1 Year and 7 Months since LapBand sx

Dec 07, 2010

I am so excited that my goal weight is closer than I can't imagine. I weighed 235lbs!!! I have so much energy. My menstruation is so much better. My new hobby is kickboxing workout at CKO. I can't believe the results. I go 3-4 days a week. Everyone is seeing the change, I just have to see it to. I can't deny that when I see myself in the mirror that I see the new me. It's hard you know. But I'm working on that. It's hard. I can say that I have become a bit more confident and that my persona has changed erratically. My relationship with my partner is much different now. Eating habbit are very minimal. I have my protein shakes. Hair loss. I am so happy that finally I got a chance to change my life.

1 year 3 months

Aug 30, 2010

Wow. My 1 year anniversary and 3 additional months and I have lost over 80lbs. In the course of time I have lost a lot of hair. :-(.   I had to switch to a more potent protein powder. I have much more energy. Joined a kick boxing class, which has worked wonders. I think that without this regiment I would have never exceeded the amount of weight loss that I have lost. My mind is not quite yet there with the huge drastic change. Sometimes I see myself the same as 15 months ago. But when I went out this Saturday to buy a shirt and can you believe that I bought my 1st XL shirt (away from plus size section)!!!!!! I'm sooooo excited. I'm more outgoing. I feel sooooo much happier and have not gotten into one of my depressive moods since 6 months ago. Hope everyone is having this amazing result. Life is too short to sit at home and wallow in sorrow. I wish that I could stop time and go back and have this done, but better late than never. I thank God for giving me this opportunity. I thank God for blessing me with wonderful people in my life to push me in getting better and motivating me. I say that it would not have been possible without them.

5 months since my last blog

Jan 08, 2010

Wow.... it's been a long time since my last blog. A lot's been going on. Emotional roller coaster. Its winter and it's getting a little harder to keep a balance of exercise and eating habits. I'm on my 5th adjustment given on 12/08/09. I lost a couple of pounds but not that much. Now just started a goal for the new year to jog with my girls 5 miles straight!!! I love these girls they are so good to me and they motivate me. I don't know what I would do without them. I currently 288 lbs!!! Yeay. I hope all of you guys are doing good!!!

Going to 3 months

Aug 03, 2009

3 more days and I am going into 3 months. I think I'm doing okay. I'm 30lb lighter. I'm still having period problems though I'm in my 3rd week with my menstral. Yuck!!! My body is a mess. I feel energized but yet my body hurts. One day I am hungrier than next day I am not hungry at all. I still have a lot of self esteem to build up. I just hate to sit and think about how pathetic I feel especially now that its summer time and all you see is skinny b*@!*! all around me prancing their skinny bodies. I try not to think about it. My clothes are looser. It's just hard cause everyone is inviting me to water parks and beaches and guess what I refuse to wear???? Yup a freakin bikini!!!! I hope this ordeal gets better.

Month 2

Jul 07, 2009

I lost 29 pounds!!! Everyone is noticing a change in me at work. I am soo excited. It is getting harder by the time with food cravings. My motivation is me losing the weight and I can feel the change.....if that makes sense. I'm going for my next adjustment next week. I am dreading the procedure because I know that it will be another challenge to endure. I still have problems eating slow. I do get anxious and BOY do I regret when I eat too fast. I get this weird pain in my chest and I feel like the food is stuck. I wonder if anyone experiences this..... Otherwise I get this burst of energy that my hubby just gets annoyed... due to that he believes I get women ADHD. LOL

1 months and a half

Jun 29, 2009

Wow my energy level has climbed up... I am getting more confident in leaving my sanctuary (my apartment), which I never wanted to leave. Everyone around me are noticing a change in my personality and weight, and believe me those comments are healing my self-esteem. Sometimes though I get my ups and downs which is perfectly normal, and I get anxious. I want to loose this weight fast... but I have to keep reminding myself that it took a long time for me to get overweight. Sometime I get mad at the world and myself, I admit. Most times I have these weird mood swings so I just take a break or I go out for a walk. It's hard but we will prevail. This journey will get harder but if conquer it we will succeed.

1 month after surgery

Jun 08, 2009

1 month and going strong. Lately I've been a little hungrier... but trying to stick through the diet. My first adjustment is in 3 days. I have lost 20 pounds and I am so happy. I have not been so happy.. My self esteem is slowing rising. I am getting out of the house more. Wooohooo!! I hope everyone out there is okay..Please don't give up! Follow through your diet, believe it will be worth it!! We have to make it guys!!


1 week after surgery

May 13, 2009

Today one week after my surgery I can't wait to heal, so I can go exercises. My friends and family have seen a change in my weight, which is motivating me in eating exactly what is expected from me. I an starting the puree died today after 7 days of liquid diet which I just did.
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About Me
Surgery Date
May 13, 2009
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