June 3, 2011

Had a great appointments with Dr. Denning and Jean Talbot (Jean is Dr. Singh's PA) on Thursday afternoon... Had a UGI done this morning and all looks good.... I see Dr. Singh next Thursday to discuss the revision.... Moving along better and faster than I thought... I will keep you posted!

Peace & Blessings......


May 24, 2011

Well... As we all know... sometimes this journey after surgery is not so easy..... I have gained back all but 63 lbs. of what I had lost after my surgery... I am getting myself back on track now... Went to see Kathleen (I am back up to355lbs.)... Have an appointment next week with Dr. Denning then with Dr. Singh's PA to discuss the "Road to Revision".  My insurance said it covers revisions with the proper documentation... So lets hope all goes well.... I will update after my appointment next week.... Wish me luck!!!! :o)

Peace & Blessings


August 23, 2007

Hello OH Family.... Things are going well.... I am down a total of 187lbs.  I am so happy with life right now... It is amazing what this surgery has done for me.  For all of you out there thinking about having surgery done... Let me tell you this... It is the best thing I could have ever done for myself and my family!  

Be well my friends...

Peace & Blessings


April 19, 2007

 Hello OH Family... It has been a while!  Things are going well.. It is amazing how quickly the weight loss slows down.  BUT it is still going down.  I am down a total of 163lbs now so I am very happy.  We went to Florida over Easter Break and I was actually able to ride a roller coaster!  SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!  It so made my day.  I have not been able to fit in a ride in YEARS.  Boy your head certainly plays games with you though.... The whole time I was waiting in line I am wondering am I really going to fit?  Maybe I should get out of line... What if I don't fit when I get up there?  Then when it came to be my turn I slid right into the seat (very comfortably I might add)!  LOL.... All that worry for NOTHING! 

Peace & Blessings



February 5, 2007

Wooooo Hoooooo!!!  I hit my 100lbs. lost since surgery today!!! That makes my total 140lbs. GONE!  I am doing the Happy Dance!

Peace & Blessings...



January 30, 2007

Hello Everyone... Hope everyone is doing well.  I am doing and feeling great.  I am now down a total of 138lbs.  I am wearing a Size 24 pants and 22/24 shirts.   It amazes me how quickly I dropped clothing sizes.  I never dreamed at 4 months out I would be down this low.  I have been VERY lax in exercising so last night I joined The Wellness Center at Glens Falls Hospital.  They are open 7 days a week M-F 5am-9pm and S&S 7am-3pm so there is NO EXCUSE for me not to get there at least 3-4 times a week.  It is not a big fancy gym but they have quite a few of each machine and they have Exercise Physiologists who work with you to get you on the right track... I am VERY excited about joining.  I am hoping it gives me a kick start and gets some bigger numbers showing on the scale each week.  Not that I am complaining at all, I am very happy with my loss so far but I know the non-exercise routine will catch up to me.  Food is still trial and error, I posted on the NY Board to try to get some more protein ideas.  I find I get myself in a rut but I do continue to try new things and to retry things that did not go well.  The one thing I have learned from this surgery is you have to have NO FEAR!  LOL... We would starve to death if we gave up on something after one try!  I will post again soon on my exercise experience... I will probably be half dead after the first session!  Love to you all....

Peace & Blessings....



December 24, 2006

Hello OH Family... Happy Holidays to you all!  I hope you all enjoy this holiday season.  I am so blessed to have found so many wonderful and supporitive people on this site.  I am so greatful that God gave me opportunity to have this surgery and change my life.  This surgery was the best gift I could have ever been given.

Love to you all!

Peace & Blessing...



