
May 15, 2008

I think it may be time for me to stop weighing myself everyday.  I got on this morning and was up a pound and a half.  The weird part is that I got a lot of exercise in yesterday....more than ever.  I had my long hour walk and then me and Bobby took the boys for a bike ride in the afternoon!  I know my eating was not overboard either. 

Anyway, I was a little upset, but then Bobby got on the scale and he also went up a pound since yesterday.  So, maybe our scale is either off today or was off yesterday.  Either way, I think I need to start waiting at least 3 days to weigh since it can go up and down daily.  I also have read on this board that in the 3rd week you can either gain or stall....maybe that is what happened.

O-well....just going to keep my chin up and know I am doing things right!


Made my first goal....

May 14, 2008

Down 25 pounds!!  yay!! 

I was so excited to get on the scale this morning and see this!!  It really motivated me to do a good walk today and I did.  I just got back from my walk and I feel great.  My neighbor Maggie (who also has twins) met me and we walked for a solid hour....first time since the surgery I went this long.  It felt great!  Tate went with me, but Seth was still sleeping, so Bobby listened out for him.

I also talked to my friend Maryann that I met who had her surgery on the same day and we were in the hospital.  She is doing good and it sounds like we are about the same place with weight loss, eating, exercising.  I told her to get on this group because I have learned so much since coming on here.

p.s...I had fresh salmon yesterday and it was delicious!!!!  I did not want to stop eating it.  I was never a big fan before surgery, but I am now!

2 weeks post

May 13, 2008

Well, it has been 2 weeks today since my surgery and things are going pretty well.  I am finally off the liquid diet, thank goodness for that!  I had my 2 week check up and my Doc thinks I am doing great!  We celebrated by going to Red Lobster on the way home.  Bobby order his meal and I got a small add-on lobster tail.  It was delicious and had no problem getting it down or keeping it down.

This morning I had scrambled eggs and although they were good, something was missing.  I started to worry that I would never enjoy food again because of all the small bites and the chew, chew, chew.  I was missing the fun of taking a huge bit and savoring every minute of it.   Then I started thinking that maybe this is why I have stayed over-weight for so long...I love my food!!  Seems silly saying it, but wow, is it true.  I love food.  I hope that before my pouch gets big enough to expand I can get over this love and just eat to be nourished.  My sister told me that it takes 3 weeks to develop a, one week and I am set, right? right?

Mothers Day...The good, the bad, and the ugly!

May 11, 2008

First of all, Happy Mothers Day to all!  This is my very first Mothers Day, so it was very special.  I woke up to Bobby bringing me "breakfast" in bed.  No, not pancakes and bacon....water and cottage cheese!  o-well, the best part was that the boys followed him in and he threw them on the bed for me to play with.  It has been a little tough the last couple weeks not being able to pick them up.  The boys gave me a beautiful silver necklace with 2 little hearts on it, very sweet!!!

So, since my mom was here we wanted to take her to her favorite place...Olive Garden.  I knew that passing up on the breadsticks would be hard, but I was looking forward to eating the broth of my favorite soup...Zappos Tuscano.  Mmm,yyuuuummm!!!  It was delicious and went down very smooth, what a treat!!  I even have some left over for dinner!!!

So, that was the good, here is the bad and ugly.  After lunch me and Mom went to a couple of shops while Bobby took the boys home for a nap.  It was very nice shopping with her and we had a good time.  On the way home, she wanted an ice cream cone, so we stopped at DQ.  She asked if they had anything sugar free and they sold a "Dilly Bar: so I got one of them.  It was so yummy, but I made sure to only eat a little of it.  Well, I guess that little was too much, because when we got home I was heading for the bathroom. do I put this....I did not throw up, but I did get sick (got it?) My tummy was very crampy and stayed so for a few more Dilly Bars!!!

But, in all it was a great day!  I love being a mom and I am so thrilled I am getting myself healthy for all of our futures!!!


ahh, go suck on a pickle!

May 10, 2008

So, I can't believe this but I actually took my family today to the one restaurant that was the hardest to be in...Fudruckers!  First of all, I love their food, but with me craving a hamburger patty so badly I knew it would be trouble.  But, we were out and it was dinner time and my parents both love eating there and they do not have one back in AL., so we went.

