16 June 2008

Jun 15, 2008

Wow.  I haven't blogged for about four months.  Well, I was cocooned in our house making a scrapbook for my parents' 50th wedding anniversary during March and April.  We found out that Dad had a stroke in early May.  Then it was specialist appointments and my mind not being in gear for awhile.....

Which brings me to June.  I have lost 137 pounds and gone from size 32/34 to size 18.  I can jog again and I wear my shirts tucked in.  God is so awesome!!

I didn't swim more than four or five times during March, April and May, so my saddlebags and batwings are flying each time I move.  I jiggle above my buttocks, too.  I'm starting my swimming and walking time again today.  I need to take care of myself and get the most out of this blessing called the DS as I can.  Our daughter needs to get more exercise, too, so that will help increase my walking.  (She likes to ride her bike as I walk the dogs.)

I am grateful that my body has continued to get smaller and healthier eventhough I have been AWOL these past three months.  Thank you, God!  I am concerned that I have "burned daylight" and lost some of my weightloss time window.  I also didn't keep up my multivitamin and calcium supplement routine like I should have been.  I guess I can't really make up for that, but I sure can restart the good habits right now.

Eating has been marginal, too.  I would get so wrapped up in the scrapbook or in Dad's health that I would literally forget to eat until evening.  I've done a little better with water just because I love to drink water.  It's a natural habit to always have a glass or water bottle beside me.

I've been on more ambulance runs in the last few months, too.  I am amazed at how easily I glide up into the ambulance and how softly I get out of the ambulance.  It gets a little odd when I am looking down at the patient taking vitals, etc and see these thin forearms and THEY BELONG TO ME!  Its just not appropriate to share that with the poor person who is having an illness or injury crisis at the moment, but I sure would like to.  I'm the lone female on the ambulance squad right now, and its very nice to finally look female again.

Since summer began, I am going to hit the state park near us and take some "trail rides".  I haven't ridden horses for.....years and horses are part of who I am.  I'm finally a safe weight for medium to large horses and I can't wait to be on the back of one again.  I have a friend who has offered to let me ride one of their horses because they can't get them all ridden/exercised regularily.  I am very excited but since its been years, I figure the push-button trail ride horses will be a safe gauge of how well I've kept my seat.  I don't want to figure that one out as I'm on my way to meet the ground.

We finally bought the lot next to us and are going to bring our goats over here this summer!!  We have three pet wethers, one mutant-but-breedable Boer nanny and one baby Nubian nanny.  I can't wait!  I can't wait!  We will use the Nubian to make cheese in about a year.  Lizzie can only have non-dairy products and goat cheese has gone up from $2.50 to $7.00!!  Maybe Lizzie will decide she likes goat milk again if she is part of the production process, too.  (I'm drinking her chocolate soy milk right now.  I really like it and Lizzie is not interested in it at the moment.)

I am just so much more a positive person since losing this much weight and regaining so much health!  My diabetic doctor says that I am on my way to being "cured" of type 2 diabetes!!  I've been off insulin shots (from two a day) for months and have decreased my oral diabetic med. from two pills a day to one.  My pulse and blood pressure are back to being in the normal range.  I used to be 110/60 and I am hoping to get there again.  My knee rarely has pain and has only had crepitus once in the last few months.  I just marvel at how this once-so-badly-treated-body is bouncing back!!  God is very good!

I'm sure there is more that I want to share, but I've got to end right now.  Hopefully, I'll blog again very soon.

13 February 2008

Feb 12, 2008

I'm down 90 pounds and four full sizes.  God is so awesome!  I really have trouble believing this is me, my body.  
Lap swimming is My Time.  I crave it when I miss more than two or three days.  I thoroughly enjoy swimming my laps - just a mile right now - and get a lot of healthy thinking done as I swim.  I've had to get a new suit, which is its own bonus, because my original suit was literally falling off of me.
I am also encouraged by how bare my closet and drawers are becoming.  The fat clothes are leaving in droves.  I need to get over my concern about getting new clothes (or new-to-me-clothes) , but I just keep thinking, 'Why spend money or gas to get some clothes that will only fit for a month or two?'  I also loathe to shop for clothes.  Still, with my jiggles still a big issue and it being winter, I suppose going naked just won't do.
I am losing hair and have been for about a month, but it is minimal.  It is just annoying when I wash my hair or comb it just after washing.  I also shrunk enough to fit back into a long black winter coat and my blonde hair strands shedded are quite noticable on the coat.  Its annoying, but the overall health recovery is worth it.  (We also have a long-haired dog, so the lent brush is a daily friend.)
I still do not tolerate pork or beef well.  I can have small portions of beef maybe once a week, but I haven't had it even that much.  I'm glad that there are so many things one can do with fish and chicken.  I also appreciate the automatic triglyceride and cholesteral benefit of not eating pork or beef.
I've really noticed how I now have days I eat very little and days I eat way too much.  It seems to be physical, maybe related to my hormones.  Its good because now I know that when I get on an eating rampage, I won't get stuck.  This is totally new for me.  I finally have a lot of physical evidence that I am not controlled by food.  Praise God!!

