7 weeks out

Apr 24, 2007

I have now lost 36 lbs.  Thing are going a lot slower now, but that is OK. I know in time all of the extra will go away.  I am still walking 30 - 45 minutes a day and staying very active.  People are really starting to notice now.  I had someone stop in the middle of our street the other day just to tell me how good I am looking.  That was a real booster because I still can not see the weight loss.  Yes I feel it in my clothes, but I can not see it in the mirror.  I do NOT miss eating big meals, but I do get hungry.  I NEVER forget to eat.  I can tell either when it's time to have a protein shake or time to eat by the growling in my belly.  I don't take any extra snacks to work so the temptation is not there.  Don't get me wrong, we ALWAYS have junk food in our kitchen that people bring in, but that is not even a temptation for me anymore. I don't want the sugar. I want cheese or meat.  I wish they would bring in meatballs and not cakes. 

5 Weeks out

Apr 11, 2007

OK.. At 5 weeks out, I now have lost 32 lbs and I guess I feel OK.  I have my moody days though.  I haven't had any problems with the surgery at all.  Thank God I can now eat normal food.  I am so sick of Tuna Fish, shrimp and eggs!  Walking around my block has gotten much easier now and I am even thinking of adding some ankle weights to make it tougher.  Food....  I still want the bad stuff, but I always remember... Protein First.  Chicken is still hard for me to get down. It gets stuck in the middle of my chest and that IS NOT a good feeling.

About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 23, 2006
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7 weeks out
5 Weeks out
