Insurance Approval

Feb 24, 2009

I am so happy right now, Lord I thank you.....
I don't have a date but hopefully it will be in the next month or so...  Be blessed everyone..


Paperwork Submitted

Feb 11, 2009

Paperwork submitted to the insurance company and it has been received by them.  Surgeon's office told me it usual takes about 2-3 weeks for approval.  Keep me in your prayers because once approved I will then go through the surgeon's requirements.  Have a blessed day everyone...


Feb 06, 2009

Well OH family keep me in your prayers.  All my paperwork is in and submitted to the insurance company today.  I pray that the surgery will be approved.  Be blessed..

Medical Records

Feb 02, 2009

You would think it is easy to have your medical records forwarded to the surgeons office.  I requested the records on 12/29 and the surgeons office still hasn't received them.  Physicians Associates charges $20 for medical records, I wouldn't have a problem with that if I was only dealing with one office.  So I requested that the records be sent to the surgeons office, big mistake on my part.  I was told that it takes about two weeks for them to receive the records, but as of this morning they haven't.  I will have to go to the Physicians Associates office and do another request and have the records sent to me.  This is frustrating considering when I called several times before I was told that the records were mailed to the surgeons office.  Well I am not going to let this stop me from moving forward, I know that things are not done in our time but in God's time.  So I have to be patient and everything will work out.  Be blessed everyone....

Insurance Requirements

Jan 22, 2009

Well I found out what the requirements are for my insurance.  A letter of necessity and 5 years of documentation of being morbidly obese.  Well today I received the letter from my PCP and I have to go by his office to pick up copies of my records.  Once I have all the information I am to fax it to the surgeons office and they will submit to my insurance.  Keep me in your prayers and God bless each of you.   


Jan 17, 2009

Well the surgeon's office called on Friday and left a message for me to call back.  It is in regards to going over the benefits and requirements for United Healthcare Insurance.  I missed the call so I will have to contact them on Monday.  I pray that the benefits did not change, I called before January to check to see what the requirements were, and I think I should be okay.  My BMI is over 40, I am at least 18 years of age, I have over 5 years of documentation of being morbidly obese and as long as the doctor is in the network and surgery performed at a network hospital I should be okay.  I would just have to complete the doctor's requirements.  Please keep me in your prayers, as I will continue to do the same for all of you.  Be blessed


Jan 14, 2009

I know that this journey will not be easy and it will not happen overnight.  The information session was last Thursday and the surgeon's office was verifying my insurance benefits but I haven't heard anything.  I will call their office tomorrow if I don't hear anything today.  I am ready for this journey.  Well those of you that have arrived to the loser side I wish you well and those of us waiting for surgery dates or approvals don't give up and continue to have faith.  Everyone have a blessed day...

Information session

Jan 12, 2009

The information session went well, I am now waiting for the surgeon's office to contact me.  Once they verify my insurance we can get the ball rolling.  I will let you guys know how everything goes.  Be blessed

My life...

Jan 03, 2009

Right at this very moment I feel blessed, not because something wonderful happened in my life today.  I thank God for allowing me to still be here.  I always tell people that no one loves me as much as I love myself.  While I am sitting here writing this I feel God's love.  I spoke to a special person in my life last night because I could not sleep and he told me something that blew my away.  I don't sleep well at night and because there is a five hour time difference I call him.  He told me that on Christmas morning when I called him he was not going to answer my call, because he wanted to kill himself.  He felt so alone because right now he is dealing with something by himself and he doesn't want me to worry about him.  He was diagnosed with lung cancer about six months ago, he lives in London so it is not like I can just drive over to visit.  When he told me that he felt that way, I cried because I know how good God is and I know that this person knows the Lord for himself.  I told him not to allow the devil to win but to fight for his life.  I told him that it is not his time, but I wanted to also tell him if it is then he needs to have that relationship with God.  I just felt the need to write to you guys about this because I know that there are somethings in my life I am dealing with which this person knows but I don't let that stop me because I am believing in life not death.  God is not through with me and my life is not over.  I will continue to seek him and to be there for others because God has blessed me so much in the 42 years that I have been here on this earth.  I am not rich as far as money but I am rich in God's love.  I ask that the OH family pray for me and my family and also keep my friend in your prayers (his name is Victor)..  Well that is enough for now, everyone be blessed in the New Year..



Jan 02, 2009

It is frustrating when you tell someone close that you are thinking about having weight loss surgery and they tell you.  Oh you don't need that just stop eating so much.  This from a person who only eats once a day and is fine.  Everyone is different and I can eat right, walk everyday and still I might loose two pounds in a monthI know that this is something that I need for myself.  I have been having the worse headaches for the past two months, which I think it might be my blood pressure.  I am praying that I can keep it down by eating right and trying to exercise.  I've been on vacation for the past two weeks and I am ready to go back to work.  I do better when I am working, because you don't think about eating and if I pack everything I need I will not be tempted to go to the vending machine.  Well everyone be blessed and Happy New Year; I am ready for the CHANGE....

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 27, 2008
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