I was a fat child which was related to a serious case of asthma, but lost all the weight before high school.  I also started running at 15 and ran cross-country and rowed crew in college.  After college, I got into running marathons.  I always struggled with my wt and always wanted to loose 10-20lbs.  But, I was healthy and running 15-30miles a week so I could afford to eat.  My mother has hashimoto's which causes the thyroid to stop functioning.  I have these genes, but test at the low normal range when healthy...so I gain weight easily.
     About 3 years ago, I started putting on weight and at first I continued and struggled to keep off and take off this weight .  Then I got serious and logged my food.  I continued to gain weight.  I became convinced something was wrong.  It was something medical, a food allergy, my thyroid, something.  I tried to figure it out on my own, and finally asked for prescription wt loss pills but my doctor talked me out of it.  I also went to someone else and had tons of lab work done, liver blood and thyroid panel.  All normal.
     Then Katrina happened.  I became so ill during the evacuation that I was sleeping or at least lying down 18+ or more hours a day.  I put on about 50lbs in 2 months and began to bleed internally.  Very scary and tramatic.  I was later diagnosed with a non-descript autoimmune disease of the digestive tract that was reeking havoc on my metabolism.  A year and a half after Katrina, I finally decided that surgery was a realistic option and the more I read and the more people I spoke with the more convinced I became that this what I needed to do to take my life back.  I needed to loose weight to go into remission and it was almost impossible to loose the weight with the symptoms of my disease, severe fatigue, hunger, immobile metabolism, pain.
     So my journey back to me can now begin.

About Me
Vallejo, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 03, 2007
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 16
blood test results
slowly but surely
