May 29, 2012

I took a break from Lap Band Fills and Weight Loss for about 2 years in order to get my body in a healthier place.  I had a procedure to fix my esophagus because it was dilated.  That helped me tremendously!  I honestly was sick EVERY day and thought it was ALL my lapband's fault! I also took some medicine to coat my esophagus and it feels great now.   (I cant remember the name! sorry)
I had only gained about 15 pounds in this break until I came down with sever hypothyroidism and good case of MONO!
Then I was sleeping all the time for a couple of months and NOT active at all so I gained another ten pounds.
It is pretty standard for me to gain 15 pounds when I am due for a fill.  When I get to that point I go get one.
I got a fill last week.  Everything went well.   Lap band & Port looked good in the x-ray.  I feel reasonable restriction and no illness.  I bought some Toddler plates that are about the size of your palm exteded out that are sectioned off.  My doctor's office gave me a drawing of the size of plate and portions I should be eating.  It matches a toddler's plate! LOL.  I have been using my little pink plates and feel perfectly full and satisfied. 

I am a more experienced cook now and have found ways to incorporate vegetables into other foods so I can digest the fiber...My favorite is to dice up broccoli, onions & fresh mushrooms...very nice flavor and can mix into other things.  I made this with scrambled eggs and also made them with chicken slow cooked in a crockpot.  Chicken can be tough but if you cook it in liquids, it can be your new friend! I am again staying away from breads & pastas...the big booty foods is what I call them!  After not receiving a fill in two years, I was able to eat ALMOST anything.  The only thing that I dont think I will ever be able to eat is thick pastas such as Lasagna :(, ravioli or stuffed shells...but that's a small price to pay.

After my fill, I lost 4 lbs right away - liquids for a day.....there was a holiday weekend and I had a bit of beer so I haven't lost anymore yet.  But I am excited to shed this extra weight. 
For the first time in 6 years, I have to admit I need to start doing some toning exercises.  Too much illness and inactivity has taken its toll on my body...I HATE to exercise but it looks like its going to be a MUST this time.

I just wanted anyone out there to know to NOT get discouraged with your band and your body.  Sometimes you just need to take a break and let your body heal.

I also had started drinking Green Glowing Smoothies.  Sounds gross but they aren't bad at all.  It seems I have less illness and feel alot better and "cleansed"  I do not drink them to lose weight. I drink them so I can absorb all those many needed nutrients.  I highly recommend visiting Kimberly Snyders website, just google it.  Although with a lap band, some of her ideas can't be grasped. You can do the smoothie and it is very filling and good for you to sip it for breakfast.

One more concern to touch on and share is my port.  Gosh that thing hurts, does yours??  My doc says it probably needs repositioned because it is so close to the top of my skin.  At my thinnest, you could see it under a fitted shirt. yuck!  I am not sure how much that costs but it may be something to look into.  It would be so nice to have more comfort. Mine has ALWAYS kinda hurt and was uncomfortable.  Again, another price to pay to lose 100 pounds or so!

I will update you more later on how things go. 

Take care of yourselves and your bodies!


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