50 Pounds GONE!

Sep 01, 2009

OMG! I can’t believe it! I am in the 170’s again!!! I have lost 50 lbs in 18 weeks! I’ve not lost as much as most of the people that had surgery on the same day I did, but I have to remind myself that I started at a lower point than most. I would see how much someone lost and I’d be like “How come I haven’t lost that much?” And my husband or doctor would say “Well, you didn’t have as much to lose, so the weight will come off slower.” It makes sense….but it’s still hard to see everyone else up in the 60-80 lbs lost when I’m just at 50. Wow-that sounds terrible, doesn’t it? I know, just a hang-up I have to get over. I am happy that I’ve lost any weight at all!  

I took a whole pile of pants that were too big for me to the 2nd hand store-that was fun!! I actually started trying on some pants in my “size 14” pile (I have piles of 16, 14, & 12) thinking that they wouldn’t fit, but about ½ of the pile fit!! Just goes to show that you have to try things on because one company's 14 is not the same as another. If I ever get down to the 12 pile I will freak!  

A big WOW moment came for me today at about 8:15 this morning. I was walking into work in the parking lot and I saw one of my co-workers drives up, so I stopped and helped her in the building with her things. She told me that when she first saw me, she didn’t know who I was from behind because I had lost soo much weight. She thought I was one of the public trying to get into the “employee” entrance!! That was the sweetest thing she could have said!  

Now, what’s my biggest concern so far? EXERCISE!!! Or the lack of it. I am not getting out and walking like I should be. I KNOW this!! The one thing I thought this surgery might help with is my migraines. The Dr’s think that when my weight is down, the frequency and severity will go down, but while I’m losing the weight, my migraines have actually gotten worse! The Dr said that’s because my body is undergoing the “trauma” of losing all this weight. What does that mean? It means that I get bad headaches/migraines almost every day! If not, every other. It’s a fight to get through work, and then when I get home I just want to take my meds and rest. Which means no walk. And then my meds make me even more tired than I was already. So it’s a vicious circle!! And I know it’s just an excuse, but I HAVE been busy! I have a full-time and two part-time jobs, then 2 pre-teen girls----it seems like some nights I don’t get home for the day until 9:30-10:00 which is my bedtime!!   I know, I know, it’s terrible and I’ve got to find a way to fit this into my day. I’m pretty sure that if I was getting regular exercise I would be losing even more weight-faster!! Okay, enough moaning and groaning today – tonight I go the American Idol’s LIVE concert in Minneapolis!  I’m so excited!!!

Keep the faith Everyone!   ~Marion

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About Me
Hammond, WI
Surgery Date
Mar 11, 2009
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