17 Weeks out

Sep 24, 2009

Wow-17 weeks already!  Seems to have flown by.  I swear it feels like I just had surgery last month not 4 months ago!  I have lost a total of 54 pounds so far.  Which is good, I know, but I'm still a good 21-36 llbs from where I'd like to end up.  My general doctor said that if I don't lose another pound and if I can keep the weight off, then he considers it the a success.  Me on the other hand-I am HAPPY where I am now, but I'd really like to get to goal.  My goal is a loss of at least 75 lbs.  I'd really like a loss of more like 85-90 lbs.  And I don't see why that should be so remarkable.  I see the "before & after" photos of people on this site all the time and they started out the same or higher then me and ended up where I want to be or even lower.  So I'm hoping I will make it too. 

I didn't lose (or gain) anything last week (I think it was that time of the month-I had a hysterectomy so I'm guessing) but it still gets me down.  What if I'm not going to lose any more?  I know it's silly, but in my mind I'm so amazed I made it this far, I can't see myself getting any smaller.  I would love it if I would....but it's something I can't even fathom. 

I will say, I do not regret having surgery AT ALL!  I feel so much better all the time.  It's just the little things that get you.  Like when I'm sitting at my desk I used to get terrible back aches after just a couple of hours, now it's the end of the day and I have no back aches!  YEAH!  We went Halloween shopping last night, and my husband wanted me to try on a few of those "sexy" costumes - - I didn't think it would fit - but it did!!!  It was still a size XL, but you know how small those costumes run!  That was fun!  And I really don't mind the food restrictions.  It's worth it to me. 

I do not eat more than 9 grams of sugar in ANYTHING.  I haven't had more than about 7 grams of sugar at once since the surgery.  I haven't had ANYTHING deep fried!  I still haven't had any bread, either.  I know, some people are like, you should try it-it might not bother you.  Or ease it back into your diet.  Why should I?  If I can handle not eating it now, why would I want to risk putting that back into my diet and ending up where I was at before?  So I'm just not touching it. Which is probably why I haven't gotten sick or had any dumping since the surgery.  And I want to keep it that way.  I'll just stay away from sugar and deep fried junk (bread & pop, haven't had that either)!

Okay, enough of my venting.  Have a great weekend everyone!


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About Me
Hammond, WI
Surgery Date
Mar 11, 2009
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