Seminar in Atlanta March 21, 2009

Apr 08, 2009

Today is April 08, 2009 and so much has been happening. First of all, I finally made it to atlanta with D'Arcie. It was a long boring ride so I brought my cross stitch with me. The seminar was great. I fell in love with Dr. Duncan Titus. He was very warm and friendly, very humorous. The seminar lasted only 2 hours. He went over the whole procedure with us. I listened to his every word. 
     Well as soon as I returned, I called my family physician and Dr. Snyder said he would not approve me for the surgery. WHAT THE ?? So, I set out to find me a new doctor. On the last day of the month that one could change doctors in march at the last hour...I got an approval to change to Dr. Dearmas. We set up a new appt for monday April the 6th.
    I went into her office very nervous. As soon as she came through the door she said she couldn't take me on as a patient, that I was a high risk patient, morbidly obese, and had psychiatric problems....duuuhhh
I begged, I pleaded, I told her what all I had done and what I intended to do, I cried, I put my hands together in prayer, I told her what a wonderful doctor she was --anything to get her to say yes. And she said yes on her terms...that no referrals would go out this week that she was too busy. I said I could get my meds refilled under dr. snyders name this time, she said okay.
     Well low in behold I get a call from the cardiologist today--they want me in their office at 9:20 tomorrow morning. I hated to call mom but she is my only ride. Mom has been sick and needs to see the urologist on monday...she shouldn't have waited so long...but she will see them now i guess. so i go for my stress test in the morning and blood work on friday.
     I can't believe the ball is actually rolling. I am very excited to say the least.

Holiday Excitement!!~~~

Nov 28, 2008

Well I am into one of the worst seasons of the year for me as far as eating is concerned. But, one of the most exciting times of the year for me and my inner child.
     I have just put the finishing touches on my now completed Dept 56 North Pole Village. I love adding the snow at the end because it really brings out the houses beauty. I actually ran short of groceries this month to be able to purchase the last four houses that I needed to complete the set (very bi-polar don't you agree?).
     My tree is always hard to decorate because I am obsessive compulsive and I want the decorations put on in a certain 'order' if you will. So, when the kids were with me I let them have their own trees to decorate, and I decorated my own! LOL 
     I am so thankful that my children do know the true meaning of Christmas. My boys have always been very kind and generous to others with their own gift giving; and thankful when receiving.
     Mom and Dad and Zach all caught that nasty bug over Thanksgiving, so we canceled. I was invited to eat at the Golden Corral with my friend Paul and Trish. So, of course I said yes and did I ever get Paul's money's worth!! LOL I am not shy when it comes to a buffet and eating in front of others. 
     I do hope that everyone is having a nice beginning of the Holiday Season. I hope to do some ornaments here in the next two weeks and get them in the mail. I love to cross stitch and I need to get busy on it. Take care everyone, hugs, Pamela

Tuesday Nov. 25, 2008 Dr. Green, Psychiatrist

Nov 26, 2008

I was at gateway all day tuesday. I had to see the doctor and have my counseling session with Jo. I heard what I didn't want to hear. 
     I am not ready mentally for this surgery yet. The doctor wants to do a complete Psych Eval on January 8, 2009 and Jo wants to see me improve my self esteem. 
      Really it is for the best. All the way around, I want what is best for me in having this surgery. I would rather be prepared than unprepared. I am just afraid of gaining anymore weight. So I am going to be careful not to. I am going to try and walk some or do something to move around.
     Darcie, my ex's ex wife...LOL...anyhow, Darcie is going to take me to the seminar whenever I am ready, so we will shoot for the third Saturday in January.  She has always been a blessing to me. 
     Hope everyone is having positive thinking and actions throughout the Holiday Season, hugs, pamela

Nov 15, 2008 thru Nov 24,2008 Made the Decision

Nov 24, 2008

Before I forget what has happened over the course of this week, after making the decision to have Gastric Bypass Surgery, I better write it down. Last Sunday, Nov 15th, 2008, I hit bottom. I tipped the scales at 300lbs and just cried and cried. 
     I got on the computer and messaged my dear friend, Christine, who is a member here at OH. She is going to be my COACH through out this Journey, and I am so glad to have her.
     Monday morning I started calling around to find out who accepts GA medicaid. Well, the closest Dr. I could find was in Atlanta, GA which is 6 hours from here. OH WELL!! I am bound and determined to have this surgery! I chose Dr. Duncan Titus. He is Board Certified and I liked what his patients had to say about him and I liked his rate of practice.
     So, they told me the first step was to attend the seminar in Atlanta on Saturday, Dec 20th from 1pm-3pm. okay, so how do I get there and how do I fund this trip. I call mom and dad. They are skeptical at first but the more I talk about it, the more they are interested in helping me. 
     Luckily, I had a counseling session on that Wednesday the 19th, with Jo Miller. I have been seeing her for several years now. I was able to voice my feelings of being petrified and happy all at the same time. We discussed my feelings of self loathing and how my self image is damaged from years of emotional and physical abuse. I am going to have to work on my self esteem and get it way up there if the doctor is going to approve me for this surgery. 
      Well, they couldn't provide transportation to the Seminar, but YES they will provide transportation to and from the doctor for visits AND for the surgery if necessary! woooo hooo
     So, moving forward that evening I called my youngest son's mum-- my ex remarried right after we divorced and Darcie raised my youngest since he was three---they are going thru a divorce right now and have been separated a year---but we are still great friends. Anyhow, I asked if she would like to take me to Atlanta! 
     She and I had talked about me having this surgery before a couple of years ago. I actually saw a doctor about it. But then medicaid quit approving it or something and also I wasn't ready to give up smoking. Well, I am happy to report that I have 8 months smoke free AND I have a full set of dentures now. Two big pluses!! Darcie is going to let me know soon if she can do this or not. oh i hope i hope i hope
      This has been such a hard week for me emotionally and physically. I am so tired of carrying around all this weight. My joints and muscles just ache and hurt. Emotionally I feel like I am on a roller coaster ride. Thank goodness I see the doctor today Nov 25 and also Jo Miller again. I added some pictures that were taken on a trip with a girlfriend of mine. 
     Yesterday, my stomach just cramped and cramped and I had trouble using the bathroom. It is all nerves. I don't have any left I suppose. At least that is how I feel. This morning I just dread having to leave the apartment. Getting on the van is hard...riding on the van is hard....doing ANYTHING is hard carrying around this much weight. And I really can not imagine losing any with the surgery. I will have to see it to believe it! HA Hugs, Pamela

About Me
Brunswick, GA
Nov 14, 2008
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Holiday Excitement!!~~~
Tuesday Nov. 25, 2008 Dr. Green, Psychiatrist
Nov 15, 2008 thru Nov 24,2008 Made the Decision
