Less than a week to go

Mar 28, 2009

I am less than a week away from surgery!!!  I am on my protein supplement diet, and yes, I'll admit it - I AM HUNGRY!!!  I am really hungry.  Oh well, I just keep thinking about my liver shrinking.  I have lost some more weight- I suppose that is one of the effects of 800 calories a day of protein supplement.

I have simply said that I am away from the office for a month.  Most people are assuming that I am taking vacation, which I am finding really annoying for some reason, so I have altered it to say that I am taking a medical leave for April, and am having surgery.  If anyone asks, I simply say it is abdominal surgery and nothing serious.  That has worked so far.

I looked in the mirror this morning, and I could see my bellybutton! That may sound weird, but I haven't been able to see my bellybutton without moving rolls for a long time, so it was quite a victory for me to suddenly realize that hey, that's my bellybutton!  Also, if I flex my abs, things move!!!  I do have ab muscles!

As the date gets closer, I just get more and more excited.  This is going to be the best thing I have ever done for myself. I am heading into a whole new level of health, and a whole new level of caring about myself.  In fact, it has already started, and I think that is why I am becoming more and more confident about the surgery.


I have a date!!!

Mar 22, 2009

Well, I have a date!!  April 2/09.  Yes, not quite 2 weeks.  I am alternating between really excited, and terrified.  I have so much to do before then, but it will all get done - that's what I keep telling myself.  My parents are coming to Detroit with us, and staying until I go home. The dogs are booked in at the kennel. The Wed is Tim's last night class, so he may come down late that night.  I have to go down early for weigh in.  I can't believe it is actually happening at last!!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 14, 2009
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