Scariest thing I have ever been through

Jan 24, 2012

A while back I had posted about having issues throwing up and was waiting on the Endoscope to be scheduled. Well before it could be done Mother Nature decided she was going to have a say.
I woke up Christmas Eve morning throwing up blood, so much that I passed out 2 times before getting to the hospital!
The great doc found a "huge ulcer" that was bleeding and did the cauterization on it and kept me for 4 days to be sure I was good. Well less than 12 hours after being discharged I was back in the ER throwing up more blood. This time they sent me to another hospital, for all you NC peeps, it was Rex Hospital in Raleigh where my Bariatric Doc was. They couldn't figure out why I was throwing up the blood as the ulcer was fine looking after the procedure.
 I was losing so much blood they had to do transfusions of blood, a total of 15 units over 2 weeks. On New Years Day I was throwing it up again, they did yet another Endo and saw a stomach full of blood. Then I started to throw it up all over everyone while I was under sedation. This prompted them to get me over to Angio to find out where the blood was coming from. They found an Artery that was just flowing blood into my stomach.
Luckily the Docs there are awesome and they got me fixed up just fine. But talk about scary as hell! I almost died because of a little artery that had decided it was weak or something.
Now to make matters worse, a little over a week after being discharged on 01/06 my Dad passed away from a stroke.
Can 2012 please stop being a pain in the rear now?????

Funny Aint it

Nov 26, 2010

so I have been getting alot of people telling me I am getting too skinny. I looked at the BMI calculator the other day and it said for me to be in the normal range I need to be around 150...are they nuts?!?!? Right now I am at 235 and starting to think I look too thin. I know that I am not going to be able to stop the weight loss from happening but now I am scared that I am going to end up looking sick and anorexic or something. 

So Close

Mar 20, 2010

so the husband and I have gotten our surgery dates. He will be on April 14 and I will be on April 21. Can you say nervous?!?!?!?!
We are excited and somewhat terrified at the same time. I cant believe that we are this close to being able to get control of our lives again. I cant wait for the day we both roll out of bed and realize that our backs dont hurt, our legs feel fine and our ankles didnt crack in protest!
So many millions of thoughts going thru my head that I dont have any idea where to start or stop. Nothing on earth can prepare you for the "feelings" you have before surgery I suppose. But MAN what a roller coaster ride!!!
1 comment


Feb 05, 2010

so much has gone on this past week, 2 deaths in the family, the hubby having a surgery, still not working because of the accident, enough to drive someone crazy!
Tonight I was sitting here thinking that we have made a good choice in opting to get WLS, I just hope that we have what it takes to make it.
We both love our food, I wouldn't say we are addicted but if you give us the choice between a Lean Cuisine or Grandma's Sunday fried chicken we are going for the chicken.
We have also tried 2 times in the last year to stop smoking, this time we were gung-ho, got the nicotine gum and all, then BAM!!!! the world wants to go crazy again. It was going so good, I sure hope we can get back to that point. Our appts for the labs and etc for Dr Moran are next week and then they say things will move pretty fast (never fast enough I am sure) so  I know we have to get a handle on this.


Starting the Journey

Jan 22, 2010

Yesterday the hubby and I had our initial consult visit with ALA Surgery. Nervous about what the future holds but am sure it will all be worth it. To wake up and not have the pain and aches that we have dealt with for years will be amazing!

About Me
Graham, NC
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2009
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