
Jan 22, 2009

I went to my PCP's office to have some routine blood work. She will be sending the results back to Vanderbilt as soon as she gets them. The good news is I did somehow manage to lose another pound. Hallelujah!!!! I really didn't think I lost any more, one pound isn't much, but I will take it.

Vanderbilt wants me to have a sleep study done so my PCP is going to set that up for me.

I still haven't heard back from any psychologist that I left a message for about doing the psych eval. I guess I will go ahead and forget about the insurance stuff and just pay the $250. I'll have to get another pay check or two under my belt before I can do it. I'll just make it my goal to get done before February ends.

I stopped by and seen people from my old work place. It was really good to see them. Note to self: make more time to keep in touch with them. I really care about those girls!!! It's amazing how being around good people can change your whole outlook on life, in general. It's hard to be depressed while you laugh!
As you can tell, I am feeling more positive today. I can handle this rough and bumpy road to becoming healthier and skinnier.


Jan 20, 2009

I woke up to snow on the ground and more flakes falling. I was dreading the trek to Nashville. I was suppose to be at the nutritionist visit at 10:00 am. I was dressed and ready to go. I had already sent Sabrina, my daughter, out to the car to start it so that it would be toasty warm on the drive to Vanderbilt.
As I was getting my jacket and purse ready, my phone started ringing. It was Vanderbilt stating that since I had already seen Dr. Dunn this month that I did not need to drive over to see the nutritionist today. Seeing Dr. Dunn will count as part of my 6 month diet plan required by insurance. 
That didn't hurt my feelings one bit cause it looked really cold outside. Truthfully, it sounded good because I don't think I have lost any weight since my last visit. I have only deviated from the diet plan a couple of times. I don't even have to eat bad food, just look at it and BAM!!! - I have blown up at least 5 pounds! I really hate my body sometimes.
I have been having some family issues lately. I thought things were okay but these issues keep rearing it's ugly head! Of course, I am an emotional eater so it's been a little harder lately. I just keep waiting for it to pass. One of these days I will finally learn to start letting things out in a healthy way instead of trying to stuff, stuff, stuff - emotions as well as food. At least I don't have anything really bad at the house to blow my diet out of the water. I can take some comfort in that. Sabrina has been fussing something fierce because I don't keep crap food here anymore. She is so funny. Little skinny teenager!!!! Speaking of emotional issues and possibly being crazy...........
I have been trying all day to find a psychologist that will take my insurance to do the psych eval for bariatric surgery clearance. I have had no luck so far. I am waiting for a couple of places to call me back though. It looks like I may have to pay $250 out of pocket. If I have to go that route, I can tell you it won't be with that little snippy skank from the 1st place I called. I guess $250 is a small price to pay to be healthier and not have to worry about high blood pressure or diabetes as much. 
Anyway, things could be worse but they could be better. I'm just hanging in there today. If you happen to stumble across this blog, say a prayer for me.

Psych Eval

Jan 16, 2009


I am so PISSED right now.

I called Athena Consulting, in Nashville, TN, to get an appointment for a psych eval to get clearance for baratric surgery about a MONTH ago. I was told that they will check on my inusrance status and let me know if they are covered under my group.
I waited and called 2 weeks after the initial call to make an appointment, thinking this will be sufficient time for them to make the determination whether my insurance is accepted through their office. A female, that was just a tad bit snippy answered the phone. Of course, I told her my name and that I was calling to make sure that everything was clear and that my inusrance was contacted. This little HOOCHIE proceded to tell me that they will do it and will let me know before my appointment time. Her little tone and attitude did not set well with me but I decided to let it slide because I am trying to stay on a smooth course for surgery. I was doing what any smart person would do and that is check up to make sure that everything is clear and she tried to act like I was bothering her. 
So, I have been waiting and they just decide to call me TODAY, keep in mind that my appointment was suppose to be for Monday, to let me know that they are not covered in network but would be happy to do the eval for $250 cash. I told her in my little snippy voice that I didn't want to keep my appointment and that I will find someone that was in my network.
This is frustrating because if they were on the ball, I could have already moved on and found someone and at least have an appointment or possibly be done with it already. 
I took off work expecting it to be a four hour appointment. Now I will have to possibly have to take off work again.
I'll just have to come home after my nutritionist appointment Monday and get on line and figure out what Psychiatirst is in my network and get another appointment. 
I'll post more Monday.  I need to take a nap now before work.

Final Chapter of Insurance Saga

Jan 06, 2009

I got an email this morning stating that all the information has been submitted and they will start processing claims now. My new insurance is now my primary insurance. I don't have to worry about claims being denied.

