2 Year Dr Visit

Jun 30, 2011

I finally made it to my 2 year Dr visit.  Pretty much the same as usual.  I'm doing great, my labs were all wonderful except for my B1 is getting a bit low so now I have to take an extra B complex vitamin (on top of my multivitamin, viactiv & b12). 

I had just finished a 5 day pouch test and even though I didn't lose any weight I thought that might be because I am getting more exercise lately???  Hope so.  But Dr Kelly & I discussed that now that I've lost the weight, I am going to have to go back to acting/eating like a "normal" person - Watching what I eat and making sure to exercise.  For the 1st couple of years if just seems to melt away and you don't even have to think about it, it just happens.

Well, now that I'm in "maintenance" I have to be a little more careful.  But he said he thought I'm looking fantastic (can't ever get tired of hearing THAT!) and that his patients that start out at my weight usually only end up at about 172....so my being 145-147 is great!  He said that my BMI is "normal" and that 90% of his patients get to a lower BMI, but rarely to a "normal" BMI - so that's good news.

Even though I didn't loose any weight with the 5 dpt, I do feel like it helped get me back to the basics.  I realized just how many carbs I was eating and I really cut down on that.  And my grazing.  Now, if I can just stay right where I am I will be fine!!!

5 Day Pouch Test

Jun 21, 2011

I'm a week out from my 2 year post-up appt with Dr. Kelly and I'm on day 1 of the 5 day pouch test.  I feel like I need a little boost!  Help get me out of some of my bad habits I've been picking up.  I've been eating way too many carbs.  Still not eating ANY sugar, but I'm grazing too much on wheat thins & such throughout the day.  I need to get back to the basics - protein, protein, protein! 

It's not going too bad yet, but then again it's only 10:45 am!  I'm thinking I will be pretty hungry by about 2pm! 

Vacation of a Lifetime!

Mar 29, 2011

Hey everybody!  Just got back from 9 days of vacation and I am TIRED!!  But I had soo much fun!  My husband & I took our girls (ages 12 & 13) on a cruise along with his parents.  We flew from Wisconsin to Ft. Lauderdale, FL; then we got on the Carnival Freedom and sailed to Key West, FL, then Grand Cayman, then Ocho Rios, Jamaica, and then back to Ft. Lauderdale.  It is truly a vacation we will remember forever.  And thanks to WLS, I had more fun that I could imagine!

The most challenging part of the vacation was eating.  I don't usually eat bread or drink much pop, but I probably had more bread & pop this past week than I've had in months.  It was tough because I had a really hard time getting in my proteins like usually do.  But I made it with no problems and I had only gained about 2 lbs when I hopped on the scale when we got home.  Not bad at all!  I tried drinking (booze) a few times, but it always made me sick, so I just got to the point where I stuck to pop.

It was so much fun dressing up at night and I did not feel self-conscious at all running around in a swimming suit or a  sundress!!  You still won't catch me in a bikini - but that's ok!  It was just so nice going to the different shops and seeing all the cute sundresses & clothes and knowing that I COULD wear them if I wanted to!  It is still hard to get used to.

I'll post some pictures from the cruise later tonight.

~ Marion

Thanks a lot Mom!

Feb 14, 2011

Hey all!  Things have been going pretty well.  I'm maintaining my loss.  Up and down the same 5-7 lbs. 

We had a wedding reception to go to Saturday night - which we did and had fun.  I wore a pair of nice black pants & a black jacket with a bright green shirt.  The wedding party had a photo booth set up and you could go get pictures taken and it would print out a copy for you and copy for the Bride & Groom.  They had silly hats & props you could use if you wanted - the kids really enjoyed it.  Before we left I talked my husband into going in just the two of us and I thought we took some cute photos.  Of course I'm kind of angled to the side (which is not my best angle) but you know, you can't look great (ie perfect) in EVERY picture, so I didn't think it was that big of a deal.

Then yesterday at a family function I showed my little, petite (125 lbs) mother the photos and she gets this look on her face (like she's looking at something graphic) and tells me "I wouldn't show these to anybody - you look big."  Thanks.  Thanks a lot, Mom.  You know, it might not be the slimmest picture I've ever taken, but I show you the photos, HELLO, I'm standing right there, you can see I'm not FAT!!!!  Really!  I could not believe she would say that. 

She's never had to worry about weight in her ENTIRE life, and now that I'm wearing the same size (in some things) as she is - I swear she's getting all jealous or something!  She might say she's happy about it - but then she'll make a comment like that.

My husband & my kids were mad when I got home and told them - they couldn't believe she'd said that.  But I was just like "Well, that's the atmosphere I grew up in."  I try to be soo supportive of my kids, no matter what.  I tell them I want them to eat healthy so that they will form good habits and not have to go through what I have.

Okay - enough venting - have a great February everyone!! 

~ Marion

18 month check-up

Dec 19, 2010

I had my 18 month appt w/the nutritionist on Friday.  Everything is the same.  No more weight loss - holding steady.  She said I've lost 94% of my excess body weight!!  Wow!  Then she stated that the norm is about 65%, so she asked me why I thought I'd lost 94%....I was like "um, good question!"  It's not because I exercise (because I hadn't up until last week), but it's probably because I am still very careful about what I eat and how much I eat.