Some wahoo moments;

   being able to sit in a rattan chair; I fit and it didn't crumple!
   fitting comfortably in our bathtub:  oh, I LOVE hot candle baths with music!
   buying bras from a store not a catalogue
   fitting in my parents' kitchen table chairs
   being able to sit cross-legged on my recliner
   doing stretches correctly before swimming:  I am amazed at my new flexibility!
   having members of my church family just stare at me and say, "Your face looks so skinny!  You look like you're in high school."
   running away from our daughter and the suprised look on her face
   eagerly anticipating the weather break so I can ride my bicycle (and shopping for a handlebar basket for my bike)
   being completely satisfied with one bite of my husband's chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream

3 January 2008

Jan 03, 2008

Welcome to the new year!  
I am down 69 pounds today.  I had as a mental goal to be down 75 pounds by Christmas, but I didn't do the work consistently to get there.  I'll take 69, of course, but I'm definitely increasing my exercise throughout the week.  I want to add more intense cardio and strength training.
I've lost another four inches from my waist since I last measured.  Wow!  The inches and pounds are melting off.
I started, then stopped, measuring my food.  I need to get back to consistent measuring.  It really is a must for me.  Plus I need to have a more clear understanding of my protein intake.
The nausea is so much more infrequent now.  I am very glad.  I just do not do well with nausea.  I am consciously working on slowing my eating, too, again, but that is difficult with Lizzie around.  A half hour is an eternity to her and she is naturally constantly moving.
Things I can do now that I couldn't do well before surgery;
    sit comfortably in a movie theater seat
   move and bend easily to clean our bathtubs well 
   wear clothing instead of feeling stuffed into clothing
   walk our dogs
   walk our dogs a decent distance for their exercise needs
   swim one mile
   wear the back passenger seatbelt in our friend's Jeep
   step on the scale

30 November 2007

Nov 29, 2007

Things are improving.  Although I should be lapswimming right now..I needed some childfree time to get some thinking done.  I have resumed counselling sessions for accountability and guidance.  I have (until today) gone to lapswim three days a week for the last three weeks.  After talking with Kelli last night (Thanks for calling, Kelli!!) I am once again measuring my food - which is a must for me.

I have found that I am not ready to eat beef or pork yet.  I also have a strong suspicion that artificial sweetners negatively affect me now; gas, rumbling, diarrhea, discomfort.  However, I have recently developed a desire for caffeinefree Diet Coke - lots of ice and some waiting time between pouring and drinking.  It seems to be my "forbidden" treat.  The artificial sweetner symptoms are milder than with Crystal Light, etc.  so I guess its an acceptable deviance for now.

I have FINALLY become LESS than 300 pounds!!  This morning I weighed 298!  Minus 60 pounds is my first big goal.  That will be at 291.  Getting below 300 was my first milestone!!!!  Now I'm more a right guard than a center lineman.  Woohoo!  God is very good!!

I think I'll swim this afternoon.  I am physically and mentally missing it.  Lizzie can go into childcare while I work out, then she and I can have a little swim together.  She will love that.

Lizzie is a fish and chicken person like me.  She likes a hamburger two or three times a week if she can get it and maybe a hotdog or two.  But mostly, she is the white meat kind of person.  Brad is strictly beef.  He's the wrench in trying to get us all to eat at the same time, much less eat the same food.  He could be an occassional vegetarian, but he won't eat beans.  I don't really enjoy cooking and his....restrictions make it even less enjoyable.

Brad and I have created a new routine for Lizzie for bedtime and we have had a few nights of uninterrupted sleep!!  I'm sure that has helped my attitude, efforts and willingness to conquer.  I wish that Lizzie could understand how important rest and sleep are for our bodies and minds.