I am starting my blood sugar log today. I woke up with my sugar level at 171. I want to really work hard to get it to normal levels so I won't have any problems healing after surgery.


Insurance,Part 4, 1st Endocrinologist visit, 2nd Nutritionist

Jan 05, 2009

I got confirmation that my old insurance ended on 10/31/2008 and did in fact over lap with the new insurance, which started 10/1/2008. I emailed this information to the new insurance company today. Hopefully, this will be enough and I will be through with this dilemma. My old boss got right on it and got the info fixed quick, God bless her!!!!

I have lost 7 pounds since 1/1/2009!!!!!! I couldn't hardly believe it. Tim has been telling me that he could really tell that I was losing. He has been so supportive. I really love him for that!!!!

I saw the endocrinologist today. She was young, 32 years old,  but she really seemed like she was on top of things. She went over a long questionnaire with me. It seemed to last forever. She said that she thinks that I may have IBS and may require a colonoscopy later. She did not know if the symptoms were medication related or if it really was IBS. She changed my meds around. We'll have to wait and see. She took me off Actos. I am so glad because I really believe that it made me gain weight. She put me on blood pressure medicine, as it was high today. She let me know that 8 days before surgery that I will have to be on an all liquid diet. I guess I am having a good day because I feel like I can do that too. She also wants me to follow up with a sleep specialist because I have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea in the past. I am not jumping up and down happy but I am glad to know that they are really approaching my situation with caution and want to make sure that they have all their ducks in a row. I feel like I am receiving top notch medical care. I am going to continue to go to Vanderbilt for my health care needs after surgery. She also sent me to see the nutritionist for a specific diet for me.

The nutritionist was a different one than I saw last time. She is really nice. I am to be on a 1500 calorie diet, with very little carbs. She gave me a specific list of foods that would be good for me. I guess I will be grocery shopping this weekend. It didn't seem that bad. I can live with it. It hasn't been as awful as I thought it would be without diet cokes. I haven't felt this much resolve in a long time about being on a diet.  I WILL DO THIS!!!!!


Insurance, Part 3 and 1st Nutritionist visit

Dec 31, 2008

I'll start with the insurance dilemma. I got a call from my current insurance company, they did receive my prior fax. But (you knew that was coming, didn't you?) My old insurance from my previous employer had never been canceled. Which means, since that insurance is the oldest one that I had - all claims has to go through my old insurance first. That can not happen because I quit in October and the claims that I have start after November. On my old insurance policy  - gastric bypass is an excluded procedure. So they would not pay for any of the testing I have had so far because it is all in relation to getting gastric bypass. I called my old boss and told her the situation and she told me that she will take care of it. I like my old boss but she gets busy and forgets so I think I will follow up with HR tomorrow, just to make sure that this gets done ASAP. I have asked the current insurance company rep to hold all claims and not to deny any just yet, that I will get this straightened out as soon as I can. She agreed but I have already gotten a letter from Quest labs that one of the claims have been denied. I am sure it it because of this situation. Anyway, enough of this and on to other topics.

I had my first nutritionist visit today. I arrived about 20 minutes early. Sabrina went with me for moral support so we people watched and she texted her boyfriend to pass time. I was surprised because I thought this was going to be a one on one session but it turned out to be a class setting. There were 5 other women in this class. Sabrina was allowed to sit in the same room as the class was going on, as well as other family members from the rest of the group. I hope she was listening so she will never have to struggle with her weight as I have. The nutritionist kept stressing that this surgery was going to be a life change and not a diet. The surgery and our new stomach or tool will have to last for the rest of my life. She had a protein powder sample and some vitamin samples to give us. All in all the class lasted about 2 1/2 hours. She did not really go over anything that I did not know or have not heard before.

I will be starting the new healthy eating plan for me tomorrow. I know the hardest part for me will be giving up my beloved diet sodas and not drinking with my meals. I know that I have 6 months to accomplish this before surgery and honestly it might take me that long. I know that drinking water is healthier for me but it doesn't make it anymore appealing. OK, I know that I have to work to be more positive in this area. I will do it and it will become a new way of life for me but I have to vent and mourn a little first.

She wants us to keep a food journal. I have done this before and it really works, so I won't mind doing that at all. It will help me to be thoughtful about everything that I will be putting in my mouth. She did warn us that she is a type A personality and a stickler for the rules. I have to admit that makes me nervous, very nervous. I want somebody that is going to help guide me and help me stay on the straight and narrow. I don't need a drill sergeant. I have failed so many diets before......
She holds the go ahead for surgery - what if she decides that I am a failure and won't clear me for surgery. Will I always be doomed to feel and look this way? I just can't hardly stand that thought.

