Weight loss path

Dec 11, 2017

So I am new to the site thank you for having me. I have been struggling with my weight for as long as I can remember. I have been working with a Bariatric doctor for about 3 years now. I have been on Belviq, Saxtenza, and Qsymia. I did lose weight with the Qsymia but I have gained most of it back!!. I am starting down the path to weight loss surgery now. I am looking at getting the sleeve gastrectomy. I have had soooo many different reviews on this it is making my head spin. Are there things that I can better yes! If I wanted to spend every waking moment at the gym, and making my life obsessed with my weight, and that is not something that I want to do anymore.

I have been told to do Keto, Jenny Craig, Weight watchers, Atkins, and Paleo and for me it seems like I have done all of diets. I have not done Keto but it sounds like what I will have to do after my surgery anyway. So I know that diets do not work. Lifestyle changes do!! I eat relatively healthy, (I splurge every once in a while). So I want my lifestyle to be a tool, something that is really done with not great thought. I cannot stay on medication my whole life that can cause other damages to my body. I know that I will have to stay on vitamins for the rest of my life, but since I already take those that is not a big change.

I just recently went back on the weight loss medication Qysmia, and I had to go all the way up to the 3rd level tier of the dosage. I only lost 9 lbs. in a 3 months’ time. All my blood work showed excellent levels. That is why I have started down the weight loss surgery path.

I would like to some input, and opinions on the path that I have started. Please give me real information, not opinions based off no facts. If you have an opinion please tell me why. Thank you for all your input and help!!


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