Oh, I lost 3 pounds on Thanksgiving and the day after!!  That's minus 3 pounds after 3 Thanksgiving meals!  I am so impressed.

I'm not sure yet, but I think I have lost ten inches around my waist.  I have called to get my Orientation Meeting measurements from the Bariatric Center.  I also think I have lost at least ten inches from my hips.  I actually think its more, but since I don't have hard data, I'm going to err on the lower side.  I have lost four inches, at least, from my chest and three inches from my breasts.  Man, God is just awesome!!  (My dream is to be a B or C cup, but since I went from training bra to D cup I don't really think that'll happen.)

I get nausea infrequently now.  Slowing my eating, eating smaller bites and -most importantly- eating my-body-friendly-foods have all helped.  I believe the exercise helps use up some of the excess acids, too.  Its still trial-and-error on new foods and some days on food which my body will accept, but mostly nausea is a controlled variable.  Thank you, God:  I needed that.

I've got more to say, but I need to pick Lizzie up from school.  More later.

14 November 2007

Nov 13, 2007

Wow.  I haven't blogged in two months.  It's been a challenging time.
Weeks 3 and 4 were constant nausea.  Who's a BIG nausea baby?  That'd be me.  I can't stand it.  I'd rather have pain to deal with.  Anyway, I didn't eat much and started trying Diet 7-Up to see if it would help.  The carbonation hurt my stomach, but the belching seemed to be comforting.  Zofran was excellent, but I was worried about taking it too often.  Besides, I didn't like the next-morning headache Zofran gave me.
Weeks 5, 6, and 7 were....not what I had hoped they would be.  Innocently, I stopped a several day craving for steak and ended up ill for 36 hours.  I think I'll wait a few more months before I try steak again.  Weakly, I indulged in some chocolate in weeks 5 and 6 as well as Jujyfruits and regular pop; rootbeer and sprite.  As for the pop, I was again trying to settle my stomach and rootbeer has always been my go-to stomach settler.  But then I enjoyed it too much and kept drinking.  I also began not weighing my portions - an absolute no-no for me personally - and just "eyeing" the correct portion.  I stopped entering my food journal entries sometime in week 5, too.  All adding up to very little weight loss and a heck of a beat-up session (on-going) on myself.
Sometime during these three weeks, I almost totally stopped planned exercise.  I now jiggle horrendously.  However, I have purchased a membership to a fitness center with a pool, and I LOVE TO SWIM.  There are also ellipticals and fitness classes when I feel so inclined.  AND the fitness center has childcare!  Since our 4 and 1/2 year old daughter is with me except for preschool, this is crucial to my success.
I have also scheduled an appointment with my counselor to get my mind back on track.  I hadn't been able to me with him for two months prior to surgery (due to his scheduling conflicts) .  And I haven't met with him since surgery....because I didn't schedule an appointment.
Hopefully, things are already beginning to get back on track.  I go to the fitness center this evening.  I meet with my counselor tomorrow.  I finally found my food journal and am logging entries as of today.  I have printed out a schedule for vitamins and supplements.  I'm back to water, tea and sugar-free lemonade, and I realized last night that chocolate honestly doesn't taste good right now.  I've got horses to ride and Disney World rides to experience with our daughter!!

28 September 2007

Sep 28, 2007

I am sixteen days out.  I have had my first real desire for food.  My husband made a beautiful and wonderful smelling taco salad last night.  I was very tempted.  Had to leave the room.  I'm still in phase 1, pureed foods, and his salad had lots of fresh lettuce, tomatoes, green peppers, some onions and Brad's wonderful tasting Mexican meat.  It was so pretty and smelled so good.  Mmmmmm.

I saw Dr. Inman as a work-in yesterday just to check the drainage from my incision.  No biggie; just an internal bruise working its way out.  The drainage is just annoying, but a very minimal thing.

I've switched to mainly soups and yogurt.  I cannot make myself eat the pureed food anymore.  I get my protein and fluids in almost every day, so I'm not concerned.  Its hard for me to eat my meals because I really enjoy drinking water and because I rarely feel that my thirst is quenched.  I'm trying harder because I've noticed that my energy level does seem to be affected somewhat by whether or not I get my meals in.