November 30, 2006

Wow, it has been a while since I updated!  I have had bunches of stuff going on so I have been a bit busy.  Since my last post, my Toprol dose had to go back up to 50mg a day seeing how I went into Super Ventricualr Tachycardia ( Rapid Heart Rate).  At least it was not A-Fib again.  My Gp thinks it is just a metabolic adjustment to the WLS, so he wants me to stay on the Toprol until I finish losing wieght.  He also gave me tips on how to stop the rapid heart rate naturally by rubbing my carotid arteries or bearing down like you are going to have a BM.  I have had to use the techniques and they actually work.  He also gave me a script for diltiazem to take if the other two ways don't work.  So hopefully his tips and tricks will keep me out of the ER!  LOL

Food wise, I am doing pretty good.  I have a bit of an issue with meats making me sick.  Kathleen gave me a sheet on how to cook food for Bariatric Patients.  Great tips on it.. I hope it does the trick for me.  I am still amazed at how little I can eat and feel so full.  I am still never hungry but do get a weird feeling when it is "time" to eat something.  Your body certainly lets you know when it NEEDS nourishment.  Some of the tips on the sheet she gave me was pounding your chicken breast down to 1/4 inch thickness.  It helps break up the fibers and tenderize it.  It suggested marinading just about everything to tenderize it.  When it comes to beef, buy the expensive steaks but cheap ground beef.  The fat in it helps it to stay moist and digest better.  Ground turkey is the same way.  Buy the cheap fattier ground turkey.  Slow cook your foods in a crock pot and it will be super tender and easier to digest.  Those were some of the tips on the sheet.  I hope you find the info helpful.  I thought I was on the road to having major food issues but it was all in the cooking! 

As far as my weight loss goes, I am very pleaseed with it.  I am down 63lbs. since surgery on 9/18 for a total of 103lbs. lost!  How could I NOT be pleased with that!  I have gone from a size 32/34 down to a size 26 already.  It is SOOOOO nice to go into a regular store like Wal-Mart and be able to go into the women's department and buy something off the rack!  I was mail ordering most of my close before!

So that is about it on me for now. 

Peace & Blessings!



November 8,2006

Went to the Cardiologist yesterday for my A-Fib follow-up.  He still does not know why I went into A-fib and said we will probably never know.... He lowered my dose of Toprol in half and told me to wean myself  off of it if it still made me dizzy and told me he did not need to see me again unless I went back into A-fib.  So I am cleared from him and still clueless as to why I went into A-fib.  I asked about my potassium level the day I went into A-fib and it was fine.... So that blows that theory!  LOL

Things are going well.  Still playing around with food to see what works.  Ground Turkey is one of my It Does NOT work food items.  Hubby did Turkey Meatballs in the crockpot and slow cooked them all day... They were nice and moist and yet UP they came when I ate them.  Yesterday however I found a really good and yummy item to add to my limited menu... Quiche!  I had Spinach and Swiss Quiche from a restuarant and it set really well and tasted great.  I stopped at the store last night and bought the ingredients to make a low-fat crustless quiche at home.  I looked up various crustless Quiche recipes and created my own based on the ones I found.  It has Eggbeaters, LF Mexican Blend Cheese, Mushrooms, Broccoli, Shallots, FF Milk.  I can't wait to make it!

Weight loss seems to be going a little slower than I would like, but that is partly my fault... I have been very lazy about getting my exercise in.  Last night I kicked my butt in gear and rode the recumbent bike for 30min.  I really need to do that EVERY night!  I am down 53lbs. since surgery for a total of 93lbs.  I need to kick it in gear and hit that 100lb. mark!  I would really like to do it by Nov. 29th when I go to see Kathleen at ACN.

Peace & Blessings!


October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!!!  Things are going well... Down to 329lbs. this morning.. Here are my totals.... Since Surgery = 49lbs  Total Loss = 89lbs.  I am VERY happy with my numbers.  I am doing much better since they put me on Nexium.  I have not had many problems at all with food like I was having.  Last night was my hubby's birthday and I made Scallops and we had Shrimp Cocktail.  Well, my hubby thought it was too funny becasue there I sat with ONE scallop on my plate and ONE shrimp.  Well I ate the shrimp and could only eat 1/2 the scallop...Oh well... It tasted good!  That is all that matters to me!  LOL  Well that is all for now...

Peace & Blessings!



