1st Curves measurements 11-2-06

Nov 08, 2006

Bust  46.5
Waist  40.0
Abdomen  45.5
Hips  44.5
Thighs x 2  51.5
Calves x 2  31.0
Arms x 2  29.0
Weight  201.0

Body Fat %  40.9%

Still doing Okay - 3 weeks out

Nov 08, 2006

Everything is going fine.  I am thinking I need to make sure to get my protein in, so started protein shakes again today, I am just using a straw and slowly sipping so I don't get dumping sydrome (drank to fast previously).

I have gone to curves 5 times now, and feel great, no pain.  I just take it slowly.  I will weigh and measure on 12-2-06 again there, and will post updates.

I can't tell if I am losing and that is frustrating, seems to be going slowly, but then again, it didn't come on over night.  So any loss is progress, and even though I know and accept this it is still frustrating. I am hoping for an average of 2.5 lbs a week, but realize being a  light weight that it may take longer.

4 week appt next week, will update then.


Nov 03, 2006

Ok, I know this is silly, but finally a bowel movement.  It only took two days of milk of magnesia for it to kick in, but yeah. Finally relief.

Started Curves Again!

Nov 01, 2006

Decided I wasn't getting out walking enough and to keep myself going, I best do something.  Curves always worked for me before, and helped with toning, so started this morning.  It felt good to work out.  
Oh, and yes, even though I am only two weeks out, the doctor said go for it, he said I wouldn't hurt a thing, but that if I was sore to ease up.

2 Week PostOp Appt

Nov 01, 2006

Yipee, down another 5 lbs.  I didn't feel it coming, and was shocked when the scale showed a loss.  Also, upgraded to soft foods, Yeah.  Stopped by KFC on the way home for some mashed taters, yummy!
Asked doctor about the lower left scar that is dimpled, and he said that is to be expected, but will level out in time.  - 14 lbs gone forever!

2nd Week Diet/Trip/Restuarant

Oct 30, 2006

It has been hard to get creative with eating and still try to get protein in.  My husbands birtdhay was the 25th and I still managed to have a dinner for him.  I did ok, fixed chicken alfredo, corn, garlic bread.  I took some of the sauce, brothe, chicken, corn, and a couple noodles and blended it into a soup, then dipped by spoon until coated and slowly ate that.  I did ok, did not get sick, but didn't get much in either. 

We then decided to go to visit family for a couple of days since we hadn't seen them in a few months.  I packed some sugar free jello, drinkable yogurts, water and canned soups.  First night they wanted to take us out to eat, so I said no problem, I will just eat soup.  Well, the soup was clam chowder.  Had hubby eat all the chunks and I had the milky broth, it was okay, they all felt bad for me, I think that is the hardest part, to get them to believe me when I say I am not hungry.  Next morning, was off the a 99 cent breakfast special.  I said, no problem I will just order cream of wheat and make it milky.  Well, no cream of wheat.  So, I dared to eat some scramble eggs and the inside soft part of the hasbrown.  I barely took 3 or 4 baby bites, and thought I best be done.  Next day my sister-in-law made me a banana vanilla protein drink 23 g protein only 1 g sugar, but a whole banana.  I don't know if I drank it to fast or too much banana, but I felt squimish after, but it was good.  I'll try again later with only 1/2 banana.

Best news is drain tube site is scabbed over and all bandages are off. My tummy itches alot, but everything is healing nicely.  I do have one scar, lowest left side that seems to be indented, I am not sure why , but will ask tomorrow at dr appt.

1 week post op

Oct 30, 2006

First post op appointment on 10-24, lost 9 lbs, was shocked.  Still on liquid diet.  Best of all, the drain tube came out!  Yeah, it felt weird when they pulled it out, and seeing the hole in my tummy, but pain in my shoulder was gone.  Go back to doctors in one week. - 9 lbs

About Me
Springtown, TX
Surgery Date
Sep 03, 2006
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Still the Same, no stall yet!!!
Humm Drumm
Happy Holidays
Doing Okay
1 mo Curves results
6 wk PostOp
Happy Thanksgiving
4 wk Post Op Appointment