She also asked that if I had diabetes to go ahead and make an appointment with and endocrinologist at Vandy. I made an appointment. I haven't been able to keep my diabetes maintained under my current plan anyway so this is probably going to be a positive step for me.

It looks like alot of changes coming up in 2009. I am looking forward to it. With God's help, I know I can find the strength and endurance to do the things that need to be done and to see this plan through until surgery and for the rest of my life.


Endoscopy Complete

Dec 29, 2008

My "responsible adult" Tim took me to Vanderbilt yesterday. We arrived early as instructed by the nurse. My appointment was at 2:00 pm but we arrived about 1:15.  We people watched for just a little bit and chatted. I am glad that he was with me, it kept me from getting really nervous. I was called back to the pre-op area right on time at 2:00.
I was taken back to a prep area and was told to take off my shirt and put a gown on. I was asked the usual questions about when was the last time I ate, when I quit my meds.....
Then it came time to start an I.V. I am usually a hard stick and was sooooooo glad when the nurse was able to hit it the first time she tried. I laid there and watched the goings on in the pre-op waiting area. I was right in front of the board that they use to keep track of surgery status. It was interesting.
The nurse that came to get me to wheel me to OR was very nice. She told me that she had to put a breath mint in because she ate guacamole for lunch and it had a lot of garlic in. Another nurse kind of scolded her because she was talking to me about food and I had not eaten anything since midnight . It was funny. We all had a good laugh about it.
I arrived in the OR and Christmas music was playing. The nurses apologized for the selection of music but said that the dr. liked it and made him easier to work with. I didn't mind, it was kind of soothing actually. Plus, I wanted this dr calm, he was fixing to stick a tube down my throat!
The dr. came in and introduced himself and went over all the possible complications and had me sign a consent form.
The nurse came over and sprayed some nasty, and when I say nasty I mean NASTY stuff in the back of my throat and told me to swallow. Then she placed a bite block in my mouth and told me it was time for the "good" stuff and pushed meds in my I.V. I don't remember anything else until I woke up in recovery with Tim standing over me. I don't know what I would do without him sometimes.
It wasn't long before the dr. came in with pictures of my esophagus and stomach. He said that everything looked just fine. He did take a small biopsy of my stomach and sent it off but did not think anything would show up.
The nurse stepped in and had me sit up on the side of the bed, took my I.V. out and told me to get dressed. We were done. I made it through endoscopy!!!
YAY!!!!! One step closer to having my gastric bypass surgery!!!

Letter from Insurance Saga

Dec 26, 2008

I called my previous employers insurance company today and got all the information that my current insurance company required. I faxed it to them today. Hopefully, that will be the end of it. Who am I kidding?!? I will probably have to fax it to them again.

I am feeling less stuffy. Let's hope I continue on my road to wellness. I am going to keep my appointment for the endoscope on Monday. I got a letter from Vanderbilt stating I need to bring a responsible adult. Tim is the "lucky one" who is going to take me. It always makes me feel better when he is close. I know he will take care of me.

I had a nice Christmas. I got to spend it with my daughter, Sabrina and my boyfriend, Tim. I talked to my oldest daugher, Trish, on the phone. It's the first Christmas we have spent apart. I don't know why she felt like she had to grow up, get married and move to Hawaii.  We all missed her in our own way.

I am looking forward to the coming year and all the changes that will be in store for me.
1 comment

Letter from Insurance

Dec 24, 2008

I switched jobs this year which means that I switched insurance also. I got a letter from my current jobs insurance wanting me to contact the other insurance company to see when coverage ended. I know that I did not have a lapse in coverage but I think that is what they are looking for. I guess I will have to deal with that the day after Christmas. It's just another hoop to jump through I guess. 
My head has been stopped up and I have had sinus drainage the last few days. I am hoping this clears up in the next day or two and does not interfere with the endoscopy. I am so ready to get this ball rolling. I am looking forward to starting my new life!!! I know I have a healthier and better looking me under all this fat.



Dec 19, 2008

Oh dang! Vanderbilt just called and wants me to have this done on 12/29/2008 @ 2:00 pm. I went ahead and made the appointment. I didn't realize that they would get on this so fast. Oh well, guess I will pray and meditate. I am not the first person to have this done. I am still a little scared though.

About Me
Russellville, KY
Surgery Date
Oct 18, 2008
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