October 23, 2006 

Back to work today :o(  Kind of bittersweet... I loved the time I had at home with my family but I was getting quite stircrazy too.  So here I am!  Everything has been going pretty well other than on Oct. 12th I ended up in Glens Falls Hopital in Atrial Fibrilation.  they had to Cardiovert me back into sinus rhythm and nobody was sure why it happened... they were thinking maybe a little dehydration.... or just stress from the surgery on my body... Well this past Friday I had some bloodwork done and my Potassium was VERY LOW.  ACN called me in a script for a Potassium supplement and they are thinking that the low level is what caused the A-fib.  I was in and out of the hopital the same day so not really that big of a deal and due to my husband being in A-fib for 7 years before his Heart transplant, we were very well versed in the issue.  Other than that I have been doing great.

Food wise... I have had issues with scrambled eggs... and a piece of Gortons Fish.... Blech! .  Both times it was a chewing issue, my fault entirely....  I was able to add Tuna and other meats back into my diet now but I have been chopping the heck out of everything with my Pampered Chef Chopper and adding a little light mayo and it works out just fine... I poached an egg last week and that set fine but it seems like an aweful lot of time and energy to poach and egg that I can only eat half of!  LOL  It is amazing though how much better you feel when you can actually eat some protein... Every little bit seems to make a big difference energy wise for me....

Well that is all for now... I am looking forward to going to the Thursday Night Support Group.... Can't wait to see everyone again... 5 weeks is a long time away!  Oops.. by the way... down 45lbs since surgery for a total of 85lbs gone! Yippppeeeeee!

Peace & Blessings



October 2, 2006
Well I got to have something to eat today...LOL I NEVER thought in a million years that 2 Tbls. of Cottage cheese would fill me up.. nor did I expect that I would only be able to eat 1/2 a scrambled egg! Too funny to me. I am just worried about fluid intake... losing pretty much 1 1/2 hours for each meal makes me a bit nervous. I know I can get three of my four bottles of water in, I just hope I can sqeeze in the 4th before bed tonight.

On another note, I am apparently allergic to Prilosec. My insurance would not cover Nexium without prior authorization, so the pharmacist recommended Prilosec. Last night I started itching all over. By 5:00am, I had a rash all over my inner arms and lower legs... right now, I have a rash all over my arms, legs, back, stomach, chest, neck, top of my hands... It is just DELIGHTFUL! I am one BIG ITCH... Been popping Bebadryl all day to help but it is still not gone. I hope it goes away soon. This is making me CRAZY!!!

Peace & Blessings!

September 26, 2006
Hello everyone... Well it has been a week and a day since surgery and I am doing well. Getting in all of my water everyday and usually eat one or two SF Jello's a day and one or two popcicles... I stay right away from broth... YUCK! I am not hungry at all, but food does smell good to me. It is not to the point that it drives me crazy though. It is funny how every meal my hubby cooks, I come up with a way we can cook that meal that will fit into my program once I can eat. I am really looking forward to having an egg next week. I just need to CHEW soemthing! LOL Chewing Jello is just not cutting it.. LMAO!

I am feel really good though. More tired than I would like... It is probably a good thing though becasue I think my tummy muscles are healing now because I get that twingy burn in the area of my left hole and my belly button hole. Not to mention I am just now getting bruises from the Lovenox shots. For those of you afraid of getting them.. they did not hurt at all when they gave them to me, which was a pleasant surprise.

I actually walked a 1/4 mile on the track when we brought my son down to football practice. I was very pleased with myself on that. My honey has been SO supportive of me through this whole thing. I feel bad for him sometimes because he is afraid to and feels guilty for eating things around or in front of me. This was MY choice to do this.... It is MY responsibility to NOT to let it get to me. My family certainly can't be punished for a choice I made. For the most part thier meals really do not bother me.. Well.. Other than I though I was going to be sick because My hubby had garlic breathe at bedtime the other night from dinner. My sense of smell seems to be very heightened and some smells really get to me and flip my poor little pouchy. LOL

Well that is all for now... Oh.. except for the fact that the day of my sugery, I weighed myself and I weighed 378lbs... This morning I weighed in at 356.8!!!! SWEET!!!!

Peace & Blessing!


September 23, 2006
Happy Birthday to ME! I have to say despite the fact that I can only Sip Sip Sip and eat Jello, that this is probably one of my best birthdays!

