2 months out

Aug 28, 2008

2 Months out and down to 245.  62 pounds not too shabby for 2 months!  I feel great.  I do so much better with the softer foods.  I totally cannot eat tuna...in any way shape or form.  It hurts going down. I am down from a 30 jean to a 24.  4x shirt to a 3x sometimes a 2x.  Depends on the cut of the shirt. 

I guess I will get my son to take some pics for me.  I know it has a little timer.  I tried to use it, but apparantly you need a degree from Harvard to operate the damn thing.

Slow Slow Slow...

Aug 06, 2008

Just call me a turtle. 

Guess I hit my first stall.  Knew it would happen.  Still didn't mean I was mentally prepared for it.  Until today I haven't lost a pound since the last time I posted.  Grrrrrrr.  Today I lost 1 stinkin pound.  Better then gaining I guess.  I am so ready to just have all this blubber from my body.  I read on OH almost daily...so I am wondering... for you posties...does your monthly "present" has something to do with this?  Does this mean that every single friggin month I'll hit a stall?  I wish I could regift this "present" and never have to deal with it again. I didn't like it the first time I saw it and let me tell you that the feelings for it got no fonder and the years go by. 

1 Month out

Jul 25, 2008

One month out and down 53 pounds.  That includes the 17 presurgery.  I'll take it!  I feel really good and had to come back to work today.  Feels good to be out of the house and being productive

Can I have some cheese please?

Jun 20, 2008

To go with all the whining I am going to post.

Can't concentrate.  Don't know what the hell my problem is.  I have a ton on work to get done before I take a few weeks off and can't seem to make myself do any of it.  I'm cranky!  The boys at work are pretty much steering clear of me. They know how bad of a mood I am in today.  I am never like this at work.  I feel so guilty for acting this way.  But can't seem to help it. 

I haven't eaten since Monday and this really sucks ass.  I can't hardly wait till my surgery day to get some relief of the constant hunger.  Guessing I didn't realize how much my life revolved around food.  I have a headache too! Did I say how much this sucks ass yet?

Oh yeah.  I lost 9 pounds this week. Hardly seems worth it the way I feel today.  This sucks ass!


Jun 15, 2008

So as I say my farewell to food for the next ten days, I am left with a sadness that I just don't know how to deal with.  I eat when stressed.  I eat when sad.  I eat when happy.  I use food emotionally.  I am ready to eat healthy and not let food control who I am.  However, I think this is going to be harder than anything I can imagine.  

And a personal message to my best friend: You are my rock and without you I would not have made it this far.  You are always there for me no matter what time of day or night.  I love you with all my heart.  Thanks for being my much needed shoulder. You have opened my eyes to the possiblity that I matter and that I am worth something.  That I am much more of a person that I give myself credit for.  For this I will always be in your debt.  Smooches!

Once last thing...to the bitch at walmart.  It's none of your business what I buy.  Stop commenting on my items.  Why do you need to know why I am buying flintstones?  For all you know, I might have 15 kids at home needing vitamins and jello...

The men at work!

Jun 11, 2008

I work in a office with 26 men.  I am the only woman...A dream come true usually because there is no gossip ring.  No catty fights.  Usually bliss.  Until yesterday.  We are all sitting around bullshitting waiting on lunch time.  Then the sales guy says how much of a fatass he is and needs to go on a diet and comes up with this splendid plan of everyone putting in 50 bucks and doing a "biggest loser" diet together.  Sounds like a good plan right?

Now they know I am going to have surgery in two weeks and they still want me to do it with them.  He thinks he is going to out "lose" me in 10 weeks time.  I'm thinking easy money right...I drive to walmart and buy a scale.  

This is where the horrid part comes in.  

This morning was weigh in.  I OUTWEIGHED them all.  I am talking about big men here.  Not lightweights.  I was so embarrased.  9 pounds heavier than the heaviest guy.  I want to crawl under a rock!

I also got a phone call from my regular doc's nurse yesterday.  Seems that when I did my tests last week, they found out I have a UTI.  So I had to haul booty to the dr. for a script.  I wait for almost 2 hours to see him and finally when he does bless me with his presence...He says wow that is a low infection count.  I bet that was just a contaminate.  So, Antibiotics for 10 days anyway.  GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.  

Self Sabatoge??

Jun 05, 2008

Ok,  last time I went to the doctor I was down 17 pounds...and now I have my approval I'm starving all day long.  Is this just head hunger?  I know I shouldn't eat like I have been this last week but I just can't seem to help myself.  It's like my brain has taken over and said " you know this will be the last time you can eat this, go ahead and reward yourself".  So, in turn, I stuff myself silly and feel super guilty about it later.  

I had my upper GI and gallbladder ultrasound yesterday.  I can truly say the upper GI was a piece of cake.  The ultrasound not so much.  She pressed so hard on my ribs I have a big bruise there.    I did not to complain to the tech lady because I know how important these tests are. I wanted to snatch her by the hair and ask her what the hell her problem was...

It's a new day

May 29, 2008

Ok, I didn't have the energy to post about the denial...I was so depressed about it.  I had to jump thru some insurance hoops and get a clearance from my PCP.  I took care of all that last week and brought it to the surgeons office.  They were faxing it Friday afternoon.  This morning they called and said on the fax machine was my APPROVAL!!  I am so excited about this I could scream.  Big smiles all day!  So the coordinator will call me tomorrow and finish setting up the rest of my appointments and set my date! 

More to come...


May 19, 2008

That smiley can do the talkin for me...cause that is just how I feel.

Still Waiting

Apr 23, 2008

This never ending waiting sucks!  I know that they will call me as soon as they hear something from the insurance, but hurry up already. LOL.  I am extremely impatient!

About Me
Biloxi, MS
Surgery Date
Mar 19, 2008
Member Since

Friends 53

Latest Blog 21
3 Months
I owe..I owe
