End of March Blippo

Mar 28, 2011

It's a good thing I don't wear rings at the moment because I wouldn't be able to remove them.  Between a little more sodium than I had paid attention to, and "that monthly thing", I strolled into Dr. Doyle's office today swelled right up just like a puffer fish.  Stacy, the nurse, had to take my blood pressure twice.  She just kept going on and on about the amount of fluid, and I was the one reassuring her by the end of the week everything would be pretty much back to normal.

I like Dr. Doyle.  He doesn't leave me feeling like I'm taking up his time with useless questions, even if they are repetitive.  Always with a smile he answers, offers additional information I hadn't even thought of, etc.  He also is really encouraging, not at all pushy.  His approach is "this is where you've come from, this is where you'll be...and this is how we're doing."  Never a negative word, always kind, always encouraging, and always ends our time together on an encouraging note.  I also appreciate his candidness.  Dr. Doyle didn't pull any punches when we first met, nor any time since then.  He was very clear to point out my decision to have weight loss surgery would bring out the commentators, cause frictions in relationships, and could very well end friendships.  He and Dr. Stettnor told me about the numbers of the couples who have marriage issues stemming from wls, as well as individuals seeing friendships which have spanned decades come to an end over wls.  The reason being, in non-technical terms, is the other party in the relationship has no idea what to do now that their friend is no longer big.  I like being informed.  It makes the moments when somebody says something hurtful (whether they realize it or not) a little bit easier to deal with.

Dr. Doyle quote of the day (after a comment I made about my glasses):  "You'll probably have to get them adjusted slightly, but to answer your question...no...your head will not shrink."

Happy Monday!



About Me
Royal Oak, MI
Surgery Date
Dec 08, 2010
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