Hospital San Jose, Mexico

"Very nice hospital. Clean. Professional. You feel like you are in the States - except most floor nurses don't speak English!"

Roberto A. Rumbaut

"Dr. Rumbaut is very cordial. He speaks perfect English. I had read about him extensively over the internet and knew he was a very experienced lap band surgeon. I choose him because of his experience. I choose Mexico because of the cost! Dr. Rumbaut has a wonderful office staff who took very good care of me from the time I arrived at the airport until I took a flight back home. Everything was arranged for me. Everyone in the office spoke perfect English which was very important because the Hospital Staff in general does not speak English. I especially liked his anesthesiologist. I told him I was a smoker and concerned about the risks of anesthesia and I trusted him to handle it for me. As for aftercare, they do offer, for a reasonable fee, consultations with the dietician where you can ask questions and follow up. I only had the surgery a week and a half ago so it's too soon to tell much yet about aftercare. Dr. Rumbaut did come to see me in the hospital room after I got out of recovery, as did his assistant but then he had to go out of town and I didn't see or talk to him again. His assistant did release me from the hospital and followed up with a phone call to my hotel room later in the evening, but I didn't have a visit from anyone in person again. However, I did have an early flight scheduled the following morning so it's possible I didn't give anyone time to come see me again. I didn't get to see Dr. Rumbaut in the operating room before I was put under by the anesthesiologist either, which was a disappointment, but maybe that is the norm. This was my first surgery so I don't know! But I will say that I was totally confident in Dr. Rumbaut's reputation and experience and I still am. The main mistake I made, which I would advise against, is I went alone. Even though his staff takes great care of you, when you are out of surgery and hurting and trying to communicate with the floor nurses, it is not a good time to be alone. You are very emotional anyway. I was crying and frustrated because I couldn't figure out how to call the United States from the hospital room phone! So, if you go to Mexico, I would suggest taking a friend for support! I will note, however, that Dr. Rumbaut did call my best friend after surgery just like he promised and told her how it went! She was very impressed that he called her himself!"
About Me
Little Rock, AR
Surgery Date
Aug 09, 2005
Member Since