I never really upped my portion sizes too much.  I didn't want to stretch my pouch out!  When I dish things up ahead of time I only scoop out 1/4 cup.  I'm sure when I don't have my measuring cup it's a little more, but I don't want to eat bigger portions.  If that can satisfy me - GREAT!

The other thing I am SUPER careful about is sugar, sugar, sugar!  The one rule I NEVER break is not eating anything that has more than 9 grams of sugar in it.  EVER!  I don't really know if I'd dump from too much sugar, because I've never tried it.  But I just ASSUME I will because I don't want to know.  What if I COULD eat sugar again?  Do I want to go back there?  Do I want to even be tempted to eat cookies, and ice cream again?  No.

Now I just have to not focus on the scale so much.  I've started working out now, so I know the scale is going to creep back up a little bit as I gain muscle weight.  I just have pay attention to how my pants feel.  As long as I can still fit into them, then I am safe!

Hope everyone has a great holiday!  ~ Marion

Where is it going?

Dec 13, 2010

Where is it going?  I have no idea!  I had to go shopping again because my new size 8 pants are too big.  I couldn't tuck in my shirt because the waistband was too baggy & it didn't have belt loops, so I couldn't even put on a belt.  Not that I am complaining!  So I went shopping last Friday and bought a couple pairs of pants - all size 6!!  I still can't believe it.  I look at the tags and I'm like "Damn!  I never thought I'd see that again!" 

Now the big question is - where is this weight going?  Because - I still haven't lost any more weight.  So it must just be shifting....wonder where it's shifting TO?  Will I wake up one morning and have a huge ass?  (pardon my french!)  j/k  Really weird.

I would like to hit 100 lb loss, so I have 10 more lbs to go....don't know if I'll make it, as I've pretty much stayed the same for 5 months now.   BUT I have started exercising again!!  Yeah!  Boy, can I feel it!  I did a kettle bell workout last Thursday night (& not even a long workout) and I could hardly move all weekend long I was soo sore!    But, it's a good kind of sore, one where you know you've actually done something!  It's just a matter of getting up and doing it!  Making the time & taking the effort.  I've come to far (from a size 20 to a size 6 in 18 months!) and I don't ever want to go back!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!


17 months and counting

Oct 26, 2010

Well, shopping continues to be a pleasant surprise for me. As I have not lost any weight in the past 3-4 months, I figured all would be status quo when I went shopping for clothes last night. But it wasn’t!! I needed some more dress pants for work as my new position will not let me wear jeans every day (total bummer) and not one pair of the size 10’s would fit!! Not ONE! Every pair I bought last night was an 8!! I couldn’t believe it! A couple of the sweaters I bought were  MEDIUMS!! I haven’t been in a medium shirt since high school! Some shirts still need to be large, but even buying a couple mediums just made my day! That totally made my week last night. It’s funny how something so seemingly small can make your day. Ever since losing the weight I look forward not only to shopping for clothes but just wearing clothes – like haven’t in a LONG time! When you are overweight you dress to blend in. The last thing you want to do is attract attention to yourself. Now I have fun wearing cute/stylish clothes. I haven’t had this much fun dressing since college! I do get a kick out of when my husband does the laundry and he gets my clothes mixed up with my 13 year old daughters’ – he says he can’t tell the difference in size!!  Halloween is coming up and in our family that is HUGE! My brother-in-law’s birthday is on Halloween and we all dress up and go out.   In the past this has not been soo fun as it is REALLY hard to find good costumes for overweight people. Most of those costumes just tend to make you look even larger than you are.  But now I can go in and wear just about anything in the store!  Now I just need to get on the ball with exercising…I know I need to do it and I just need to MAKE the time! It’s not so much as I need to lose more weight (though another 5-10 lbs would be nice) but it’s more just toning up what I have. When a person reaches a certain age…..well, we all know about getting our “chicken wings!”   I did not end up with as much extra skin as some, but I still need to “firm up”. Plastics for me is a pipe dream for me – it will never happen, so I’d best just try to improve on what I have! Now that I’m more in “maintenance” mode, I can tell you that I am scared to death! I am so totally scared of gaining back any of the weight. I am so happy with the way I am now, and it has been such a journey - very tough at times - that I do not want screw it up like I have in the past. I wasn’t always fat. I went through high school & college at 125 lbs – so I’m just afraid of gaining the weight back. I know that exercising REGULARLY and not just sporadically like I have been will help me in that. I cannot stress enough how this surgery has changed my life for the better and the only thing that I regret is that I didn’t do it sooner! I feel like I lost so many years of my life, because I wasn’t really “living” them, I was just “surviving” them. 

Hang in there everybody!!  It's worth it in the end!  ~ Marion
1 comment

I almost passed out!

