Hold On

Feb 25, 2013

 I can see the light peering through the storm clouds that have shadowed my head for so many years, Im reaching out, trying to grab hold of the rope that sways inches away from my fingers. Gasping and struggling my fingers hit only air, I can see my dreams peaking out over the edge beckoning me to grab a hold and climb. "Climb! Jump! Pull!" they shout at me with such hope and conviction in their voice. I feel so close, yet so far away. These forces that keep me from being able to reach the rope and pull myself up, money, pressure, stress, bills, secrecy, no understanding, no help. The past. Such a large cloud, its dark billowing plumes roll over, choking out the light, trying so desperately to push my head back into the shadows. The Past. Its voice rolls like thunder sending chills down my back, "You are nothing. Pathetic. Hopeless. Shame. You are broken.." it whispers, like lightening, its words roll down my spine and resonate through my mind. Thunder crashes as the lights rays come bursting through the clouds ashy body. "You are beautiful." the light shouts through, "Brave. Strong. Courageous. Hope. You are steel." I can feel a soft kiss of light touch my cheek, I close my eyes and lift my hands as rain begins to fall. I can taste the tears of the past, its power is no more. The clouds roll back, this storm is done, it will return, but for now I have won. And in my hand a single thread is found, and I know that this is the beginning. The rope is mine, though small it may be but it is a start, and no matter what storms may come, I will hold on tight. I will hold on.


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Feb 21, 2013
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