I had my surgery on Monday and everything went really well. My family was a little concerned because it took me a bit to get moved out of recovery. It seems my body liked the rest that being knocked out gave me! LOL. Actually I was having a bit of an issue with going deep into sleep and my oxygen level would drop a bit... So until they got me to breathe without the dip I had to stay there. I was there for about 4 hours... My surgery only took 2 hours.

I got up to my room around 5:00pm and by 5:30pm I was up and walking out to the hallway. I have to say I have NEVER been so PARCHED in my life.. those little sponges were like a gift from God! I have to tell you all... you need to make sure to GET UP. The more you get up and move the better you feel. The leak test was not nearly as bad as I had imagined it. I did not find the drink to be terrible. Standing for the test was not an issue for me either. I actually walked out into the hallway to get on the stretcher to be brought down. Moving just felt so good. I hate laying in bed! the only issue I had with the leak test was the effect AFTER the test when I got back to my room. I got an overwhelming sense of nausea... I got all foamed up in my throat and thought I was going to heave. I didn't because they gave me a quick injection through my IV and it took that feeling away. So overall it was not as bad as I anticipated.

My stay at Albany Med was pretty uneventful execpt for the Apple Juice issue. Even diluted it ended up giving me the poops! finally afer a full day of pooping... the GAS let loose! LEt me tell you something... I can pass gas with the best of them.. But I have NEVER had such an EXPOSION come out of me like that! I went hysterical laughing and yelled out to my hubby that I was OK... I can only hope that nobody was out in the hall becasue I KNOW they would have heard that all the way down the hall. It was VERY funny! After that I felt great! LOL

I got discharged Thursday night and stopped in to the support group meeting on our way out. I am so glad I did that. It is so important to let people new in the process know what it is really all about. So basically my stay was pretty routine an uneventful. I will post more in a day or two about the last couple of days. My tummy is getting tight from sitting in this position so I am gonna go.... Before I go I want to acknowledge the wonderful staff at Albany Med. I had TOP NOTCH Care... A special Thank You goes out to Ursula... She is a Student Nurse at HVCC and she is going to make one hell of a Nurse when she graduates! Her care was fantastic and she went above and beyond to find out about my process and all that it entailed. Best wishes to her for a successful future in nursing!

Peace & Blessing!


September 15, 2006
Maybe I am just lucky or maybe it is due to all of the testing I had done during my process... but it did NOT take 2 1/2 to 3 hours for my pre-admission testing... It took 1 hour and 40 minutes! Lucky me I guess!

Well I have to call after 1:30pm to find out what time my surgery is on Monday... I hope they do not schedule me for a real early morning surgery! I had to have my hubby at AMC for his biopsy today at 7:30am so I had to get up at 4:30am.. I am VERY tired...

Wow...3 more days to go... I will be so glad to get this over with... I am not nervous yet... I am more anxious... I am feeling a little overwhelmed with getting things in order before Monday. Of all weeks for this to happen.. My hubby gets the Gout and can't walk. I have been running around getting all of the stuff for his Mended Hearts Picinic for him... Doing all of the shopping.... Trying to get the house in order and have everything ready for Monday and I am just frustrated over EVERYTHING! I know it is not his fault he ended up with gout... I just wish he had taken care of some of this stuff before now... This was not the week to have everything dumped on ME... I really need to get the bug out of my butt because I know I am being cranky.... I love him more than anything and I know he is upset over getting the gout... I need to be more sympathetic and less witchy! LOL

I probably won't be on again until after my surgery... I have a busy weekend.... Saturday - Jared to Football Game in Warrensburg then to Saratoga Park for the MH Picinic... Sunday - Sunday School, Church, to the store to get all of MY stuff.. Vitamins etc. and then to our TOPS group on Sunday night! Whewww... I am gonna be tired!

I will try to have my hubby do an update whlie I am in the hospital... I will see you all on the losing side! Thanks for all of your love and encouragment!

Peace & Blessings!


September 11, 2006
I am APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got off the phone with Stephanie and the Insurance company told her I was APPROVED!!!! Yipeeeeeee! Tommorow I go for my Pre-Registration and Anesthesia appointment and my Pre-op with Dr. Singh... I will update again tomorrow.

Peace & Blessing!