Sep 07, 2010

Something very strange happened this weekend. I had a concert to go to with my husband in Minneapolis. We got all dressed up and drove over there and arrived at Epic Nightclub at about 8:30pm. I was feeling great and having a good time. Since it was in a nightclub, we had to stand and I was in 3 inch heels, but my feet didn’t bother me at all. I was drinking Diet Coke....or so I thought.  I was getting a migraine (which isn’t unusual for me) so I took one pain pill – sometimes I take 2 at a time if they’re really bad, so I didn’t think anything of it. The pill is not big, but it kind of felt like it was stuck in my throat so I tried to take a couple of good swigs of pop. Then about 5 minutes later, I started feeling really weird – kind of like I had the wind knocked out of me. I must have looked a bit off because my husband asked me what was wrong and people in the crowd were giving me weird looks. I quickly exited to the side of the dance floor and held on to a column just as I thought I was going to pass out! Looking around there are NO chairs ANYWHERE!! So I broke fire code and sat on the stairs leading to the VIP rooms. It was awful! I felt like I was going to throw up in the garbage can next to me. I was hot and sweaty and just felt terrible. But unlike the last time this happened, my stomach did not hurt at all – it was just a feeling of lightheadedness.   A security guard came to ask me if I was ok and I could barely manage to talk at all and I just told him I wasn’t moving – he left me alone – they all probably thought I was drunk – and I was totally SOBER! With help from my husband I made my way into the bathroom, where the stalls are blessedly private with their own full doors. I thought I was going to throw-up, but then after sitting for a few minutes I felt better – weird. I joined my husband again, only to have the feeling come back! One minute I feel fine, and the next minute I’m hot and clammy and feel like I’m going to take a nose-dive for the floor! So we ended up leaving the concert early because I just couldn’t take standing there anymore!! I was so totally bummed!! And I still don’t know WHY it happened!! Was the medication? But I have taken it before with no problems. Was it the pop? Did they give me regular Coke and it was just too much sugar? Who knows! All I know is I hope that NEVER happens to me again! 

~ Marion

Made it to my 2nd goal!!

Jul 31, 2010

YEAH!  I can't believe it!  I FINALLY made it to the 2nd goal I set for myself!  Seriously, I thought I'd never get here.  It took 3 1/2 months to lose those last 3 lbs!  Really, I had given up that I was ever going to get there.  So things have just been status quo and then when I hopped on the scale this morning (like i do EVERY morning) there is was - 135!  At first I didn't believe what it was saying.  Then I was like "Yeah!!"  It's about freakin time!! 

So I'm all excited and I tell my husband and you know what he says?   "You've got to stop losing weight now."  WHAT?  HELLO?  I weigh 135, not 105!!  All through high school I weighed 120-125, so I do not think that after 20 years and 2 kids that 135 is all that bad.  And it's not like I was starving myself to lose more weight.....it just happened.  So, I was a bit miffed at his comment, but it does not make me any less excited!!

So 14 months post-op with a total loss of 90 lbs!  YEAH!  Not too damn bad!



20 Year Class Reunion

Jul 20, 2010

Hey everyone! Hope things have been going well for all of you! Things have been good. 

On the weight front, I am still at the same weight I have been for about 4 months now, so I am thinking it is not a plateau, but that I have made it to where my body wants to stay. Which is fine, as long as I don’t gain any of it back! I hit the scale every morning as soon as I wake up and I fluctuate from day-to-day by about 3-4 lbs. Up and down, up and down. But as long as I don’t gain more than that, I don’t worry, because I know in a day or two I’ll be back to where I was.
  I had a pretty big even the other weekend. Saturday, July 10th, 2010, was my 20 year high school reunion! It was soo much fun! I am soo glad I went! It was not as big a deal as some would think, because I hadn’t seen a lot of those people in 10-20 years, so they never saw me fat. I was thin back in high school, so I’m sure they just thought I was lucky enough to not gain more than 20 lbs since high school! Little did they know! Only a few of my good friends that I’ve kept in regular contact with are aware of the giant loss I’ve had.   But it was still so much fun! I went out and bought a new dress and a new pair of shoes and I was getting complimented left and right that night! It was definitely a good night for the ‘ole ego – and I think everyone deserves and NEEDS that once in a while! It was just really nice not being self-conscious about how big I was. I will post some pictures from that night for you to check out!   On a different front, I just received a new position at work. I’m transferring from the Sheriff’s Office to the IT Department. Talk about nerve-wracking! All of the interviews and etc have taken months!   My 13-year old daughter had a b-day party this past Saturday and we had a house full of girls. They were all swimming, so I was out watching them in the yard. I wanted to get some sun, and I WAS in my own yard, so I put on a bikini I had bought on a whim! I would NEVER wear it out in public (my stomach will never look that good) but it was kind of refreshing to wear it. My 11 year-old daughter even told me I looked good and said I had the coolest swimsuit at the party (it is black & white leopard print). Now THAT is a picture I would NEVER post! Lol   Oh well, life goes on. I do notice that I’m starting to graze more than I feel I should, so I am trying to keep a closer track on how much I eat. Portioning things out helps, it’s so easy to overeat when you are eating out of a box/bag. I want to make sure, after everything I’ve been through, that I don’t gain my weight back! That is truly my biggest fear at this point.   ~ Marion

About Me
Hammond, WI
Surgery Date
Mar 11, 2009
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