6 days post op!

Apr 20, 2008

I did it, I really did it. I didn't get scared and teary until I got to the surgery waiting room, then I couldn't turn off the tears.

Everything went great, the doctor says. The pain was bad but nothing like I thought it would be. I am on day 6 and taking 10 mL of Lortab Elixir every 6-8 hours. I should get the Jackson-Pratt drain out on Wednesday. I was supposed to have it out on Tuesday but my hubby has a big computer upgrade to do and so I will see about rescheduling it on Monday for Wednesday. I hear that I should feel less discomfort once that is out.

I have been walking each day at least 2-4 times. Yesterday I walked up and down our long street block 3 times and the last time was shortened to about the length of one side of the block because of a winter storm and the wind chill being freezing....

I have taken a shower every other day and not so bad. Since being home Wednesday, Lance has had the honors of drying my legs up until this morning, I could actually bend over and dry my legs. I even blow dried my bangs this morning. I changed my drain dressing all by myself also. WOW! Lance goes back to work tomorrow so I need to be self sufficient.

I am doing well with intake. No nausea since the first two days while in the hospital and that was mild but I immediately asked for meds for the nausea. I think I received 2 or 3 doses for that.

I am not getting all my fluids in yet but each day it is increasing. I was able to get 49 ounces of fluids in yesterday, the minimum goal is 65 ounces. I will be there soon!!!

My protein is on target, yesterday I got in 97 gm. I am adding Any Whey tasteless (mostly tasteless) to my 4 ounces of yogurt and that makes that serving 42 grams of protein in just that serving!! That is super.

Other than water my intake has been Low carb slim fast, Unjury protein (out of that and money but will order next week), Blue Bunny lite peach yogurt, low sodium tomato soup mixed with fat free milk. I have tolerated all of these well.

I tried one of my favorite  soups, cream of mushroom and added Any Whey and could not tolerate that at all. Just the smell made me sick to my stomach. I took two tiny tastes and said, NOPE, not a chance. Why eat that when I have other choices. So that is pu on the back shelf for a later date.

My vitamins and pills. I am using a small plastic baggie and a rolling pin to crush my pills. Then I pour them into one of the 30 mL pill cups they hospital sent me home with. Then when I eat my meal I sprinkle which ever one I am taking over a baby spoonful and use that to take the medicine. It works great. It is easiest with the chewable pills cause they taste good. My Lexapro is NASTY! cause that is supposed to be swallowed. I was REAL scared to do that at the hospital because I really didn't want to throw up. It didn't make be gag it is just very bitter.

To recap my vitamin intake, I am geting in my sublingual B12 once a day.
Multivitamin once a day. I want to order a powdered calcium. I have only taken the calcium once since being home. I will start on the chewable/crushed and sprinkled today. It is so important.

I can even wear my jeans and zip and button them now for 2 days. I was to swollen before that.

Back pain. I was experiencing severe back pain because of laying in bed and not being able to sleep on my side because of the pain. In fact, that pain on day 3 after surgery was worse than the surgery pain. My dear friend Mary who had this surgery 3 years ago had similar pain. She asked if I was wearing my bra and I wasn't. She said to put my bra on and tuck the Jackson-Pratt drain into the bra. This will take pressure off from the drain pulling and also hold the boobs where they should be. Oh my gosh, it works and is a lifesaver. I even wore it at night for several nights. Word of caution, I began to get a rash from the Jackson-Pratt drain resting directly on my skin tucked in my bra. So. I took it out of that safe and snug place and just rehooked it on the dressing.

I have slowly been able to sleep on my right side and somewhat on my left side (side of drain). Such a relief to beable to do that.

Hugs and I hope you find this information helpful.



Apr 01, 2008

I am so excited. I got the call yesterday from my surgeon's office that I am approved for my gastric bypass surgery. I am already starting my preop diet today and scheduled for surgery, Monday, April 14th.  I can't believe it is here. I was beginning to lose hope that I would get approved.

Round two with insurance

Mar 24, 2008

Since my last post I did not get authorized for surgery. I had to complete a total of 6 months of Weight Watchers. I have now completed and and we will now be resubmitting for authorization with my insurance. Keep your fingers and toes crossed.

So far so good...

Dec 05, 2007

I am starting day 3 of my slim fast liquid diet. It hasn't been as horrible as I was afraid it would be. I do get a little hungry but not to bad. I tried some beef broth last night and I thought I was eating a roast!!! It was so good. Something other than artificial sweetner taste.

I still haven't heard from the insurance company as to whether I am approved for surgery yet. I will be calling them on Friday per their request.

I have just about did it!!

Dec 03, 2007

I have just about made it through my first liquid diet day. Wow! I got a bit hungry mid day and really wanted some food but I did it. I ended up having a shake at 9, 12, 3, 6 and I have one more to drink at 9. I also had two cups of sugar free raspberry jello.
I am so happy I made it through this first day.

I keep having thoughts of "do I really want to do this," "I could just cut back and lose my weight and not have to do this liquid diet and surgery." Obviously I am trying to think myself out of surgery and into food.  But I am not going to let myself do that. I can do this.

Day 1 Liquid Diet Weigh In

Dec 02, 2007

I weighed on my scale at 244 pounds.

Body Measurements 12-2-07 day before liquid diet

Dec 02, 2007

Lynn's measurements day before her weight loss journey....
Neck: 15"
Shoulders" 50.75"
Biceps: (L) 13.5", (R) 14"
Chest: 47"
Under Breasts: 38.75"
Waist: 41.50"
Hips: 57.75"
Thighs: (L) 31.25", (R) 31.5"
Calf (L) 17.75,"  (R) 17"
Knee(crease) (L)18", (R) 16.5"

Lance's measurements the same day:
Neck: 17.5"
Shoulders 48"
Biceps: (L) 13.75", (R) 13"
Chest: 43"
Under Breasts: 40.75"
Waist: 42.25"
Hips: 41.75"
Thighs: (L) 25", (R) 24.5"
Calf (L) 16"  (R) 15"

We will weigh ourselves tomorrow.

Second submission to insurance submitted today!

Nov 27, 2007

Today I received the letter I have been needing from my PCP recommending gastric bypass surgery for me. They faxed a copy to my surgeon's office and they are faxing to the insurance company for authorization. Say a prayer that I get approval.

I will begin my liquid diet Monday, December 3 even if I haven't received authorization yet. This way I will be already for the surgery and I won't be what holds it up.

November 13, 2007

Nov 12, 2007

I received an email from my surgeon today. They would like me to see if my PCP will write the letter or recommendation and get it to them by no later then the 26th of this month. That will give us 3 weeks to get authorization from the insurance before my surgery. I faxed the email over to Dr. Holmes and hopefully she will be dictating the letter today! At least I can hope.

Thursday, November 7, 2007

Nov 07, 2007

I had a great dream last night. I dreamed that I could run/jog. I was feeling so good and not tired and I just ran and ran and ran. It was such a great feeling. I wonder if my dreams are so great about running, maybe running is a great feeling and I would enjoy it once I get this weight off. 

About Me
Aug 31, 2007
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