I will do this!

Sep 07, 2009

I've been overweight most of my life.  I've been up and down.  I can take it off, have taken it off, but not kept it off.  I have all or at least most of the co-morbidity things that go along with being overweight.: high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, the list goes on.  I'm on four different meds for my diabetes, metformin, actos, lantus and humalog.  I'm also on meds for all the other problems, use a c-pap for sleep apena and I'm on depression meds.  I've allowed my weight to hold me hostage. I stay in my house because I always think people are looking at me and judging me for being heavy.  My husband of 35 yrs left to be with another woman and that really hit hard.  I'd planned this surgery for a long time, and had the wheels in motion.  I let the situation of being abandoned plunge me into a downward spiral and stopped taking care of myself.  I'd put on what I initially lost.  Thankfully, I came to my senses and began to move on.  I've lost what I gained and tomorrow meet with my surgeon.  I'm looking forward to what the scales say.

I've joined these boards and I'll be attending Overeater's Ann. meetings because I find I do much better when I'm accountable for my eating.  I know this will be a long road and I'm prepared for it.  I attended my first w/l support meeting and was inspired by everyone that said they were off meds.  That is my ultimate goal.  I want to be healthy, I don't want to need more and more meds.  I want to sleep without my c-pap machine. 

About Me
Tualatin, OR
Aug 19, 2009
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