August 31, 2006
I went to see Dr. Singh today... I am all set... My paperwork is all ready and being sent to the BSNENY for approval... The only thing I still have to have done is the ultrasound of my legs to check for DVT's... I will be having that next week just as a precaution. I can't believe it... 18 more days to go... It is wierd because I am not nervous about the surgery... I am worried about how I am going to handle the pain... the last time I had surgery I was 17 so it was easy to bounce back... My son is 11 now so the pain of childbirth is long out of my head... I hope I am not a big wuss after the surgery! LOL

My Pre-op stuff is on September 12th... Until then all should be smooth sailing. It felt like the day would never get here and now it is so close! Wooo Hoooo... I can't wait!

Peace & Blessings!


August 24, 2006
What a week! Had the two Educational meetings this week and I have to tell you, I really thought they were going to be a big waste of time being at the point of my journey that I am at now... I was WRONG! (Don't tell my hubby I said that... I will never admit to him that I am wrong! LOL) Although I did already know the bulk of what was covered... It was VERY inspirational and we had a great guest speaker. Robyn who covered the psychological stuff was wonderful, not only does she know her stuff.. she is also a By-Pass patient so it was even more informative than you would think... So those of you that are beginning this journey and think your time will be wasted... It really won't.. You will get lots of info and inspiration from these two sessions... More than you can ever imagine! You also get to meet some really great people!

I did however feel like an idiot on Tuesday... I had the meeting down for 2:45pm and got there around 2:00pm thinking I was very early... WRONG AGAIN! It had started at 12:45pm!!! I was MORTIFIED... Today the ladies in the group said it was apparent by the look on my face! I must have apologized to Ilana 10 times... I really fealt like a big jerk...

I went to see Kathleen today and I am officially BELOW my 10%... I told Dr. Singh that I even though my 10% was for me to be at 377lbs. ( I was at 374.8lbs. this morning) I want to be at or below 370lbs. by surgery day... I have 24 days to reach that goal... Wooo Hoooo....I think I will be able to reach that goal!!!!!! I go to see my PCP tomorrow to get my final clearance for the insurance.... Then off to see Dr. Singh next Thursday for my follow-up... Until Then...

Peace & Blessings!

August 14, 2006
Well Friday was a day FILLED with appointments... Went to the nutritionist and then to pulminary... Great news is I am CLEARED! All of my clearances are DONE! After I finished that appointment it was off to have an Echo done. I have agreed to take part in a study of how weight loss effects your heart. Not sure how long after surgery they have you come back in....It is simple, painless and I had to be at Albany Med anyhow so why not do it!

Next week on the 22nd & 24th, I have the Educational Meetings and that should cover all of my requirements. Then I just have to hang tight until surgery day... The wait is gonna KILL me! LOL

Hopefully Dr. Singh will be happy with all of my clearances and give the final ok on 8/31!

Peace & Blessings!

August 3, 2006
BIG NEWS today! I have a date! September 18th!!! That is only 7 weeks away! It is tentative upon all of my remaining appointments getting done and clearances getting sent in. AND my getting down to my 10% mark!!! GRRRRRRR.. Why is it such a struggle for me this time to drop the stupid weight! I also have to have a Sleep study done... I put a call in to my GP to try to get in ASAP to have it done... I have to be on the machine for 4 weeks prior to my surgery if I have apnea... I am hoping to get in next week (God willing). Sooooo.... Once again I am in the countdown mode.... The only clearance I have left to do is Pulmonary... I have that appointment on 8/11 and my GBS Educational meetings on 8/22 & 8/24... I am relieved to have the date set but now I am spazzing over the sleep study thing... If this test holds me up I will go POSTAL! Keep me in your prayers that all goes smoothly!

Peace & Blessings...

August 1, 2006
Today is a VERY SPECIAL day. One year ago today a wonderful woman made a huge sacrifice and saved my husbands life and for that I will be eternally grateful. Today is the one year anniversary of my husband John recieving his gift of life... His new Heart. I rejoice with a heavy heart... I am so happy to have my husband in my life and can't even explain how much better our life has been since his transplant, but I can't begin to imagine the sorrow that is being felt today on this anniversary of his donors death. I wish them all peace on this day.