I was down 20+ pounds at Dr. Inman's office yesterday.  Yeah!  My first big personal goal is 60 pounds.  I'm hoping to reach that by Christmas.  I need to increase my exercise as part of that goal.  It would be great to begin the new year in a new century.  Even now though, I can't believe how much easier it is to walk!

21 September 2007

Sep 21, 2007

I am nine days out from having my duodenal switch surgery.  I cannot fully comprehend the new life I've started yet.  Praise God for His comfort and strength and blessings!

On surgery morning, I felt...electric.  (Tiredly, because I had awoken at 4 AM to travel to the hospital for my 6:30 AM pre-surgery arrival time.)  I didn't even have time to wait with my family.  The hospital staff was ready...not pushy, just available and ready.  I was escorted into a waiting room where I waiting a few minutes, then got to weigh myself. (woohoo.)  From there I was escorted to a pre-op room.  Very comfortable for its purpose.   I was given a not-so-beautiful temporary wardrobe; a thick cotton green gown and white support socks.  I got the OR party hat later.  A nurse from "my" surgery team came to ask some final questions and give me a brief heads-up on the pre-surgery moments left.  She was very nice, like a professional next-door-neighbor.  I believe her name was Mary.

Mary left saying that Dr. Inman and ??oops! the anesthesiologist would be in shortly to speak with me.  My husband, Brad, my Dad and Mom and some friends from church waited and traded jokes and news.  Dr. Inman came in followed by Dr. anesthesiologist and we talked briefly.  Dr. Inman really set the mood when she said, "Its a party in here!" when she entered the room.  Kudos, Dr. Inman.  (This is when Dr. anesthesiologist told us about Dr. Inman's enjoyment of socks.)

The doc.s left and Mary returned.  She said it was time.  My family and friends and I had a prayer.  I got and gave lots of hugs.  Our friends left and I got more hugs.  One more round of hugs with my family and a kiss with Brad and Mary and I were walking the short distance to the OR.  

Mary and I stopped long enough for me to choose a party hat for me for the OR then she masked up and we walked into the surreal OR.  The nurses were all smiling and saying, "Hi!  I'm ....."  So I said, "Hi!  I'll be your patient this morning."  Mary slyly untied my gown.  I laid on the OR table, and the last thing that I saw was Mary's arm bringing a mask to my face and heard Dr. anesthesiologist (rather nice) voice telling me to......do something.  Dreamland.........

Awaking in my bariatric unit room was.... not fun.  I'm glad I didn't know about the challenge it would be beforehand.  So I'm just going to say to breathe through your nose and walk as much and as often as you can those first two days post-op.  Be honest with your nurses and techs and stay on top of your pain.  This is NOT the time to be brave about pain when med.s will help your body relax and heal.

Day two and three post-op were each incredibly better than the previous day.  God and I talked A LOT while I was in the hospital and I was glad to be able to praise Him for the improvement I was feeling.  I'm telling you, the nurses and techs were angels.  I hope you can rely on yours as much as I could mine.

I went home on day four post-op.  All I can say is....transition.  I left the world of nurses and techs taking my vitals and blood sugars and giving me med.s and suddenly I had to do it.  I missed the dietary ladies the most I think.  Now I had to make my shakes and fix my pureed meals.  Too much thinking when I just wanted to walk and sleep and drink.

Day five post-op was my birthday.  I didn't care.  I wasn't morose.  I just didn't have a lot of energy and was still strugglling to get the routines all down.  My parents visited and brought me a card and present.  It was good to have them visit for a short while.

Apparently, I am one of the ones who have become at least temporarily lactose-intolerant post surgery.  Day five was clear liquids to settle my body down again.  Day six and after are now soy-based.  I am doing well.  Very well.

I have found a routine to get in all my med.s and protein and bare minimum fluids for each day.  I think that should be stressed more.  I thought I would come home and find the routines by my second day home.  NOT!  Its a learning process.  I'm feeling well now and have to work on getting all my meals in.  I'm not there yet.

Today I walked with my husband and daughter down our little drive and two houses down and back.  The triathilon is tomorrow.

Some things I've done recently that I haven't done in a long time;
comfortably crossed my legs to put on my socks
completed personal hygeine tasks comfortably
walked a short distance without breathing hard

About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 02, 2006
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 7
16 June 2008
13 February 2008
3 January 2008
30 November 2007
14 November 2007
28 September 2007
21 September 2007
