Hello- I am Ellen, 5'3", 235#s, brown hair, hazel eyes, singer, mayor, mother, grandmother and lots of other things. 
I have had a weight problem for the last 30 years.  In 2002 I had a lap-band surgery, in 2009, it was removed.  I was miserable during and since that time.  Now I have an espophagus and stomach that doesn't work very well.  One does't move the food into my stomach and the other does't move it on into my system. 
I had to work really hard to get my new surgery, I practically camped out on my doctor's door.  I had acid reflux so bad, I wanted to go to the hospital and have them put me to sleep until it was over, that didn't happen.  Acid refluc can also give you a feeling like a heart attack, I was in the hospital over night to find there was nothing wrong, just anxiety.  I had all the test there are, new Dr. said I never should have had the band, always have had this problem, not a new thing.  Well to make a long story short, I went this way for another 3 month, got another appointment with Gasto Dr, said I can't live like this, he said he would do whatever he could to get the surgery done for me.  Here I am just a couple of weeks away from having that done.  Am I excited?  Yes- why because if I am afraid that I will die without the surgery. My husband isn't right there with me on this-he has a band too. but it hasn't worked on him either. he will be there when I need him, he always has been.  I am counting down the days.  I can't wait, I need to start my busy life again.  I will be 58 by the time I have this surgery, my husband 65-we need to start living again!!!

About Me
Sep 20, 2010
Member Since

Friends 2
