Follow up with Drs

Oct 20, 2010

Okay today was a great day, I have been taken off of all my heart, blood pressure and cholesterol meds.........funny that I am more excited about that then I was being under the 200 lb mark.


Under the 200 mark.....

Oct 13, 2010

Okay I weighed myself Sunday and I was 202, just above the 200 mark.  I was all excited thinking that the next time I weigh myself I will be under 200 pounds....Well today I got on the scale and I am 198.......OMG!!!!!!  I am so friggin excited....WOOOOHOOOO!!!!!!

Sept 7, 2010

Sep 07, 2010

Measurements night before Optifast Shakes start:

Waist  50 in
Forearm 10 in
Bicep 15 in
Neck 15 in
Chest 49.5in
Hip 54 in
Thigh 23 in

Sept 6, 2010

Sep 06, 2010

Well my Lap. Roux-n-Y is scheduled for September 22,2010.  I start my Optifast shakes on Wednesday Sept 8. 

So  I am needing to measure my body, weigh myself and take photos for my starting point.  I am feeling a number of emotions ranging from excitement to fear. As I get ready for my big day, my Mom is terminally ill with cancer and has a few compression fractures in her spine and is in an enormous amount of pain which doctors are trying to control.  So at the moment, I am trying to care for her to a degree, yet keep my own health as my priority. But hell there is alot of guilt and feelings that go with all of it.

Dec 19, 2009

Dec 19, 2009

I have my first appoinment at Guelph Hospital.... it is for May 10, 2010 and I am also on the cancellation list...fingers crossed, lol.  I have done the blood work and the sleep test, my family doctor is completely supportive of my choice.  So here we go on the journey, lucky for me I have a close friend who had the mini gastric bypass surgery last year so she has been soooo supportive in my research and questions.  I am soooo totally excited about having the surgery and getting my life back.  

I have however had a few concerns, not so much about surgery or my new life....but more about the ways people in my life have reacted to the news of the surgery.  I am glad I decided to tell some people the moment I was told I could start the process, but some people have not reacted the way I thought they would.  I wonder if other people have had the same issues.  Some of my friends think I am taking the "easy" way out  that losing weight is simply about 'willpower".  I have started to re-evaluate my life to a degree and perhaps distance myself from those I do not think will be supportive about the surgery. 


About Me
Nov 19, 2009
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