I did great!!  Bobby and my parents ordered burger and while they looked good, I was not craving it like I thought I would.  Bobby brought me some pickles back from the toppings bar and I sucked on them.  It was really nice having such a strong favoreful taste in my mouth and I actually enjoyed them!  Go figure!!!


Food, Food everywhere...nor any drop to eat!

May 08, 2008

Ahhhh!!  I want to eat real food sooo bad.  The last two days spending time with my parents has been rough.  I have been to 2 restaurants with them and even a trip to Dairy Queen and it is getting to me.  The first restaurant I ordered chicken noddle soup and ate only the broth.  This was tasting pretty good until their meals came and my mouth started watering.  I have never had any desire to eat Corn Beef until last night.  Then, the table next to me ordered this burger that looked so good.  I have really been craving a hamburger patty lately....must be an iron thing.  Then, the four people at that table ordered 4 milk shakes and 5 different desserts!!!  I am sure they must have been wondering why they were getting nasty looks from me

I have 4 days to go until I am on the soft foods and I am soooo ready!!!  I need more adventure in my food!

Other than that I am feeling really good...better and better every day!


One week Post-op

May 06, 2008

I am 16 pounds down and I can hardly believe it!  14 pounds since my surgery one week ago today...amazing!  I am sure I would be up in weight if my life was just cruisin as normal, but here I am 16 pound lighter and on my way!

I went to sleep last night again mourning the lost of food that I will not be eating....I am hoping that is normal and will stop soon.  I had a dream that I moved into the Playboy must have lost a lot of weight!  It was a funny dream since I have never, ever had any thoughts of doing anything with playboy! yuck!

well, off to eat some grits!


Best food so far....

May 05, 2008

Had thinned out grits for breakfast with the low-fat butter on it....yum!!  Staying down, feeling good!!!

Had a hard time sleeping last night.  I think it was because my head cleared finally from the fog and I started thinking about all the things in my life I was ready to get back to and more things I should now do!  I was pretty excited and that made it hard to sleep.


Getting better every day....

May 04, 2008

Ok, so I read it a millon times and everyone told me that the first few days are rough and it will get easier every day.  But, when you are not feeling good it is hard to remember that!  Thankfully people kept telling me that and I am starting to actually believe them!

No headaches at all today which was lovely.  My tummy still hurt a little, but not very bad so that was nice.  Just mainly had a day of trying to get all my water, vitamins, and liquid food and protein in.  I still don't think I have made a day yet where I accomplished this, but  I am sure I will get there.

Going to bed thinking of food.  last night I started making a mental list of all the food I wish I could have.  When I was somewhere between pizza and cardboard box it came in, I change my direction of thinking.  I started thinking of things that I did not want to have....diabetes, high blood pressure, and missing years with my family because I am too inactive to join them or worse.  This really seem to help and I feel asleep.  The next morning I woke remembering that I had a dream where I walk into an Ice Cream cooler and began opening pints of ice cream and eating it.  No spoon....just face plant into the ice cream.  Hehe, fun stuff!

Love that the weight is coming off, but secretly wondering if it is too much too soon or is it just a condition of post-op and  will I start gaining soon.  After my c-section, I lost a lot of weight quickly and then it came back with a vengeance. 

I guess this all must be pretty normal to someone in my condition, so I am not sweating the small stuff too much.


48 hours home

May 03, 2008

  I have been feeling pretty good other than some really bad headaches which I am not sure are from dehydration, meds, allergies, or a withdrawal from one the the many vices I have not had in a week!  The dr. said it could be any of those.  So, while I am feeling better, my head feels really cloudy.

I have been able to walk and move around pretty good, I just feel light headed from the headaches and not able to think clearly.  I am hoping that goes away soon.  If anyone else experienced this, I would love to hear about it.

I decided to risk it and get on the scale.  I prepared myself that I may not have lost any weight or maybe even gained some!  I was surprised that I am down 9 pound since my surgery and 10 since my first visit.  Maybe I am losing it too fast?  Who know...I have so many questions about things.  I really want to get online for a couple of hours and research, but my head has not been clear enough.  I am just managing to visit with friends that come by and hug my 3 dude as much as possible.

I am so glad my mom is here helping.  She and Bobby have totally taken over the boys care and it has helped a lot.  I have not changed a diaper in days and the way I have been feeling...not sure if I could have done it!

I will try to post more when I can...thanks for the comments, emails, and guys are great!!!


About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 24, 2008
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