And to John... the love of my life... Every day with you is so precious to me... I may not say it often enough but you are my Best Friend and the Love of my Life. I can't begin to imagine what life would have been like without you by my side. I love you more than words can say! Happy Anniversary...

Love you!


July 21, 2006
Had a week FULL of appointments... Monday was with my Psychologist Dr. Etu, He is fantastic It was pretty much all the same as last year and he thinks I am more than ready for the surgery. Then on Tuesday I had my appointment with the Hemotologist and she had me do some bloodwork.. 11 vials (would have been more if I had not had my "normal" bloodwork complete already)! She had me do a DNA panel to see if I am prone to any type of clotting conditions... My sister had DVT's in the past and my grandmother had multiple strokes so she wants to make sure I have no issues. I may have to have a greenfield filter put in if the bloodwork comes back positive for clotting issues. On Wednesday, i was supposed to go to an 8:15am Informational session with my surgeons office, unfortuneately when I got there, Nancy the Nurse Practioner that does the session was not there. She had been in a bad accident on her way into work that morning. SHe was just being brought to the ER when I got there. I hope she is doing well. Then in the afternoon, I had my appointment with Kathleen my Nutritionist. She was happy with my progress. I was down 13lbs since I was there at the end of May. I was NOT happy though, I wanted to be down at least 20lbs.

I feel like a need a hop in the butt to get me going.... I wish this was all easier. So many hoops so little time! LOL.. Oh well... Next appointments are on August 11th with the Nutritionist and then on to my Pulmonary clearance that same day in the afternoon. So far so good... All things are moving along... I'll Post again after my next round of appointments.. Until then....

Peace & Blessings to you all!

June 26, 2006
I went to see my PCP today and he was glad to hear that I had decided to start the WLS process again. He is very supportive and was very pleased to see the weight I have lost since he saw me about 6 months ago. I have lost about 30lbs. since seeing him last. He was also very pleased at how well I have maintained my Asthma. He doesn't think I really need to get pulmonary clearance seeing how well my Asthma has been managed but Dr. Singh wants a pulmonary follow-up so I am going to have it. I also had my bloodwork and urinalysis done as well.

Soooo....My next round of clearances is not until the week of July 17th so until then...

Peace & Blessings to You All!

June 5, 2006
Well I took the first step to start this process over and I am very excited. It looks like I WILL have to jump through most of the same hoops and some new ones, but I am really OK with that! I saw Ellen the ANP at my Clinical Nutrition Office and we went over all of my paprework from last year to see what clearances I may need to have redone. She suggested I call Stephanie from Dr. Singh's office and see what new requirements they have. The Bariatric Center has recently been revamped and they have new requirements and there are a few things I will need to do, nothing major though.

I have scheduled appointments with my GP, Hematology and Pulminary Specialists. I should NOT have to do Psych or Cardiac again. Also, Dr. Singh now does the endoscopy before surgery so I do not have to have that done again ( I am thankful for that one! I have a TERRRIBLE Gag reflex!). Now it is time for me to get my butt back in gear and start exercising and getting the weight off. I need to get down around 375 for my 10%. My start weight last year was 418, my weight on 5/31 was 405 so I am still down a little.

I am hoping to have my surgery done in September or October. The ANP and Dr. Singh's office think that is reasonable, so I am happy! I need to start back at the Support Group this week..I am very excited to go back. I am hoping to see all the members who had their surgery last year before I stopped going.

Well that is all for now... Peace & Blessing to you all!

May 2006
Round 2 :o) I was scheduled to have WLS on August 17, 2005, but God had bigger plans formy family. On August 1st, my husband John was blessed by recieving the Heart Transplant he so very much needed. Not knowing what life was going to be like post transplant I put my surgery on the back burner and quite frankly did not think it would happen ever. Surprisingly though, life is more normal NOW than before he had his surgery! :o) So after pondering - do I REALLY want to go through all of that testing AGAIN? The answer was YES!!!!! it is time for me to get on the ball and take care of myself. I have the most supportive and loving husband and he is by my side all the way! Hopefully the journey will not be so chaotic this time! 


About Me
Troy, NY
Surgery Date
May 31, 2006
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 1
