighing 123 lbs and am wearing between a size 2-4. I am very content with my current weight. I am trying not to lose anymore at this point,though. I didn't think that would ever be a problem. It really isn't a "problem". I just increased my calories.

I want to say that I returned to Mercy Hospital. My stay this time around was night and day! I have nothing but praises for the staff and the hospital. I had around the clock wonderful care. It was also good to see the doctor again. I go on Friday, the 5th for my gallbladder surgery follow up and will also have my 1 year follow up at the same time. I'll write more then!

January 13, 2005 - TWO YEARS!I can't believe it has been two years since my life was changed forever! It has been quite the journey and life has changed so much in such a short time! Today I am a single mom and preparing to move to Central Florida and start a new life with my children. I am healthy and ready to conquer anything that life has for me. Thank you JESUS and thank you Dr. Nestor for giving me a chance to start over. It's not often that we get a second chance at life. I am so grateful for all the new opportunities. Today I am weighing in at 120-122 lbs and feeling on top of the world. WAHOO!

January 13, 2008 -
5 years! I am 5 years old today!!! I am still at goal and feeling like I could conquer anything. So much has happened. I have remarried, moved to a new town and made so many changes. I just lost my daddy last month and even with the challenges and grief, I have remained physically healthy. Today I do remember my daddy-he was my #1 GB fan. He never left my side and was such a great support. To those who wonder if it is worth it and what life is like after a longer time-it is worth it! One of the greatest rewards has been to bless others around me and to be an angel to others seeking a change. I love watching others transform before my eyes and to be there for them.


About Me
Vero Beach, FL
Surgery Date
Oct 10, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Night before surgery. I am ready for Him to walk me through WLS.
Taken Christmas Day 2003! The best gift I ever gave myself.

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