25 pounds to lose...

Sep 02, 2014

I have 25 pounds to lose.  It feels a daunting task.  I would think that seeing as I have lost over 100 pounds (even with my 20 pound weight gain) that this would seem easy, but its not. 


Some days I feel as over whelmed as before my surgery (that feeling of "I just cant do it")  but I remind myself that I have the tools I need and the know how.  The motivation is within me and I just need to tap into it! 


I started "this whole thing" about 2 weeks ago (ie: me waking up and realizing I have gained 20 pounds over the last year and I need to make a change or continue down the path that led me to surgery in the first place).  The first week went great and I lost 2 pounds.  The second week (this last week) found me *very* sick (really bad cold/flu) and I actually gained those two pound back (mainly from lack of exercising and comforting myself with food when I felt like poo).  so I am back on track and hopeful to begin this new phase of my journey. 


About Me
Aug 21, 2014
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