09/09/09 It has been 2.5 years since the surgery and I have lost 185 pounds.  Still hovering right around the 210 mark and can't seem to get the last 10-20 pounds off but I am not worried about it much.  I look and feel so much better than I ever have before and even if I never lose another pound, I will be thrilled with what I have accomplished thus far.  It has been a long and difficult journey but well worth the pain and struggle.  I still work-out 2-3 times per week and really miss it when I can't get there for some reason.  I go back to the doctor on 9/22 and hope all is well!

8/29/08 It has been over a year and a half since my surgery and I have lost 185 pounds so far!!!  I still have about 20-30 more pounds to go but I am confident that it will eventually come off.  I have been disappointed lately because I have only lost about 17 pounds in the past 6 months but I think my body is just saying "Whoa, slow down a little bit!"  I am working out about 3-4 times per week and I know that my muscle mass is increasing and also keeping me from losing a great deal of actual weight but I am still losing inches so I am not too worried about.  I have my 18 month check up on 9-9-08 and I hope the doctor is pleased with my progress.  I know I am!

2/12/08 It has been one year ago today that I had my surgery and I have lost 166 pounds.  I am feeling and looking better than I have my entire adult life.  I recently put on a pair of shorts that I have been saving since high school and they actually fit me!  I can't begin to describe how much this surgery has affected my life.  I feel as if I have been born again.  I work out 3-4 times per week and find myself looking forward to it.  The only problem I have had was severe dehydration and having to go in for IV fluids but now I am very careful to get in all my liquids so that never happens again.  I still have about 40 or so pounds to lose but I am confident that I will reach my goal eventually.  This procedure definitely saved my life!

7/19/07 As of Monday, July 16, I have lost 100 pounds.  My husband and I have an appointment tonight to join a gym and I can't wait.  I said that when I lost 100 pounds and got below 300 (I am at 297), then I would start working out on a regular basis.  I look forward to getting started.  I always felt better when I was working out.  Maybe it will help my energy level.  Nothing else seems to.  I am getting enough protein but I still have trouble getting all of my fluids in every day.  I just don't have as much energy at this point as I thought I would.  I get tired a lot and don't feel like doing much of anything sometimes.  It sure is nice when people ask how much I have lost or compliment me on my weight loss.  Nice wearing smaller clothes too!  :)

6/6/07 My surgery went very well and I have lost 82 pounds!!!  Everything has gone very smoothly so far and the only problems I have really had have been emotional (right after the surgery) and fatigue (still battling!)  I have not been sick to my stomach and have not eaten a single thing that I shouldn't.  I am not saying it has been a piece of cake (ok, bad analogy) but I am doing much better than I thought I would.  I still get cravings for unhealthy food but failure is not an option after all of the time, money, pain, etc. of this process.  My husband is super supportive and makes my breakfast, lunch and dinner every single day.  He has become the bariatric chef and can turn the "allowed" foods into something wonderful!  I know how lucky and blessed I am to have such a wonderful partner and helper.  He is a keeper!!!  My family and friends are supportive and give me encouragement often.  I also attend support groups as often as I can.  I find them to be very helpful.  My only problem now is clothing!  The exchange is great and I am listing my clothes on there and intend to look for some clothes that might fit me.  Problem is, they don't fit for long! :)  What a great problem to have!!!  

 1/25/07 My surgery date has been set for 2/12/07 and I am EXCITED!!!  I had all of my pre-op testing done yesterday and attended a dietary counseling class and a pre-op counseling class.  Next week, I will attend my nutrition class and one more pre-op class and then I am ready to go!  I have so many emotions going on right now...scared, nervous, excited, anticipation, wonder...I hope there will be no complications so that I can go back to work in 2 weeks.  I am looking forward to being off work, though!  I could use the break.  My family and friends are being pretty supportive.  I haven't told many of my co-workers yet.  Soon.

 1/3/07  WOW, it has been a long time since I have been out to this website, I had almost forgotten about it!  Since last time, I have changed jobs and my current insurance company approved the surgery with no problem!  YEAH!  The insurance company at my last employer never did approve the surgery which is why the process stopped and I have not been posting.  Since everything is full speed ahead now, I will give some updates.  My weight has continued to go up and my health has continued to decline.  The pain in my back, legs, feet, knees, etc. has increased and so has my blood pressure.  I can barely bend over without getting red in the face and light headed.  I am unable to walk very far without getting winded.  I had another surgical consult with Dr. Jones in June 2006 and the insurance approved the surgery almost immediately.  I just went to my first pre-op counseling session last night and it was nice to talk with people who have already had the surgery.  I will probably have my surgery next month as I still have to complete 2 more sessions and a dietary counseling session as well.  I am looking forward to actually getting a date for the surgery so it will seem more real to me.  I just pray there are no complications!

 9/8/03  The appointment for my surgical consultation finally arrived!  It went very well and Dr. Jones was very informative and helpful.  She answered most of my questions before I even asked them.  She said that I am an excellent candidate for the surgery and that I can have it done via laproscope even though I have had previous abdominal surgery.  She is writing the letter for me to send to my insurance company and after I send it, I just have to wait and pray for approval.  My husband is still not sold on the idea of surgery but he did say that he would stand by me no matter what I decided to do.  He went with me to the appointment and has been very supportive already.  I hope the insurance company is also!

7/3/03  Dr. Jones office called to inform me that there is an exclusion on my insurance policy regarding any type of weight loss.  I already knew this and was prepared for the call.  I told her that they would cover the surgical consult because Dr. Jones was listed as an in-network physician and that we would just have to fight them for the surgery approval.  Let the battle begin!!!

6/30/03  I made an appointment with Dr. Jones for a consultation but the only opening they had was 9/3/03.  I can't believe I have to wait two whole months...I hope it goes quickly!

6/27/03  I had my appointment with my PCP and it went so well I nearly cried.  I started out by telling him that I was admitting defeat when it comes to my weight.  I told him that I have tried everything and nothing has worked so far and he mentioned the surgery before I even did!  I was amazed but then he floored me by recommending Dr. RoseMarie Jones before I even mentioned her name.  I took this as a huge sign that God is wanting me to take this couse of action.  I only hope that getting insurance approval will be as easy but I will not give up!

6/26/03  Well, here I am!  I have an appointment with my PCP tomorrow morning to discuss weight loss and I am going to ask that he refer me to Dr. Rosemarie Jones.  I have been overweight my entire adult life and I am so tired.  I have trouble going up stairs and am starting to get short of breath walking short distances.  My knees, feet and back hurt all of the time and I have zero energy.  I miss playing softball and basketball with my daughter and I hate myself when I have to tell her that I can't because I am too tired.  I just want to be normal again and feel better!  I want to play sports, ride roller coasters, go to concerts and go on trips without having to worry about whether I will fit into the seats or not.  I want my life back and I hope this is the first step in achieving that goal! 

About Me
Middletown, IN
Jun 26, 2003
Member Since
