Holy Crap!

Jul 25, 2011

Just realized that I am going for my Pre-Op appointment tomorow morning..and then I start optifast for two weeks on Sunday...this is happening so damn fast!! So excited!


Its guna be a good day tater...

Apr 06, 2011

Everyday I find I'm thinking about what its going to be like to be free of this extra weight. I think about the things I've never had or done because of my weight. The things I'm going to do without a second thought about how I look. So here's what I am going to do, this is my list of what I'm excited about. Whether is be about my health, appearance whatever..I'm writing this so when the hard times come along in my weight loss journey I can look back through my blog and read this to remember what I couldn't do, wear etc. with all of this damn weight!

My Needs...

1. I need to get healthy in order to feel better physically.
2. I need to see my son grow up.
3. I need to not ever doubt myself in my surroundings because of my physical appearance.
4. I need to learn how to eat...the right food...and the right amount.
5. I need to succeed at this..and I am going to.

My Wants...

1. I want to dance. without worrying that when I shake my arse its guna shake back.
2. I want to go to a normal clothing store and find a sizes that fit and looks great.
3. I want my husband to be able to pick me up off the ground without straining..lol
4. I want to wear a bathing suit without covering it up with a t-shirt and shorts.
5. I want to run around with my son and not lose my breath.
6. I want to get rid of this damn double chin that haunts my pictures and be proud to flaunt my figure in a full body shot.
7. I want my fiance to wrap his arms around me...like actually wrap them around because right now he can only get his arms around me ha ha.

So ..those are the reasons that I can think of off of the top of my head...at work..at the moment. Hopefully if i lose gumption later on I can read this and remember what it was like to be this big and how it felt....


Surgeons Appt

Apr 04, 2011

So this is what I can remember from my surgeons appt with Dr. Smith on Friday April 1, 2011

He asked my  age, height/ weight and figured out my BMI - 43ish

Smoker/ Non Smoker? -non smoker as of January (must be six months smoke free before surgery)

In a relationship? - Engaged

Children? - One, Boy, 18 months

Then he said that he thought WLS was the best option for me. I had brought my dad with me who is a bit of a skeptic and before my dad had the chance to say it the doctor looked at him and said that diet and excercise alone dont work when your BMI is over 40 because the results dont last. He mentioned some studies that had dramatic v's in the charts because people lost but then gained it all back in 5 years. He told me that WLS would give me the results I wanted and would work long term for me.

He asked me if I had any questions, I didnt have many because I have been reading everything I can find on this procedure. He said I was very informed about it and that was a good thing.

He then gave me his card and said after my nutritionist and SW give me the go ahead, to call his office and talk to his receptionist. She would be giving me two dates about 4 weeks apart, the first I would be seeing him again, as well as the internist i beleive. The second date would be my surgery....!! Heck Yah!!

He also mentioned that if i could lose 10-15 lbs before optifast that would be great because it makes his job easier...well and my life a little safer lol. as well that I should be doing some type of activity for about an hour a day.


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Jan 14, 2011
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